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Responses: 8
PO1 William "Chip" Nagel
MSgt Steve Sweeney I Like Republicans for the Rule of Law and They are Spot On as Always.
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MAJ Ken Landgren
Checks and balances do not always work. Trump broke constitutional funding laws and the GOP looked the other way. The GOP crossed the Rubicon by protecting a criminal instead of the constitution, and prove their platform is based on infinite lies. The GOP is really disgusting. America deserves better.
TSgt Jack Oberholtzer
TSgt Jack Oberholtzer
>1 y
Funny how you can look at one party and claim they are “disgusting” without acknowledging the other party is just as bad. I wasn’t on this site when Obama was president but somehow I doubt you thought they were disgusting.
I do agree with you on the one point, America does deserve better from BOTH parties.
MAJ Ken Landgren
MAJ Ken Landgren
>1 y
TSgt Jack Oberholtzer - Well what can I say about a man that illegally used $2 million from a veterans charity fund and brags about 1.3 million pandemic cases and 69,000 deaths? Attacks a dying veteran. Attacks dead people. Spews infinite lies. Broke constitutional funding laws. Makes money on his MAGA hats. Appoints incompetent people in important posts. Considers himself to be a political, economic, military, and medical genius. Conducted a joint real estate project with the Chinese government while he was negotiating tariffs with the Chinese government. Increases funding to the corporation while reducing funding for the hungry, poor, and disabled. Attacks others for his ineptitude as POTUS. Trump is an reprobate in his own category. The Democrats won't and can't stoop that low.
TSgt Jack Oberholtzer
TSgt Jack Oberholtzer
>1 y
MAJ Ken Landgren I disagree with your comment about democrats stooping. Seems we are learning everyday about how low they stoop. You gave several reasons not to like Trump, most that I agree with, but you didn’t say Trump was disgusting, you said republicans were. In a 2 party system voters are left with an either or choice. Hillary has at least as many detractors as Trump had.
MAJ Ken Landgren
MAJ Ken Landgren
>1 y
TSgt Jack Oberholtzer - Ok to clarify the Orange Man and the GOP are disgusting. Their deck of cards are often lies to promulgate the alternate reality they are trying to sell.
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SSgt Richard Kensinger
This is his life-long aspiration to be the all-time king ever! I refer to him as "your royal anus".
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