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Responses: 4
1stSgt Nelson Kerr
A wise thing to do, the annual call implies unwarranted respect.
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CWO3 Us Marine
It's whatever their members will tolerate I guess. Considering the closest we ever got to a Jewish POTUS was Sen. Lieberman they are just doing what they feel is right. Is it? That's between them and their members. It doesn't affect my life at all, so I don't get riled by it.
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SSG Military Police Instructor
Edited 7 y ago
What a load of crap. “The President’s words have given succor to those who advocate anti-Semitism, racism, and xenophobia,” they wrote. “Responsibility for the violence that occurred in Charlottesville, including the death of Heather Heyer, does not lie with many sides but with one side: the Nazis, alt-right and white supremacists who brought their hate to a peaceful community. They must be roundly condemned at all levels.”
Yes, responsibility DOES lie with many sides. Just because one is allegedly fighting for you doesn't mean they aren't violent.
More leftist crap. The Reconstructionist and the Religious Action Center of Reform Judaism are both far left leaning organizations. Check out their websites. Funny how that didn't get mentioned in the article. Odds are good that they wouldn't have participated in the oh so important "conference call" anyway. Plus, who in the HELL would think that a conference call is that important anyway?
1SG Dennis Hicks
1SG Dennis Hicks
7 y
They believe what they want that's whats nice about a free society. You would think Liberals would be happy since they want separation from Church and state :)
SSG Military Police Instructor
SSG (Join to see)
7 y
PO2 Robert Aitchison - Ummm..." suggesting moral equivalence between Al Qaeda and the U.S. Army because of the crimes committed at Abu Ghraib."
That's EXACTLY what it was. That's why the Army has spent millions in training to ensure that our Soldiers never do that again. Because it was morally EQUIVALENT. The enemy used that as a recruiting tool for years.
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