Posted on Jan 10, 2017
Sessions takes on racism charges; pledges to recuse himself from Clinton probes
Posted 8 y ago
Responses: 8
He Sure is Counting on Peoples Ignorance of His History and Voting Record which goes back a long way. Could he have "Found God" "Become a Changed Man" Sure, Look No further than Justice Hugo Black who went from KKK Member to Civil Right Icon in the Supreme Court. Or Robert Byrd of West Virginia another KKK Man to Friend of the NAACP when He Passed but you will have to excuse my Sideways Glance when James Sennsions says it hurts his feelings to be called a Racist and that he is not.
PO1 William "Chip" Nagel
I will give him Credit for having the Sense to Recuse Himself from any Prosecution of any of the Clintons after this many years and 2 Witch Hunts any attempt at this point by any Republican loses any Legal or Moral Authority, It comes off and is Purely Political in Nature.
apparently he also said he was the lead in civil rights cases when he wasn't ... going to ne interesting how this turns out
SGT William Howell
Says the Washington Post. Which in the last 6 months has been proven wrong on many occasions. Just saying.
The commentary on the Sessions hearing is fantastic.. The backpedaling, the denial, and his response to potentially jailing reporters for doing their job. You can't make this up.
TSgt Kenneth Ellis
Like Obama sending 7 police officers to perk walk a film maker he and Hillary blamed Benghazi on.
TSgt Kenneth Ellis
SSG Jessica Bautista - He is going to be your AG. And it was embaracing watching the Democrats and all loony protesters. He handled himself well. And thanks to Harry Reid he only needs 51 votes.
SSG Jessica Bautista
TSgt Kenneth Ellis - When you say that he handled himself well, are we talking about composure? His answers give me no faith that he will serve all Americans, so I will criticize as I choose, probably very vocally and obnoxiously, depending on how I feel that day.
I read "embracing", but I assume you meant "embarrassing"?
I read "embracing", but I assume you meant "embarrassing"?
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