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Responses: 9
SFC Michael Hasbun
That damn liberal agenda...
LTC Self Employed
LTC (Join to see)
>1 y
It is when you say Climate Change is the biggest Strategic Threat, not Russia, China or the South China Sea. It is when you force the 1619 Project curriculum down the throats of kids by Executive Order even though it goes against Army Values of EO and fosters Prejudice of ALL White people (Never mind Mayor Lightfoot and others of color in the DNC who call Senator Tim Scott the N-word).

When you fire the 5% of Scientists who have minority opinion about Global Cooling er Global Warming er Climate Change now Global Emergency (that is what local cable channels in Canada and AOC call it.). SFC Michael Hasbun Lt Col John (Jack) Christensen Cpl (Join to see) A1C Mike Allen MSgt Steve Sweeney MSgt Steve Sweeney SSG Samuel Kermon MAJ Ken Landgren CW4 Guy Butler You are a heretic if you are against the groupthink of the Climate Emergency or a Racist/Counterrevolutionary if you are against the Critical Race Theory. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CtBTDhW6NkU
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SSG Samuel Kermon
She is telling the truth and in about 1.5 years I hope to see the result.
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MAJ Ken Landgren
Edited >1 y ago
This is really stupid. Trump and the GOP had an abortion for 4 years. The supporters are blind and deaf fools, and FOX has the credibility of my left testicle. Let's look at what the Trump and the GOP fucked up over the 4 years:

- Trump used 2016 campaign funds for his own use.
- Trumps border wall was never paid by Mexico. It was really stupid to say that. Some parts are crumbling. There is still 1600 more miles to go. Not only that but he illegally took DOD funds for the wall.
- Impeached for misusing funds to start an investigation in Ukraine.
- Totally fucked the country any way he could with the pandemic. 30 million cases, 500,000 dead. He even bragged about the high metrics.
- Pushed to open up the country in the middle of the pandemic.
- He never considered to listen to the blacks' legitimate grievances of lack of justice in police custody.
- Attacked so many people and institutions.
- Started a trade war that accomplished practically nothing, but now we give subsidies to farmers because the Chinese Agriculture Industry is closed to them.
- Wrecked the economy.
- Increased the budget deficit by double.
- Gave tax breaks which yielded not a healthier economy but more money to purchase stocks.
- He said he won the election and he will come back to the presidency in a few months. That is insurgency talk.
- He was impeached again. In such undemocratic and unconstitutional ways he is still trying to steal the election.
- Lied like their is no tomorrow.

So yeah. You Trump supporters are smoking some good Ganja because either you are ignorant of the abortion of 4 years of Trump's tenure, believe in the prolific lies, or you are just a stupid person. Pick one, two, or three reasons that appropriate to you.

You silly Trump supporters bitch about this and that. Oh the stock market and economy will go down. Talking about racism increases racism. China owns Biden. Biden will take all your guns away.

Let me reiterate for you silly Trump fools. How Trump planned for the pandemic resulted in 30 million COVID cases and 500,000 deaths. Those are real numbers. Obviously numbers that you silly Trumpers have hid in your archaic minds and forgotten.
LTC Self Employed
LTC (Join to see)
>1 y
Lt Col John (Jack) Christensen - He said he would be moderate but lied. fracking stopped after he said it would continue. He is tearing us apart with the 1619 Project. A Space Force Officer is relieved after being right it is extremist. He is not bringing us together. If he leaves the tax rates like it is, we will prosper.

He now is even surprising Bernie Sanders. POTUS is similiar to outgoing Israeli Prime Minister Netenyahu was last week. Though POTUS Biden can't be removed, he is 5 seats ahead in the House and split 50/50 in the Senate. 2 Democrats in the Senate are calling BS on getting rid of the filibuster so Biden's extreme agenda will not go completely through. He is in a MINORITY Government meaning he can't push through stuff like a Dictator. Looks like we will have some actual infrastructure that is actually infrastructure. If this happens, the market financial markets will continue to do well. Here is the summary of what this Fox reporter said about the Democrats....

Some of you will not even bother to listen to her 6 minute video so I am giving you the summary here.

This show highlighted the Liberal failure Agenda based on her premis of:
1. Democrats are divided- POTUS can't hide in the basement and VP can't laugh stuff off anymore.
2. the Tlaib, AOC, Omar Squad getting out of Control and Speaker Pelosi and Democrats pushing back against them. Democrats united in saying that Omar is using 'false equivalencies' in her rants against the USA.

3. The agendas of Defunding the Police is hurting them.
4. People pushing back at School boards against Critical Race Theory gaining strength.
5. Black Lives Matter divided by co-founder leaving BLM, buying homes all over the USA and cashing in.
6. Opponents of California Governor Gavin Newsom get enough votes for a recall.
6A. Opponents of Los Angeles District Attorney Gascon gaining signatures.
7. San Francisco voters are getting signatures to recall School Board Members who want to keep schools closed and push critical race theory to kids.
8. Majority Democrat city McAllen Texas votes in Republican Mayor in a city that is 58% Democrat and 41% Republican. This trend will be noticed. It is a city of 150K and mostly Hispanic which will be a double worry for Democrats since they assume Hispanics mostly vote Democrat.
7. 2 Moderate Democrat Senators Manshin and Sinema are for keeping the Filibuster and this will doom much of the Left's plan to change America.

8. She says the American Public is tired of:
a. Democrat's attitude of Unsecure and Open Borders.
b. Democrats attitude of Defund Police, fear and anti-lockdown.
She demonstrates Florida Governor Ron Desantis being Pro-Police, Anti-lockdown and prohibiting Critical Race Theory in Florida.

9.She shows examples of CNN and other media of lying about:
a. The Russia lie with Trump
b. The Justice Cavanaugh Lie
c. The Russia Bounties Lie against US troops.
d. The Wuhan Lab leak as an impossible conspiracy theory
e. CNN brings back Jeffery Tubin after he jacked off on zoom.

She calls them 'bad faith' Democrats who are imploding from within and common sense voters who want:
1. Enough Police in the streets.
2. Secure US borders.
3. Voter ID.
4. families to have the ability to make decisions and not being forced to by Government mandates. This fairness would be fostered by....
5. Rule of Law

She ends by saying that the Republicans are on Offense and that the Left is desperate to convince you that the Republicans or You are wrong to not believe them.
SrA John Monette
SrA John Monette
>1 y
LTC (Join to see) - how is he promoting the 1619? i have not seen any news articles where that is the case
MAJ Ken Landgren
MAJ Ken Landgren
>1 y
LTC (Join to see) - You are so blind.
SrA John Monette
SrA John Monette
>1 y
SPC (Join to see) - the only frustration stems from the fact that so many orange man voters refuse to acknowledge the legitimate president
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