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Responses: 5
LTC Self Employed
Up here in Canada it's the same thing transgender this and transgender that it's almost like the Joker riddle me this and riddle me that. It's kind of funny how the minority is like the tail wagging the dog. I think it was made worse because President Biden says they're his kids not our kids. I have a transgender stepdaughter but that kids should not be talked to about alternate Lifestyles when they still should be learning reading writing and arithmetic and watching Barney not watching a transgender person read them children stories
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1SG Signal Support Systems Specialist
We need a priest bathroom bill. I am more concerned about priests in bathrooms with children than trans folks. I guess every few years these bills/laws will just be overturned/reversed based on which party is in office or has control to change them.
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MSgt Rafael Cortes
It’s weird how people want to push their weight around just to get the vote on that group. I am all for showing compassion and real love for everyone but also I am a realistic and logical person at heart and we need to not rush into things so blindly and bully things through. Especially when it come to young and very impressionable minds that are constantly changing as they grow. Know one really knows who they are when they are young heck most adults don’t know until later in life but we mostly get there with time and a lot of trial and error
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