Posted on Jun 16, 2022
A prisoner is still in GITMO after he served his time. Now, he's suing for release
Posted >1 y ago
Responses: 3
Unless they knew he was a wealth of knowledge that could be gleaned, he never should have made it off the battlefield. IMHO.
MAJ Montgomery Granger
Tens of thousands of unlawful combatant Islamists who want to kill us were captured on the battlefield, and only just under 800 were ever taken to Gitmo. Battlefield intake is not a perfect science, so some minor players (along with many super bad guys) were sent to Gitmo in hopes of obtaining valuable information that saved many lives.
Sgt (Join to see)
MAJ Montgomery Granger - We didn't take too many prisoners. Not unless they were an HVT.
I have mixed feelings on this. We're not holding him criminally, he is an unlawful combatant in a war against ... and this is where it starts getting hazy for me. We're no longer in any traditional war with anyone. The war on terror seems to be effectively over, sure there will always be terrorism directed at us but these guys are not involved in any current efforts.
The problem is if we let them out some may try to kill our people, but that can be said of people around the world in and out of Gitmo. Yup we picked these guys up in a battlefield 10+ years ago, but our authority to hold them at this point seems to boil do to might makes right and that answer rarely makes me comfortable.
The problem is if we let them out some may try to kill our people, but that can be said of people around the world in and out of Gitmo. Yup we picked these guys up in a battlefield 10+ years ago, but our authority to hold them at this point seems to boil do to might makes right and that answer rarely makes me comfortable.
SPC Kevin Ford
MAJ Montgomery Granger - My problem is one of principle. Those pesky principles sometimes put us in uncomfortable positions when it comes to them being applied in ways that may put us at a disadvantage, or even worse, at risk.
MAJ Montgomery Granger
I just posted this: US military ground raid in Syria captures top ISIS leader
US defense official said there were no injuries to US military personnel. MY SAY: Sounds like the Global War on Terror is alive and well. Afghanistan much?
US defense official said there were no injuries to US military personnel. MY SAY: Sounds like the Global War on Terror is alive and well. Afghanistan much?
US military ground raid in Syria captures top ISIS leader
The U.S. military conducted a ground raid in northwestern Syria that captured a top ISIS leader, the U.S. military said Wednesday.
MAJ Montgomery Granger
How many Taliban, ISIS and al Qaeda leaders have we released? What is the real recidivism rate of the released 734 Gitmo detainees are there? My principles tell me that to preserve security you must defeat or suppress the enemy.
SPC Kevin Ford
MAJ Montgomery Granger - What enemy? Do these guys belong to Isis the Taliban, Al-Qaeda, all of them, none of them? We've got these guys who at one time attacked us with groups that we fight on and off. We are not holding them as legal prisoners or war. Our best argument is, since they didn't have a lawful status on the battlefield we don't have to act lawfully either. That direction of thinking leads to all kinds of badness.
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