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Responses: 10
Cpl Jeff N.
Another BS article from NBC. First, they don't know how much he might save or not on his yearly income taxes as far more goes into them than they have access to. They are basing this "could" solely on the estate tax going away. The estate tax should go away and so what if they benefit from it as long as everyone does. The estate tax is levied on assets that have already been taxed, in many cases, more than once.
Cpl Jeff N.
Cpl Jeff N.
7 y
MSgt Steve Sweeney - Steve, the rich are paying a very larger portion of the taxes. That has been true for a very long time. We have large swaths of people that pay zero in because they have no income or are below thresholds for "taxable" income. A cursory review of government revenues demonstrates who is paying the taxes bases upon income/taxable income etc. It is the "wealthy" that pay most of it. The top 10% of wage earners pay 70% of the taxes. I'd say that is out of whack just a bit.

There is also the opportunity for the government to spend less. We don't talk about that nearly enough.

As far as the NTUF goes, most of what they are presenting is data available from many resources including the IRS. The notion that the "wealthy" are not paying more than a representative portion of government revenues is false. I picked them only because they are non partisan and are a registered 501(c).

The GI bill is part of a total compensation program for those that volunteer to serve. Just like in the private sector, some companies pay salary plus a bonus plus stock options/grants and may have other benefits like tuition reimbursement, healthcare etc. The GI Bill is administered differently but the same concept. I would not put it in the same camp as a welfare benefit or some other entitlement program. I have no skin in the game as I have never used a dollar of any veteran benefit including the GI Bill, the VA, or even a VA mortgage. I served, I left, I never expected or asked for a dollar. I did benefit when my son (also a Marine) used his GI Bill for college. Saved me some money I saved for college but that was part of his compensation program for serving.

A VAT would actually collect revenue from everyone based upon consumption, even those with limited income. There are plenty of ways to skin the cat. I am open to discussions on them as the current tax system is convoluted, a compliance nightmare, full of loopholes for some and prone to have demagogues use it as a class warfare tool.
MSgt Steve Sweeney
MSgt Steve Sweeney
7 y
Cpl Jeff N. - We both agree that the rich pay more. It is my contention that it is their responsibility and obligation to do so... and for the most part you seem to be okay with that but have some disagreement with the how much more... so it would seem to me it is about finding the balance. I find most issues come back to a question of balance.

A VAT would only serve to raise the price of goods and services and be more burdensome to those without means. It would make the very necessities of life - food, clothing, etc. more expensive. Being able to afford less, people would buy less, so it would not be good for business either. And you can bet those with money would find a way to build in loopholes for things like private jets... like they are trying to do now.

You are certainly correct - there is plenty to look at the cost side of the equation, and while the Republicans will want to make cuts in social safety-net programs, education, and environmental protection, the other side will point to a bloated defense budget... just take the price tag on the F-35 for example. I am curious if you have ever worked on the acquisition side of the military? It is a mess.

As for the NTUF... the advertise as a "non-partisan", but the truth if far different. The NTUF has deep ties to the Koch brothers.
MSgt Steve Sweeney
MSgt Steve Sweeney
7 y
Maj John Bell - Enough to Make America Great Again.
Cpl Jeff N.
Cpl Jeff N.
7 y
MSgt Steve Sweeney - The notion that a VAT tax would add to the cost of goods and raise prices and other taxes do not is part of the problem. Every tax levied on industry is put back into the cost of production somewhere. The notion hat a VAT tax is different in that regard is incorrect. All taxes add back to the cost of production and raise the cost of goods.

I would prefer we expand the tax base as well. We have millions that vote every year that never pay into the system they are using. Clearly only an income tax does not and will not do that as many do not have income to speak of.

On the cuts, you will find the GOP tends to want to push things like education and other social programs back to the states to manage closer to the need and likely far less expensively. The federal government is one of the least efficient ways to get things done. It is bloated and bureaucratic.

I have not worked for the federal government since hanging up my uniform. I have worked with many entities such as Northrop, the Postal Service and others. There are lots of opportunities to improve how we do things that too many have a vested interest in maintaining.

