I'm sure that many have already seen this clip, but enough haven't to make posting it again worthwhile. There are two lessons here. The first is for our far FAR Left-wing trolls ...
It really doesn't take a lot of manpower for the US Military to concentrate "fire and brimstone" upon our adversaries. THIS is one of the big reasons why it is so important that we not give everything away to Ukraine. We need to be able to protect ourselves from the real terrorists that are lurking in the alleys. Without the USA in existence there would be little assistance for Ukraine.
The Lefties need to be reminded from time to time just what our military can do when we go "full kinetic". There still isn't anyone who can take us. The Leftist Trolls on RP (you know who you are) should never bet against us. Neither the Russian Republic, Communist China, or the Islamic Republic, can truly stand against us once we decide to remove them from the playing surface.