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Responses: 12
PO2 Builder
Look at the Soviet Union and Venezuela when they went bankrupt.
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SSG Environmental Specialist
After this 4 years I am going to hate to see what the deficit will be.
CW3 Dick McManus
CW3 Dick McManus
>1 y
AWOL Bush added $6.5 trillion to our national debt on unjust and undeclared wars.

Reagan and Bush Sr. raised the nation debt by $3 trillion as a result of lying about the threat from the USSR.

The US national debt was about $23 trillion one more trillion added recently in 2020.
$3.9 trillion for CV-19 virus and the new Great Depression prevention
some $6 trillion to $8 trillion added to the nation debt due to the undeclared wars in Iraq and Afghanistan.
So the interest on this figure is over $? trillions per year

The State and Local government debt is $2.2 Trillion then and now $5.8 trillion (aka Intra-Governmental Debt is money owed by the Treasury to other government services and agencies.
Includes almost $3 trillion of the national debt is owed to the Social Security Trust.
• Social Security Trust Fund - Approximately 13% of the total national debt.
• Retirement Funds (Civilian and Military) - Approximately 9.3% of the total national debt.
• Medicare Trust Fund - Approximately 3% of the total national debt.
• The FDIC Trust Fund - Approximately 1.6% of the total national debt.

Unfunded obligated/liabilities federal spending: Federal employee pension contingent liabilities (incl. Postal service), $ 4.0 trillion,
Unfunded state and local government employee pension and medical contingent liabilities, $ 2.7 trillion.

TOTAL: $45 Trillion
Infrastructure debt: some $3 trillion. Plus unknown cost to fix our forest to prevent maga-wild fires.

Nearly $1.2 trillion in auto loans; nearly $1.6 trillion student loans; and $1 trillion in consumer credit mostly from credit cards
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Lt Col Charlie Brown
And yet another way to bankrupt the country
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