Posted on Jan 2, 2019
U.S. Ambassador Visits American Who Was Arrested In Russia On Suspicion Of Spying
Posted 6 y ago
Responses: 3
How does a guy with a BCD for larceny related offenses get these jobs in the security field?
LTC Eugene Chu
Maybe by lying about military record. There are some veterans who have jobs by simply saying that they served, but without showing their bad DD-214
I wonder if he had a Russian wife or if he was over there in the Marine Security Guard program AKA Embassy Marines.
PO1 William "Chip" Nagel
SSgt GG-15 RET Jim Lint Thanks for Reminding Me of that Nightmare. I Handled the Messages for the Debrief Sgt Clayton Lonetree (At the Time I was Providing Comms Support to the Counter-Intel Folks)
LTC Eugene Chu
Check news stories for his background. He faced a court-martial way back in 2008 and left with BCD. NOT Embassy Marine material...
SSgt GG-15 RET Jim Lint
LTC Eugene Chu - Neither was Sgt Lonetree! But, he was an Embassy Marine who committed for espionage.
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