The U.S. Defense Department spends nearly a billion dollars a year on mental health treatment alone. Our mental Health departments are overwhelmed with a very high input and little to no output. As an officer who has first-hand experience in waiting over 4 weeks for an initial appointment to see a mental health professional for PTSD, I can attest our systems are overwhelmed and we have a problem.
I decided to find assistance elsewhere; tactical patience is not a strength of mine. There are multiple ways to seek treatment for PTSD to include a Doctor, Mental Health Professional, or Spiritual and Religious Advisors ( I reached out to my spiritual teacher and he created a new technique in the process of helping me. He calls it the Mind Alignment Process (M.A.P.)
The Mind Alignment Process (M.A.P.) is a transcendental method Jeff and Shaleia Ayan developed with pieces of Neurolinguistic Programming (NLP), modern psychology, ancient meditation techniques, and a simple understanding of how the mind works. M.A.P. accesses quickly, simply, gently, and effectively, those places in one's consciousness, and resolves them so they can move on with their lives. It requires absolutely no medication, and absolutely in no way conflicts with any other medical modality or Eastern healing philosophy.
M.A.P. is the most effective and resource-efficient way to permanently resolve PTSD, because it immediately resolves the root of an issue, and can be quickly administered by anyone trained to do M.A.P. This also means any negative behaviors, like self-medicating with alcohol, which were a result of the core trauma, will also effortlessly fall away.
Jeff is helping me bring this into the military and train us on how to administer M.A.P. As he created it during his session with me.
He is providing FREE sessions via Skype or Google Hangouts to those I connect him with in efforts to help prove M.A.P.'s effectiveness for the military, and bring it into use to help our armed forces. After its effectiveness is proven on a small scale, we will develop a handbook on the process so it becomes easily teachable to many.
If you are interested in learning more about this program, my story, or know of any ways to bring this program into the military formations – please contact me.
As a leader, I have served by many suffering from PTSD. I never understood how broken we actually are until I myself needed to seek help.
We have a problem. I found the Solution. I simply want to bring what healed me and changed my life to those I serve beside who are silently suffering.
One thing I’ve learned as I advocate for M.A.P. It takes incredible courage to make the choice to heal.
M.A.P. is the fast track to being free of internal terror. It took One Session with Jeff to heal my deep rooted PTSD. My life drastically changed following this session. Flashbacks, unhealthy habits, triggers, numbing out, self-medicating with alcohol...all my symptoms started falling away. I began making new choices naturally without even realizing it.
The fast track is not for everyone…
I’m in search of the early adopters, pioneers who face fears down in order to pave the way for those less willing to try something new. I will hit the tipping point of the Law of Diffusion of Innovation and bring this into our formations.
I've already started by assisting those who have made the choice to heal to include an Apache Pilot from Fort Bragg.
If you are interested, my website has more information and contact options at: