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Responses: 52
SFC Mark Merino
Edited >1 y ago
I often wonder what our grandkids will be reading in history class. Was pop pop and me maw a hero, a conqueror, a liberator, or a puppet? Whatever is written, or whatever the world thinks, I served alongside the finest Americans I have ever known.......and I'd do it again.
TSgt Photojournalist
TSgt (Join to see)
>1 y
AMEN !!! to that I totally agree have made some great friends along the way.
MSG Tim Gray
MSG Tim Gray
>1 y
It was justified. Sacrifices were made and American blood was shed ( I'm willing to bet most of us wished we paid the ultimate sacrifice rather than the ones that did) I'm glad that I served and I  am proud of my fellow warriors, female as well as male! God bless the USA!
SSgt Forensic Meteorological Consultant
SSgt (Join to see)
>1 y
MSG Tim Gray Amen. God bless America! I am being serious too. We had an article regarding having to say the Pledge of Allegiance in Texas and having the requirement to salute the flag..... of Mexico.... and liberals said it was okay but not to say our Pledge.. Isn't that just... errr. cool. That is a true story.
CPT Special Forces Officer
CPT (Join to see)
6 y
I don't have to wait that long. Most of my family already blame me and men like me, for every problem that exists in the world today. I don't even go to see anyone at the holidays anymore.
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SGT Signal Support Systems Specialist
Just to clarify...

1. Saddam DID have WMD's.
How should we know this??? Well President Reagan gave him a buttload of mustard gas during the Iraq/Iran war. (Being that Iran was the "bigger" threat)
Who did he use it on? On the Kurds. His own people.

The big thing was that Saddam WOULD NOT let the UN in to inspect. The UN wanted the war just as badly.


2. Have we forgotten about the soldiers that suffered mustard gas exposal in 2008??? Yes, when they found MOST of the NON-WMD's?

3. Congress voted to go to war. It was approved BY THEM. They had the knowledge. Who really cares about what he was "trying" to sell to the American people?? We in the military understand what war IS.

4. As far as the ties between Al-Qaida and Saddam:
"The two cases in point are Abdul Rahman Yasin, a crucial member of the team that bombed the World Trade Center in 1993, and Abu Musad al-Zarqawi, currently the leader of a very deadly and ruthless group known as Monotheism and Jihad, operating in central Iraq. (Mr. Zarqawi is evidently a "hands-on" kind of a guy: He is believed to be, and has claimed to be, the wielder of the murderer's knife in more than one decapitation-porn video.)"
This is only ONE example. There are more.

I can go on and on. So, I think we were still JUSTIFIED.

Be safe.
LTC Michael Hrycak
LTC Michael Hrycak
8 y
I think the debate is predominantly on the presence of the delivery systems during Operation Iraqi Freedom, because there were at least two classified sites full of Chemical and Biological munitions. Here is a photograph of my ISF counterpart, who showed me the effects of chemical attack in one of his eye, incurred during the Iran/Iraq War. So, there were chemical munitions that were employed during that conflict, as well as villages in Iraq suffered chemical attacks post Desert Storm.
CPT Special Forces Officer
CPT (Join to see)
6 y
PO3 Donald Murphy - Well the opinion of junior enlisted sailor on a sub where you never even saw the desert (that my SFOD-A monitored), means exactly dick.
PO3 Donald Murphy
PO3 Donald Murphy
6 y
CPT (Join to see) - And likewise the opinion of an Army captain who possibly never worked with/on/around nuclear weapons means an equal quantity of dick.
CPT Special Forces Officer
CPT (Join to see)
6 y
Actually Petty Officer, I have. You need to police yourself up son if you want the big boys to listen to you.
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Maj Chris Nelson
We went into Iraq for a reason. Right or wrong, we went. We were the Junkyard Dog with a muzzle. This was a very political operation where the military was not in control for the most part. Maj Guy, I do not disagree with your comments about not wanting to move on without learning lessons for next time..... however, POLITICIANS did not learn from last time.... Similar involvement and outcome from Vietnam. I realize that the military is the strong arm of the political machine, however..... once they set an objective, they need to step back and let the military accomplish it post-haste! I was in that region for Desert Shield/Storm and knew back then that we would be back again, as the political winds stopped us from finishing the objective as the military saw it.... I was there during OIF.... "winning the hearts and minds"..... but as soon as the money stopped, so did the winning. That region has issues....and has for at least 2000 years. A pitiful 10 year showing isn't going to change that. IF we want to make significant change, we (America and allies) need to commit for at least 50-75 years, impacting the lives of at least 2 generations, allowing the old generations to die off (along with much of their thought processes). Unless we are willing to commit to that, we will never make a significant difference there....unless THEY are willing to change.
LTC Paul Labrador
LTC Paul Labrador
>1 y
From what I saw when I rolled across the border in April of '03, we had good reason to go. Saddam needed to go, and the only way he was going was if someone removed him. Most Iraqis would agree to that. Where things went bad was the half-assed way we tried to run the reconstruction. THAT is what I think most Iraqis had issues with. If we are are going to do something as radical as regime change, then OWN it. We tried to pawn it off on an Iraqi government that had no ability (whether lack of experience or talent) to govern.
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