Posted 2 y ago
Responses: 4
That writer needs to expand his information sources. His whole article is filled with empty political hyperbole, like it was written by a 20 year old staff flunky. Standards go up and down as attracting new recruits get harder and easier. The military deals the forces of supply and demand, just like any other organization. The failure to meet recruiting goals is much more complex than "wokism" and other political talking points.
Don't agree with everything written here, recruiting ebbs and flows through the generations - but yeah -- BLUF - don't lower the standards and remain focused on the mission. There's a lot of seemingly undirected focus right now.
MAJ Montgomery Granger
I agree, CSM. If the focus is not on lethality on the battlefield, we have lost our way. Reminds me of the movie Private Benjamin. Promise a condo and a pool and you'll get Goldie Hawn. Think about who you want walking point in the Big Sand Box. That's who you go after.
CSM Chuck Stafford
MAJ Montgomery Granger - Yep, whatever happened to basic training breaking you down and losing your individuality to become a single focused team
Absolutely. And as a former recruiting squadron commander...I will tell you they flunk out of basic and tech school at a much higher rate...so are they going to lower the standards there too? Want to fly in those planes they fix? Not me.
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