Posted on Jan 14, 2021
Armed 'militias' are illegal. Will authorities finally crack down if they show up at state...
Posted 4 y ago
Responses: 13
Typical Leftist slur media and attack on our American rights - Militias are not illegal, they can assemble, they can be part of an organization, and they can peacefully protest with their firearms. ( See SSG Robert Perrotto comments, he put it well). This attack on the right to keep and bear arms and to assemble is part of the communist (globalist?) tidal wave to strip all our rights in this country, including free speech and freedom of religion. Americans will fight against this agenda— some in one way, some in another. Vocalizing on RP one good way to do it.
SGT Steve McFarland SSgt William Quinn MAJ Dale E. Wilson, Ph.D. SSG Michael Noll SSG Stephen Rogerson SPC Randy Zimmerman A1C Michael Allen SFC Chuck Martinez Cpl (Join to see) PO3 Bob McCord CPT Bob Coleman SSG Franklin Briant CPL Christopher Thomas PO2 (Join to see) PO1 Robert Payne CPL Christopher Thomas SGT Nathan H. Lt Col Charlie Brown SSG Samuel Kermon SFC Jim Ruether
SGT Steve McFarland SSgt William Quinn MAJ Dale E. Wilson, Ph.D. SSG Michael Noll SSG Stephen Rogerson SPC Randy Zimmerman A1C Michael Allen SFC Chuck Martinez Cpl (Join to see) PO3 Bob McCord CPT Bob Coleman SSG Franklin Briant CPL Christopher Thomas PO2 (Join to see) PO1 Robert Payne CPL Christopher Thomas SGT Nathan H. Lt Col Charlie Brown SSG Samuel Kermon SFC Jim Ruether
SSG Robert Perrotto
This is the opening salvo in the bid to make firearms illegal. By publishing this piece, with no forum in which to exchange ideas, the author is manipulating public perception. The laws he cited are what various states have said Organizations/militias cannot do, there are no laws that make gun owner organizations illegal to assemble or protest with their firearms.
this is a very subtle effort to make any organization of gun enthusiasts as an "illegal" militia, and the end goal is to attack the NRA. It also is an effort to isolate gun owners from an organized political voice, support group, and advocacy services.
this is a very subtle effort to make any organization of gun enthusiasts as an "illegal" militia, and the end goal is to attack the NRA. It also is an effort to isolate gun owners from an organized political voice, support group, and advocacy services.
SFC Chuck Martinez
Amen to you both, Ann and Bob, trying to even speak about taking away our 2nd amendment rights, would spark a hell of an all out civil demonstration all across this country. There are millions of Patriots all across this nation who will not abide or concur with such a law.
Show me where in the constitution it states militias are illegal, The author of this very ignorant hit piece about people who own firearms and belong to an organization is just flat out wrong, No where in the constitution does it state that armed people gathering together is illegal, nor does it state that armed people gathered to protest is illegal. This piece of propaganda directly calls for action against two of our constitutional rights, the right to assemble, and the right to bear arms. You do not have to like it, you do not have to agree with it but you damn sure will abide by it.
So no, Militias are not illegal, even with the so called laws he cited, they can assemble, they can be part of an organization, and they can peacefully protest with their firearms.
So no, Militias are not illegal, even with the so called laws he cited, they can assemble, they can be part of an organization, and they can peacefully protest with their firearms.
SFC Chuck Martinez
No where in our constitution Robert, but politicians have been trying for years to take our 2nd amendment rights away just about forever.
In some states ORGANIZED Militias are illegal, Militias are not illegal and covered in the Constitution considering who the Militias draw personal from. Typical MSM B.S. The author of this article is ignorant of what he pretends to speak about.
SFC Chuck Martinez
I think he this dude a very confused and knows nothing about anything, is the best way I can put. You can't fix stupid!
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