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Responses: 10
LTC Jeff Shearer
Edited >1 y ago
Charlie I would never step in front of someone more deserving than my self however, I would like to find a final resting place for my wife (a vet also) and myself somewhere in Arlington. Neither of us have a purple hearts or silver stars. By all means they should take priority but when I go I want to be cremated and put on the property somewhere. Hell they can just spread my ash on the property, I will be in great company.
Lt Col Charlie Brown
Lt Col Charlie Brown
>1 y
There is definitely still room in the wall with the "urns" so that should not be a problem.
LTC Jeff Shearer
LTC Jeff Shearer
>1 y
I never considered it until I visited. The sign as you enter says it all "you are entering hallowed ground". I had chills the entire time I was there
LTC Jeff Shearer
LTC Jeff Shearer
>1 y
Lt Col Charlie Brown - Charlie I know I have lived pretty fast and on the edge somewhat but now that I have slowed down I am hoping for at least another 200/300 years. If the medical powers that be can help me get rid of all the pain from the first 50+ hahaha
GySgt Thomas Vick
GySgt Thomas Vick
>1 y
The best of luck LTC Shearer, who ever said the getting old was the golden years should be took to the Arizona desert, staked to the ground nude, and have syrup poured over them.
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Maj Robert Thornton
I think the MOAA's recommendations are reasonable. This does not affect me since my wife and I will be buried in the Georgia National Cemetary in Canton, GA.
LTC John Griscom
LTC John Griscom
>1 y
It is a beautiful location with those rolling hills.
Lt Col Charlie Brown
Lt Col Charlie Brown
>1 y
I had planned on the national cemetery at Quantico, now hubby is talking about Arlington.
Maj Robert Thornton
Maj Robert Thornton
>1 y
LTC John Griscom I agree, I have two friends that are buried there, just prior to Covid.
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LTC John Griscom
I am still debating between two national cemeteries.
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