Posted on Nov 26, 2018
Amazon Warehouse Robots : Mind Blowing Video
Edited 6 y ago
Posted 6 y ago
Responses: 6
PVT Mark Zehner
Cpl (Join to see) I'm limited by severe dyslexia so there are just some jobs I can't do. I was a police officer for many years till I was severely wounded 12 years ago. I guess maybe I'm not asking this right. I know people that work there they've got no idea what is going to happen. By your post I thought maybe you've heard something
Cpl (Join to see)
I have mild dyslexia and read very slow, but I don't let it control my life. Being mildly dyslexic, I've become a very visual person and with the advent of the internet, everything you need to know is on line somewhere. youtube, pluralsight, linda, udemy, are very good tools to learn a new skill.
Granted while there was no internet while I was learning, I bought books and a PC. That said, I knew nothing about voice recognition and guess what, youtube. Now, I have a complete app that I can customize which recognizes voice commands to my home computer.
The point is, everyone here has access to a platform to help them learn a new skill without paying thousands to an indoctrination center, or university.
Granted while there was no internet while I was learning, I bought books and a PC. That said, I knew nothing about voice recognition and guess what, youtube. Now, I have a complete app that I can customize which recognizes voice commands to my home computer.
The point is, everyone here has access to a platform to help them learn a new skill without paying thousands to an indoctrination center, or university.
PVT Mark Zehner
Cpl (Join to see) Well the people I know will never be able to what you do or become a police officer like me. Not to be demeaning some just can't perform some tasks some because of physical limitations some mental limitations. They're good people just scared right now
Cpl (Join to see)
Should you follow your passion, wherever it may take you? Should you do only what you love...or learn to love what you do? How can you identify which path to...
Coding isn't the only thing you can learn, there is carpentry, plumbing, mechanic, and more. Not everyone's passions are viable as a life sustaining career, find a need and fill it. I chose a hobby and i haven't really worked a real day since and I earn a great wage doing it. Have a great day, officer.
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