Responses: 3
No mention of the Bible? End of Genesis places Joseph in slavery in Egypt.
Abolitionist movements in England and USA forced the end of modern legal slavery. Many, in the world, are still forced into involuntary servitude.
Abolitionist movements in England and USA forced the end of modern legal slavery. Many, in the world, are still forced into involuntary servitude.
What is modern slavery? - Anti-Slavery International
What is modern slavery and what forms of slavery exist today? Find out where modern slavery happens, the numbers behind it and who is affected.
I find it interesting that Slavery did not start with the United States. There is a long history of this way before the United States was created. Also The United States created a system of government with the Constitution that although not perfect attempts it. I am proud the United States fought that battle the Civil War and confronted Slavery. We as a country the United States have been through many things and come out better!
slavery was started by the Arabs. They enslaved all races of people not only blacks. Irish were treated much worse than black slaves in early America.
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