A lot of hype over this. This is about "7 Countries."
I wonder if people understand these countries. The only two that have a single gov is Iraq and Iran. How many in US can name who is in charge of: Libya, Somalia Sudan, Syria and Yemen?
Libya is divided into there tribes, has two groups who claim to be in charge. Somalia...when did they have a gov that had control over the whole country...which decade did that happen? Sudan is split in north and south, an on and off brutal civil war. Yemen has different groups in charge on the west coast, a north and south group. On the east side of Yemen is a large Al Qaeda group. (The west side is fighting , and everyone ignores the west side problem, because the east coast is a proxy war between Saudi and Iran. Syria does have a real gov, but not gov control in the parts of the country. Those countries are a mess, who do you talk to about dong refugee background investigations? How do you know they are not murders or...? You can not ask the gov on Libya or the others? Who do you ask and do they have files? I do not understand the protest of being nervous about the ability to screen these 7 county's refugees.
The measures expire in 90 days and leave people in 46 Muslim-majority nations unaffected.