Posted on Feb 4, 2021
Ret. Army general says Trump supporters in military need to be kicked out
Posted 4 y ago
Responses: 13
"Retired General" is just another term for highly paid civilian. There have been retired Generals on both sides of the political spectrum in the last few years. Their opinions aren't any more valid than any other retiree
SFC Kelly Fuerhoff
MAJ Byron Oyler If you're talking about Mattis leaving as SECDEF, that was because he was tired of trying to babysit Trump and keep him reigned in.
SSG Robert Perrotto
SFC Kelly Fuerhoff - Right, because we got into so many wars while he was POTUS - oh wait, the least amount of military force used in over 40 years, tried to get what troops we had abroad back home from a useless and unwinnable conflict in Syria, tried bring home Troops from Germany, ( why are we still in Germany - its been unified, and the wall was brought down in the 80's, and has nothing to do with NATO commitments) so I ask, reign Trump in from what? calling N. Koreas bluff?
SFC Casey O'Mally
Retired Brigadier General. I have been told, on more than one occasion, that retiring as a Colonel means you had a very successful career. Retiring as a MG or higher means you had an exceptional career. Retiring as a BG means you failed - you were selected for flag ranks and proved you couldn't cut it.
SFC Domingo M.
SSG Robert Perrotto - You forgot to mention he put China and Iran in their place. Quit the WHO, another four years and we might even have evicted the UN and kicked them out of the country. The Establishment has never had to deal with anything like Trump. He promises to upset the apple cart and he will.
SFC Domingo M. Ha! Rotsa Ruck SFC! They would need to attempt to activate unsullied high school ROTC students to field a expeditionary force if ex-POTUS Trump deplorables were to be evicted from the U S Military!!
SFC Domingo M.
I'm starting to think that this administration might just be to that point. Things have really gotten crazy since President Trump rattled their chimes.
CSM Charles Hayden
1SG Russell Scott Japan’s pre-World War II military culture was also cruel and sadistic.
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