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Responses: 5
SFC Joe S. Davis Jr., MSM, DSL
SSG Diane R. thanks for the most informative read and share.
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SGT David A. 'Cowboy' Groth
Thank you for the share Diane.
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PO3 Donald Murphy
Sadly, Europe bought in to the European Union and so have virtually all but two of their customers. The one disgruntled customer (England) will more than likely get a special deal as - to be fair - the Brits never really wanted/liked it anyway but stayed in more out of a sense of duty. America? Hmmm... Germany has been out loaning America in Europe for some time. Russian gas - thanks to German tech - is heating virtually all of Europe. Save Spanish self-destruction due to Catalan, most of Europe is quite "okay" with its status quo. Maybe it was Obama. Maybe it wasn't. But Europe seemed to be also quite okay with ignoring Ameri-pleas to get NATO more involved in the latest middle Eastern jaunts. America's lack of a parental spanking is quite telling.

Has America reached a point where its just no longer important in Europe? We shall see. Now, long before the EU made its mark, the general consensus in Europe was to do what it wished anyway. France was trading with Iran mainly in full view of the USA and its sanction machine. So Europe has "defied" the USA from a sanctions stand point in the past. That was the 70's and 80's with no coherence. We now have a European Union with not only its own government but its own currency as well.
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