Posted on Nov 21, 2018
Report: every warrant officer in the Army is still worthless
Edited 6 y ago
Posted 6 y ago
Responses: 22
I'm not sure but I think someone doesn't like warrant officers. I've had a few commanders and section leaders who didn't care much for me but they were mostly worthless incompetents that didn't last long. Fortunately for me, most of the officers and senior NCOs I served with were really good and it was an honor to serve with them many of whom I'm still in contact with.
CW3 Gary Jones
Its usually the insecure people as they know the higher ups always came to us for advice .
CW4 Leonard Glasser
Never got that expressed on any OER that I received. All my Commanders were very pleased to have me on their staff and I educated them on the Warrant Officer Corps. I have always respected the Officer and Enlisted Soldiers that I had the honor to serve with. This comment is out of line and the person who made should be embarrassed.
Warrant Officers are not worthless in my opinion if they are used as what the Warrant Officer is good at. For example, regular army warrants are in offices at W3 level while National Guard Warrants are still in the motorpools learning and managing the new equipment. If a warrant is steadily learning and repairing the new systems that the army has, then that warrant will always be valuable to the Army. I don’t want to disrespect any warrant officer on here, but converting LT’s to warrants is a bad idea in my opinion because they lack the technical experience but they normally have a degree in something. The Warrant officers technical experience is what make all the maintenance warrants so valuable. I am currently serving a 9 month rotation in Kuwait as a 915A in a FSC for a ABCT and every warrant officer we have are some of the best in my opinion. All our national guard warrants are full time federal technicians in Mississippi, so we never loose the edge on maintenance. Every component and state are different but this is one way to stay valuable to the Army.
The Duffleblog is high satire, but I find it entertaining...and sometimes close to how we WO act, but this is more in line with my service.
CW5 Sam R. Baker
I agree with you as we need a little laugh at ourselves at times and some took it way overboard on FB!
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