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Responses: 3
SPC Nathan Freeman
I suppose Kanye West, Ben Carson, Diamond and silk and a lot of other minorities are also afraid of losing their white privilege?
SPC Joel Quey
SPC Joel Quey
>1 y
There are a number of reasons people support any political candidate. This article is only about "a large reason why Trump is president today" (according to the author). Nobody's saying it's the only reason, so the fact that some non-white people support Trump doesn't have any bearing on whether or not the article is valid.
SPC Nathan Freeman
SPC Nathan Freeman
>1 y
The article is about white privilege which doesn’t exist. The privilege does not come from being white, it comes from maintaining certain disciplines which will work for any race. I know a lot of poor white people and I also know wealthy black people. Success has nothing to do with race. It’s about a culture of success or a culture that leads to failure.
SPC Nathan Freeman
SPC Nathan Freeman
>1 y
I’m just saying the white privilege is a false flag and an excuse.
SPC Nathan Freeman
SPC Nathan Freeman
>1 y
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MSG Stan Hutchison
An interesting article. Where the Trumpers get it wrong is the rise of others does not mean the receding of whites. We can all rise together.
Sadly, we probably won't, due to resistance from those very ones in fear.
SPC James Harsh
SPC James Harsh
>1 y
I agree to not let's go down together
SPC AH-64 Attack Helicopter Repairer
SPC (Join to see)
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If this "opinion" article is fully accurate, then there are a few notable reasons why this demographic feels threatened.

Is affirmative action over-exaggerated paranoia? Are companies replacing whites and Asians with lower regards to qualifications just to fill the status-quo? Google blusters diversity efforts and their practice widely referenced by other outlets. For millions of people who choose Google as a homepage, seeing that multicolored logo can be a reminder that affirmative action is an acceptable practice.

There's an increasing popularity of "white-privilege classes" (or similar titled) in all types of schools, with Yale being the prime example.

It's also acceptable for articles promoting wariness towards the white demographic. Reverse-racism is widely known.

These don't help the Trumpers. There are movements that are easily perceived negatively against them. I'm sure my stance is obvious by now, but it's not to say I fully disagree with the article. Trumpers do fear something, and the article is close to being correct on the term. The backlash of "SJW" is the reason why Trump won.

Now would be a great opportunity to clear things up and explain why affirmative action, white-guilt, and reverse-racism helps all of us rise together - else, Trumpers will keep fearing.

It'd be nice if everyone was honest. If a company just to happens to be less "diverse", as long as it's honest, no one should contend.
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SFC Stephen Atchley
Thanks for the share. Not a surprising article considering the source.
Capt Tom Brown
Capt Tom Brown
>1 y
No love lost there for sure.
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