Posted on Jan 18, 2017
The hidden reason Republicans are so eager to repeal Obamacare
Posted 8 y ago
Responses: 4
If the federal government can't run a health care program for veterans it takes a true fool to think they can do it for the entire population.
The stupid ACA is collapsing. A friend of mine's (single 40 and healthy) has had his premiums go from $150.00 / month to over $600.00/ month. This type of thing is happening to individuals and families across the country. My son pays heavy duty premiums and has $6,000.00 in copay,it is him and his wife. So the people that get subsidized get better insurance at cheaper rates than those carrying the weight. The other issue is the coops are going broke and the insurance companies are pulling out due to Hugh losses. In 5 states they are down to one provider.. So we are in a spiral of ever increasing premiums and copay. My friend is considering dropping his health insurance. Young adults aren't buying. So the lost funds from those not buying and those dropping out are adding to the ever increasing cost of premiums for those who actually pay for their insurance. Mean while many poor don't buy insurance until they are sick then drop it after treatment leaving the insurance company holding the bag and having to raise rates etc. continuing the spiral. All these Democrats asking to see the Republican's bill are a hoot. Nancy Pelosi said they had to pass it to find out what was in it! Hidden, hardly, stupid article that doesn't address the real issues.
I have a question on this... Why should anyone be forced to subsidize another's health insurance?
MAJ (Join to see)
Insurance by its very nature is supposed to be subsidized, I pay fire insurance just in case my home burns down knowing full well that all likelihood my house will never need the insurance. I pay which goes to those unfortunate individuals who's home does catch fire.
The problem with our health "insurance" is that it's not insurance at all, ACA outlawed the true insurance plans and required an individual mandate, at that point insurance was killed it is now a pay for your healthcare welfare program not a health insurance plan. The current system economically will never be sustainable, there are only two solutions a single payer system where healthcare is provided but is substandard as we see in medicaid and the VA system. or where it is privatized and individuals are free to chose the plans that suit them. The issues with that is under the current system I can choose a cheap plan or no insurance at all, and then after I am diagnosed with a real problem I elect for the great insurance plans, which has the economic effect of purchasing fire insurance after a fire, which destroy's the insurance coverage's ability to pay for it's losses. Since I can afford insurance I prefer the good systems where I get great coverage. Only the poor or uniformed individuals would ever select a Government only solution.
The problem with our health "insurance" is that it's not insurance at all, ACA outlawed the true insurance plans and required an individual mandate, at that point insurance was killed it is now a pay for your healthcare welfare program not a health insurance plan. The current system economically will never be sustainable, there are only two solutions a single payer system where healthcare is provided but is substandard as we see in medicaid and the VA system. or where it is privatized and individuals are free to chose the plans that suit them. The issues with that is under the current system I can choose a cheap plan or no insurance at all, and then after I am diagnosed with a real problem I elect for the great insurance plans, which has the economic effect of purchasing fire insurance after a fire, which destroy's the insurance coverage's ability to pay for it's losses. Since I can afford insurance I prefer the good systems where I get great coverage. Only the poor or uniformed individuals would ever select a Government only solution.
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