Posted on Jul 26, 2017
Posted >1 y ago
Responses: 15
Those medications that are marketed as being for erectile dysfunction are used to regulate blood pressure. They'll also provide it if an issue is related to an injury sustained because of service. They also cover services for couples trying to have children. It's hard to put rounds down range if you can't get your rifle to operate properly.
MCPO Roger Collins
Ergo, a medical condition. Not a preference based on how you feel about your gender some day.
MAJ (Join to see)
Except there are facts missing - Viagra is a heart medication first and foremost. The other effects that are touted are a secondary finding. If we're going to ue facts to have a debate, lets make sure we have all of them.
1stSgt Nelson Kerr
MAJ (Join to see) - If your heart is bad enough to need that class of drugs you are already non-employable and perhaps should be looking at a medical board, since the side effects for the doges required are pretty strong. The symptoms required to use these drugs for that purpose are also pretty harsh.
Quoting the cost of care of some medications to TG care is over simplifying the issue. The best numbers are going to come from insurance companies and not biased articles. Does the article consider associated medical conditions and the care for those conditions? What about other risk factor and the suicide rate? All sources are biased and will paint a picture that is favorable to their view point.
MCPO Roger Collins
CPT Mark Gonzalez, you are on the mark. I posted an article from the Guardian that addresses your points and more.
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