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Responses: 7
Sgt Wayne Wood
Don’t forget the expansion into the Caliphates Khorasan Province (Afghanistan & Pakistan)
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SPC David S.
I think the instability in Iraq is benefiting ISIS in Iraq. The less talked about popular uprising in the south of Iraq which started immediately after the parliamentary elections on May 12 this year which has spread to other parts of the country should be of great concern for our foreign policy makers as well military in Iraq. Muqtada al-Sadr's win is not good for US foreign policy. As well US backed Haider al-Abadi has had his influence diminished by Iran by uninviting him from a meeting with the Islamist regime over Iraq’s decision to abide by the re-imposed US sanctions on the Islamic Republic. Iran is dead set on transforming Iraq into another satellite-state. While subtle it was effective move in dissing Abadi. This unrest in Iraq is good for Iran - guessing Quds forces are at play - as well this if good for ISIS as it has become a distracting in ISIS's digging in. Geopolitical - while I agree there is still the need to go after ISIS - what's going on in Southern Iraq I feel is equally important as if this gets out of hand it could create another failed state - which is a breading ground for terrorism.

LTC Eric Udouj
LTC Eric Udouj
6 y
Add to that the Iranian rocket attack used against anti-Iran Kurdish leaders.... in Northern Iraq.
SPC David S.
SPC David S.
6 y
Yes sir - Iran is being Iran - as well I'd bet they're working on a nuke somewhere with China's help - "will be" is probably more like "are getting"

https://sputniknews.com/asia/ [login to see] 63627375-iran-team-china-nuke-deal/
Cpl Mark A. Morris
Cpl Mark A. Morris
6 y
I agree with everything you wrote. However, don't you think the narrative for Sunni Islamic terrorism and Shia Islamic terrorism is being controled in the Mosques and Maddrassas across the globe? Not, just areas of instability? I see a religious civil war SPC.
That was a great post you wrote SPC.
SPC David S.
SPC David S.
6 y
Cpl Mark A. Morris - Totally agree - The Sunni Shia riff is more political than religious - its about control. For Iran its very strategic as they are looking to work Saudi Arabia from the North via Iraq and then from the south via Yemen. Unfortunately I feel the US needs to step up and be the security actor in the region to keep Tehran and Riyadh from quarreling, if we let this go it will only result in more insecurity, more competition, and yes, more sectarianism.
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SGT Combat Engineer
Edited 6 y ago
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