Posted on May 17, 2022
Extremely Online: Data privacy after Roe v. Wade
Posted >1 y ago
Responses: 3
Personally, I think there should be State and/or Federal laws prohibiting the sale and sharing of sensitive personal information. Just because I do business with Company A does NOT mean I want [login to see] 43 unwanted ads from Company B nor conduct business with them.
There are already women and organizations working out ways to still get women healthcare without leaving digital footprints.
I am extremely Pro Life. I do my protesting in the voting Booth and I don't give a damn if if these pro abortion groups know it. They can all kiss my ass..
SFC Kelly Fuerhoff
So if you're "pro life" you're against the death penalty right? Also, you're for social programs that help the poor, help children and infants? You're also not someone complaining about babies in immigration detention centers getting formula, right? Just curious how "pro life" you really are. Or are you just pro fetus since an unborn fetus holds no expectations and they can't hold you accountable?
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