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Responses: 4
MSgt Dale Johnson
Fear can make reasonable people do unreasonable things.
Lt Col Charlie Brown
Lt Col Charlie Brown
2 y
And no one can guarantee safety and it is not worth trading for freedom
MSgt Dale Johnson
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COL Randall C.
Edited 2 y ago
I fully understand the reasoning behind the lockdowns and shutdowns ... at first.

However, the implementation would have been comical if it wasn't so deleterious on people and the economy. You must wear a mask in a restaurant on the way to your table, but you don't have to when you eat; THIS store can stay open, but THAT store can't; Staff at venues need to mask up but attendees don't; Schools closed for an extended period of time when other "non-essential" businesses are allowed to be open; (and the one that REALLY gets me) Churches forced to close but liquor stores are allowed to remain open.

To quote the Chicago Tribune, "What does it say about society when churches are closed but liquor stores are open? What does it say of our priorities when schools are shuttered but golf courses and shooting ranges are open?.*

It's no wonder that people lost faith and it became so politicized - common sense had been beaten into a bloody pulp.

Even when facts were surfacing about the effectiveness of the lockdowns/shutdowns and the impacts it had on the long-term health of society, the "mandate mobsters" refused to adapt. Something that was supposed to be a "temporary measure to bend the curve down so we don't overload our healthcare system" turned into a control power-hungry bureaucrat's dream.

I'm in the camp of people that believe this was going to be a lot of OJT because there are plans, but no real-life lessons we have in place when confronted with a once in a lifetime pandemic. I don't fault people for trying to implement things that weren't proven, but sounded good on paper. However, when those things you tried aren't working - you don't double-down on failure - you adapt, redirect and try something else.

* Good read that sums up a lot of feelings - https://www.chicagotribune.com/suburbs/daily-southtown/opinion/ct-sta-slowik-essential-businesses-st-0 [login to see] 5-p23fiwranjc5tcxecvrzynrcky-story.html
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LTC Marc King
Now is over and Fauci needs to be shown the door …. Sooner rather then later
SMSgt Lawrence McCarter
SMSgt Lawrence McCarter
2 y
The door He should be shown is one to a jail cell, He made plenty of money from the the the products of Pharmacy a the expense of the public with this panic attack and desperation to keep moving these products. To have these interest when You occupy a Government position seems all wrong but then it' seems that's far to common these days. The word is corruption !
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