Posted on Dec 14, 2021
Kroger to remove some Covid benefits for unvaccinated employees
Posted 3 y ago
Responses: 9
Of course not. Self inflicted injuries, or medical issues resulting from gross negligence, are rarely covered.
Maj John Bell
Does the company pay for medical expenses related to intentional pregnancy? or skiing accidents? or tobacco/alcohol/narcotics use? or obesity? Or any other accidents/health conditions related to lifestyle?
Unhealthy choices cost company health care plans billions of dollars
One out of every four dollars employers pay for health care is tied to unhealthy lifestyle choices or conditions like smoking, stress and obesity, despite the fact that most large employers have workplace wellness programs.
Maj John Bell
SFC Michael Hasbun - If companies use penalties to modify employees' behavior, it begs the question: where the limits are?
There's no reason the company should pay for testing and any time lost due to Covid infection in those who choose to remain unvaccinated. Otherwise, Kroger would have to pass on the costs to the customers.
CSM Darieus ZaGara
You support a blanket determination, what about those who cannot be vaccinated for medical reasons. What if a vaccinated employee is out and about contracts a breakthrough case because they weren’t wearing a mask, what about. I am just saying there is more to all of this.
Makes complete sense to me. They are at higher risk of getting sick and incurring greater healthcare costs. Pass those costs along to them.
SFC Casey O'Mally
So are obese people, folks who drive without a seatbelt, people who drink in excess, even if only occasionally, people who eat bacon, etc. How far do we go?
Or is it only the cause celeb we care about?
If it is *really* about risk and cost, then I expect a FULL lifestyle survey, and prices adjusted accordingly.
Or is it only the cause celeb we care about?
If it is *really* about risk and cost, then I expect a FULL lifestyle survey, and prices adjusted accordingly.
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