Posted on Jan 4, 2017
GOP meets to discuss dismantling Obamacare, Dems search for ways to save it
Posted 8 y ago
Responses: 7
You do know the principle concepts of Individual Mandate, Healthcare Exchanges, Taxation were all part of The Heritage Foundation's Healthcare Reform Plan from early 90s that even Romney adopted and implemented on a smaller scale? The ACA base concepts have always been a Conservative model and the GOP do plan on keeping those base concepts, restructure how it will be financed and then rename it either TrumpCare or RyanCare or some other BS name. Dems shouldn't do a damn thing. Just enjoy the show.
CW4 Guy Butler
MAJ James Woods - Ah, ok. I stand corrected.
I apparently got confused by " the version of the health insurance mandate Heritage and I supported in the 1990s". Makes sense now.
I apparently got confused by " the version of the health insurance mandate Heritage and I supported in the 1990s". Makes sense now.
LTC Kevin B.
MAJ James Woods - You're absolutely correct. The Heritage Plan provided the DNA for Obamacare, and they are very, very closely related. Anyone saying otherwise simply doesn't know the details, doesn't know the background, and/or simply wants to deflect blame.
The original Heritage Plan contained an individual mandate, reformed marketplaces (i.e. today's exchanges), and premium support (i.e. today's subsidies)....all of which are the main components of the PPACA. Plus, the Heritage Plan was a national-level policy, not a state solution like many conservatives argue (which, however, was the case with Romneycare). The GOP just all bailed on their own policy once President Obama embraced it. The GOP should have just declared victory (for winning the policy debate) once Obama embraced it. However, it was far too tempting for them to throw their own policy under the bus for short-term political gain.
Now, is Obamacare EXACTLY the same thing as the Heritage Plan? No, and that's the only reason that the Stuart Butler column (provided above) is even relevant. Basically, Butler is arguing that the minor differences are major differences, hence they aren't the same thing. As a case in point, he's pointing to the individual mandate. While the Heritage Plan did call for catastrophic coverage, rather than comprehensive coverage, we're really just quibbling over the level of coverage, not whether or not someone is required to buy insurance. Moreover, whether the protection is for the patients themselves (as in Obamacare) or for protecting others (as in the Heritage Plan), that's simply another quibbling point. The bottom line is that the individual mandate is meant to protect people from financial harm.
Regardless, Obamacare was the more conservative alternative to Hillarycare, the single payer system, and socialized medicine. It kept the health system relatively intact, and focused on reforming the health insurance markets.
The original Heritage Plan contained an individual mandate, reformed marketplaces (i.e. today's exchanges), and premium support (i.e. today's subsidies)....all of which are the main components of the PPACA. Plus, the Heritage Plan was a national-level policy, not a state solution like many conservatives argue (which, however, was the case with Romneycare). The GOP just all bailed on their own policy once President Obama embraced it. The GOP should have just declared victory (for winning the policy debate) once Obama embraced it. However, it was far too tempting for them to throw their own policy under the bus for short-term political gain.
Now, is Obamacare EXACTLY the same thing as the Heritage Plan? No, and that's the only reason that the Stuart Butler column (provided above) is even relevant. Basically, Butler is arguing that the minor differences are major differences, hence they aren't the same thing. As a case in point, he's pointing to the individual mandate. While the Heritage Plan did call for catastrophic coverage, rather than comprehensive coverage, we're really just quibbling over the level of coverage, not whether or not someone is required to buy insurance. Moreover, whether the protection is for the patients themselves (as in Obamacare) or for protecting others (as in the Heritage Plan), that's simply another quibbling point. The bottom line is that the individual mandate is meant to protect people from financial harm.
Regardless, Obamacare was the more conservative alternative to Hillarycare, the single payer system, and socialized medicine. It kept the health system relatively intact, and focused on reforming the health insurance markets.
CDR Jon Corrigan
SSgt Ray Stone - 'At a campaign stop in Vinton, Iowa on 22 Jan 2016, Mrs. Clinton told supporters: "It was called Hillarycare before it was called Obamacare."' Two choices here: either it was, or it was just another Clinton lie.
If the repubs can create a plan that keeps the good parts of Obamacare and improve the bad, while at the same time reduce healthcare costs and lower taxes, then by all means lets see it. If they can do that, they will be heroes and stay in power for decades to come. Funny, though how in the six years since Obamacare has been in effect, they haven't produced anything but a bunch of talking points. No plan, no details of what costs will be cut, and where the money will come from. No explanation on how the millions of Americans who have health insurance for the first time will be able to keep it, along with those with preexisting conditions and yet cost less at the same time.
Why after 6 years have they never been able to crunch the numbers and show how their new plan will work? Why haven't they shown the plan to the insurance industry to show them how they will be able to afford to add all those people without adding the healthy ones through the mandate?
If they produce a better, cheaper plan than everyone, repub or dem would support it and be happy to replace Obamacare. So lets see it. Couple the repeal with the replacement. None of this symbolic bullshit of repeal now--fix later. As a general I worked for once said, "you don't relieve a commander unless you've got a better one ready to take his place.
Why after 6 years have they never been able to crunch the numbers and show how their new plan will work? Why haven't they shown the plan to the insurance industry to show them how they will be able to afford to add all those people without adding the healthy ones through the mandate?
If they produce a better, cheaper plan than everyone, repub or dem would support it and be happy to replace Obamacare. So lets see it. Couple the repeal with the replacement. None of this symbolic bullshit of repeal now--fix later. As a general I worked for once said, "you don't relieve a commander unless you've got a better one ready to take his place.
well tell BHO how Many people Have Lost or can't afford medical Care because of the increases in ObamaCare of who were never covered or only get the care to pass the Tax requirements...
Cpl Joshua Caldwell
Poor people couldnt afford insurance before obama care, now they still cant afford it, but they have the added joy of paying the gov because they can't afford it. So it worked out well for the gov.
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