Posted on Dec 30, 2016
First Female Infantry Marines to Graduate Boot Camp in January
Posted 8 y ago
Responses: 8
I hope my comment in no way offends any female member of the Armed Services going into the combat arms,just a word of advice from an old Infantry grunt,be very careful what you wish for,the path you chose can best be described,if you would allow this old man's memories of swatting in a mud filled fighting position,tired because you lucky to get two full hours sleep what with ambush patrols,perimeter security,mortar rounds either going out or coming in,hungry cause the choppers can't get into the LZ,filthy beyond belief covered in multiple insect bites with some of the little buggers still attached and then some fool starts shooting at you,add in a little boredom and chickenshit from the rear echelon and viola your a grunt,again if this is what you want to do I say go for it and welcome to the club!
Pushing a string up a hill. Women's intellect should not be underestimated.
After All That, Few Women Soldiers Sign Up for Combat
G.I. Jane, it turns out, has learned something that G.I.
I read the screening PFT and the 8wks into boot camp PFT.
Gender nutural is not the correct term.
M. Morris RVT
Gender nutural is not the correct term.
M. Morris RVT
Maj John Bell
The events and scores listed would have been grounds to remove a recruit from the series and placed in remedial PT in the 70's through 90's. If this is the MOS specific physical screening for Infantry, what does the MOS specific test look like for non-combat, almost never deploying, MOS's like legal clerk, or disbursing.
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