Posted on Jun 19, 2023
WATCH: John Fetterman Swings at Softball Question—And Misses and Misses and Misses
Edited >1 y ago
Posted >1 y ago
Responses: 5
And this is the person they elected to represent them in congress. This is the type of individuals make laws to govern us. Is anyone ok with it? I for one would not want to be active duty military during this time in our country’s history. It’s a shame. I know his story, and I feel sorry for him, but clearly he is unfit to serve in the capacity he’s in.
I post this often. Fetterman displayed poor decision making when he was told years ago he had Atrial Fibrillation. Fetterman was told, when diagnosed with Afib, to start on anticoagulants and have regular follow up with his doctor. Clots form in the atrium of the heart with atrial fibrillation and then dislodge and enter the circulatory system and often lodge in the brain, causing a stroke. This is well known and easily treated with anti coagulants. Fetterman ignored his doctors advice, didn’t start on anticoagulants and wasn’t seen by his doctor for follow up. Fetterman then had a severe stroke AND cardiac arrest. Often times in a stroke brain tissue can be salvaged by use f clot busting drugs. There is redundant circulation in the brain so reestablishing blood flow is critical. Fetterman also had a cardiac arrest worsening the hypoxia in the brain tissue. In many cases the greatest amount of recovery occurs in the first 6 months. A causal review by anyone would reveal this. Fetterman was hospitalized for 5 weeks starting in February due to depression. This is simply abusive. Shame on people more interested in power than Fetterman’s recovery.
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