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Responses: 8
SFC Casey O'Mally
It always kills me when people try to use Christianity as a reason to support big government. Well Jesus was about helping the poor, so why are you against a huge taxation scheme to help the poor?

Jesus was NOT pro-government. He was not anti-government either. "Render unto Caesar that which is Caesar's." The WHOLE POINT of that conversation, though, was that your duty to your government is SEPARATE from your duty as a good servant of God.

So an argument of making government bigger and adding government programs because it is the "Christian thing to do" is just plain silly.
SFC Casey O'Mally
SFC Casey O'Mally
1 y
MSgt Steve Sweeney OP implied Jesus said we should give all our money to government so that thy can help people. That clearly is not true. Which is what I demonstrated.
Then he replied the military is about big government. Which I again proved is not true, as the military is doctrinal neutral.

This is also a 2 year old thread. Maybe you are too concerned with "owning" a conservative? If that is the case, I suggest you try picking on a different one. Because it ain't gonna be me.
Maj John Bell
Maj John Bell
1 y
Cpl Archie H. - Who pays income tax?

The top 25% of earners pay 89% of the income tax collected by the U.S. government.
Source: https://www.aier.org/article/the-1-pay-37-of-federal-income-taxes/

The bottom 50% of earners pay 2.3% of the income tax collected by the U.S. government. 
Source - https://www.ntu.org/foundation/tax-page/who-pays-income-taxes

Now what is your source for the assertion "the heirs of Amway, who are billionaires pay little to no tax, the airs to Wall Mart who pay little to no tax?"
SFC Casey O'Mally
SFC Casey O'Mally
1 y
MSgt Steve Sweeney the fact that you fail at both reading comprehension and VERY basic synthesis of information is not my fault.
SFC Casey O'Mally
SFC Casey O'Mally
1 y
MSgt Steve Sweeney Yes, you fail at reading comprehension.

I stated that the military is, by doctrine, politically neutral.

The assertion was that the military is "all about big government." But the military, by doctrine, is not about big government, small government, liberalism, conservatism, Republican, Democrat, Independent, Christian, Jewish, Muslim, hindu, Zoroastrianism, Pastafarianism, Wokeism, or anything else. They are politically neutral and have NO STANCE.

That you are unable to comprehend that is not my fault.

Yes, you fail at synthesizing data. The article asserts that A (Republicans) does not equal D (socialism). Utilized B (conservatives) as a stand-in for A, thus implying A=B. He does not have to SAY Republicans are conservative, because not only is this a generally understood concept, it is also strongly implied in context. OP then goes on to discuss conservatives in relation to Christianity, implying that at least SOME B are C (Christians). Again, he does not specifically mention Christianity, but it is easily understood to be the group being discussed when addressing Jesus' sermon on the mount. It would be silly to chastise non-Christians for hypocrisy I not following Christ. He then discusses the sermon on the mount. The tone of the post is a mild rebuke against conservative Christians for not following the teaching of the sermon on the mount. Again, OP does not have to specifically state, but in context the obvious assertion idms that C(Christians) equal D (socialism).

Article: A does not equal D
OP A=B, some B = C, C = D. The subset of A that = C, therefore = D. Mild rebuke ensues for A not understanding they should = D.

This is very basic synthesis of data. Not even talking pictograms or code breaking here. Just connect the dots.

And I am sure my use of ABCD just confused you more. If it did, well, Bless Your Heart.
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SSgt William Quinn
So Jesus's Sermon on the Mount he said "Thou SHALL be taxed for unconstitutional non enumerated powers to allow the bloated big government to mostly waste and then GIVE the scrapes to mostly those who are unwilling to contribute or work for their own?" Yep. He said that.
SSgt Owner/Operator
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>1 y
SSgt William Quinn - You forgot the stories on being a good steward with what you are given so it will be blessed and multiplied, thus allowing your tithe to be even larger. :)
Cpl Archie H.
Cpl Archie H.
>1 y
SSgt William Quinn - Earlier I said I never met an atheist I did not like. Not so with agnostics. The reason is both bible based “religion” (religion is not about faith) and agnostics try to convince you with convoluted sometimes twisted logic.
SSgt William Quinn
SSgt William Quinn
>1 y
Cpl Archie H. - Yet you did not support your argument, you just attack further those that believe with your comments that don't apply. Quoting the bible exactly as printed is absent of religion.
Maj John Bell
Maj John Bell
1 y
SSgt William Quinn - Atheists need not support their arguments. They speak with the authority of their god..., themselves.
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PFC Automated Logistical Specialist
This is a stir the pot post i can already see it
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