Posted on Jul 11, 2019
Shark eaten whole by giant fish in rare video
Posted >1 y ago
Responses: 2
Groupers are absolutely enormous, the size of their mouth is astonishing. But I'm most afraid of barracuda and moray eels, both of them can deliver a really nasty bite. I still have a scar on my right arm from a moray bite through my wet suit many years ago. Nasty critter...
PO1 William "Chip" Nagel
MAJ Hugh Blanchard My Children, Cousins Children have Seen Me Come Out of the Water with Battle Scars, Laughing, Wheres My MSG from My Dive Kit. Put it All Over and within 45 minutes be back in the water.
MAJ Hugh Blanchard
I made the mistake of wearing my Rolex Submariner on a dive in the Caribbean, and a really big barracuda was attracted by my nice shiny watch. I figured out what was happening and stuffed it into my swim trunks pocket. I actually like barracuda broiled with lemon, but this was a big one and might have had ciguaterra toxin, so I just wanted him to go away.
MAJ Hugh Blanchard
PO1 William "Chip" Nagel - So I learned, almost too late. What a mouthful of teeth!
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