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Responses: 6
PO2 Lisa Maloney
This guy is an ass. Just because a Veteran didn't died on a battlefield during a time of war doesn't mean that people didn't die serving their country or at work on the job while serving. Those people deserve to be honor also. Jerk is what I would call him, and I wish he'll try to stop me from putting a flag on one of my fallen coasties grave.
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Lt Col Charlie Brown
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SMSgt Lawrence McCarter
Edited >1 y ago
Although this is satire from Duffleblog there isn't anything funny about dishonoring Veteran's who didn't die in combat. All those that served Honorably in the US Armed Forces have earned the right to have the flag of our nation flown by their grave as thanks from that nation for their service. There is NOTHING Patriotic about what He would have been doing but actually showing a dishonor on his own part and disgraceful conduct. I see no humor in this. If in the real world if He had actually done these things and got caught removing anything from a grave He would be arrested or a least charged with an criminal act. One of My relatives, My Mothers' Aunt, who spent 30 years on active duty in the US Navy and served during WWII, Korea and Vietnam did have a flag stolen off Her grave and the thief should be thankful I didn't catch Him, they would not have enjoyed My response !
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