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Responses: 2
PO1 William "Chip" Nagel
LTC Eugene Chu Love It! Can't say He wasn't warned by One of Trumps Previous lawyers, Some People only Learn the Hard Way!
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MSG Greg Kelly
The country is being ripped apart by Race, Religion and class. We have wide open borders with ISIS members being caught trying to sneak in. Thousands of people a day are coming into this country every day, and no one knows where they are. American kids are being taught being white is bad and trans garbage they pushed drugs to mutilate them. We have the dumbest kids on the planet. We are not energy independent, and this administration is a bag of Dicks are not only weak they seem to be determined to get us in war. And you Never Trumpers or Trump Dysphoria people just never stop. You all need help I think next time you're in counseling you bring this. All of you have your priorities off or are wearing blinders.
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