As I mentioned, the data from the NTU is available from many sources including the IRS that tracks all of it. Are you disputing the accuracy of the data or do you just not like the source?
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Cpl Tou Lee Yang
Edited 7 y ago
Sometimes I cannot fathom nor comprehend how anyone can support such a hateful lying piece of shit like Trump. It's crystal clear that his main purpose of running for POTUS is to get rid of the Estate tax so his fortune will be passed on throughout generation. And we have people actually supporting this by asserting that those who opposed it are hater. No you moron (all Trump lackey), I oppose it because I have to pay for it. Are you (all Trump lackey) too stupid to realize that? Why the hell would I want to pay for a reform that benefits only the rich? You (all Trump lackey) can't possibly be that stupid...then again, Trump is POTUS.
Maj John Bell
Maj John Bell
7 y
First, I didn't vote for President Trump. Nor did I vote for Secretary Clinton. I found them both morally objectionable.

Second, I am not speaking of President Trump's lack of military bearing or professionalism. I am speaking about the use of crass language and unchecked emotional outburst typified, by language like...

"...a hateful lying piece of shit..." "Are you (all Trump lackey) too stupid to realize that?"

I don't expect people to agree with me, but I try to make my points with polite discourse, and expect the same from military professionals .

Third, you must be tremendously astute to cast aspersions on my leadership with so little interaction.
Cpl Tou Lee Yang
Cpl Tou Lee Yang
7 y
Maj John Bell - Wait, so you're vehemently against Trump and Clinton, yet you wholeheartedly support Trump and speak of him as if he was your super hero. Normal people would not idolized people they detest the way you do with Trump. This entire comment is about Trump and yet you seem to defend him, I guess being a reservist, you do have some form of commitment for him. As a veteran, I don't have any commitment for him because I'm a civilian and he's supposed to work for me. But it seems like he's only working for himself and his billionaire friends.

As an officer, your support for him is understandably accurate with custom and courtesy. But your entire favorable view of him makes you a Trump support, not someone who opposed him. You act as if you voted for him in your assertion, then again, many Trump supporters deny voting for him but their comments speaks otherwise. I know it's hard to justify yourself when you vote with the KKK.
Maj John Bell
Maj John Bell
7 y
How can you possibly get everything so wrong?

1) I am not vehemently against President Trump. He does not have the persona and temperament I want in the White House. I think he is a strange cross of carnival barker, school yard bully, and not socially adept enough to understand the impact of his words. Nor would I have been vehemently against Secretary Clinton. I believe that the Clintons have a long history of enriching themselves by peddling their political power. I believe Secretary Clinton would have exercised the powers of the presidency on the razor edge of a balancing act; her wealth and personal interests on one side, the patience of the public and tolerance for her shenanigans on the other. In my view neither is a suitable candidate. [Notice ho I can say that without crass language and without insult to those who disagree. - its called "polite political discourse."]

2 When have I spoken of President Trump as if he were my superhero? Show me the quote and I will donate $100 to the DNC. You donate $10 to the RNC if you can't.

3) I am not defending President Trump, I AM challenging supposedly military "professionals" who cannot engage in political discourse without the high emotion and crass language of poorly raised gutter snipes.

4) I am not a reservist. My entire military career was spent as an active duty regular officer. The R behind my name means retired.

5) The KKK would consider me ineligible for membership as they would label me a mixed race "mud people" mongrel.
Cpl Tou Lee Yang
Cpl Tou Lee Yang
7 y
Maj John Bell - Apologies if my assumption is incorrect. From our dialog, I assumed you were a Trump supporters. If my comments and language becomes too offensive for you, my apology as well. I'm tried of Trump supporters continuously advocate for a lying bigot as if they're living in an alternate reality.
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CW5 Edward "Tate" Jones Jr.
With the bill still in committee and subject to change, it is impossible to accurately assess the impact of the bill. In fact, we probably won't know the whole impact for 5 years or more in reality. I give you the ACA as a prime example. All this shouting and whining and wringing of hands and name calling and villianization is a waste of time, money and hot air. Let see what the FINAL bill, after conference, that arrives for a vote looks like.
Cpl Tou Lee Yang
Cpl Tou Lee Yang
7 y
They already know the outcome of this reform and the results are in....in benefits the rich.

CW5 Edward "Tate" Jones Jr.
CW5 Edward "Tate" Jones Jr.
7 y
Simply not true.
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