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Responses: 10
LTC Self Employed
Edited >1 y ago
OMG. My condolences to the family. A state of emergency is a good call. Thank god the swat team was wearing kevlar helmets. I saw a kevlar helmet with a good head shot that the gunman did but I can't copy it for RP but here is the mobile CP pix. We need to not bother or bug anyone Muslim because mainstream Muslims do not condone killing Gays just the Whabbi and Iranian extremist types along with Hamas, Hezbollah and ISIL and 99% of Muslims are not that way just like 99+% of white people are not Nazis.
CPT Pedro Meza SSG James J. Palmer IV aka "JP4" SSG Carlos Madden COL Mikel J. Burroughs COL John Cole MAJ (Join to see) CPT L S CH (MAJ) (Join to see) SSG Roger Ayscue SSG Carlos Madden MAJ (Join to see) MAJ David Potter SrA Christopher Wright CPT (Join to see) 2LT (Join to see) LTC Kevin B. LTC Stephen F. SGT (Join to see) SGT Robert George SFC William Farrell SFC Joe S. Davis Jr., MSM, DSL
CPT Pedro Meza
CPT Pedro Meza
>1 y
LTC (Join to see) - Tell him to keep and open mind because he will be challenged, mostly by the idiots, but learn to stay cool..
CPT Pedro Meza
CPT Pedro Meza
>1 y
PFC Talal Al-Tunsi - It unfortunately that human beings are very narrowed minded which cause them to easily be lead around with false beliefs. This happens in all religions where humans are required to give up their God given Free Will and accept what someone has written in a book that requires that you don't question it because it comes from God/Allah. It is like you said any one can give themselves a title and followers soon follow.
CPT Pedro Meza
CPT Pedro Meza
>1 y
PFC Talal Al-Tunsi - During the late 1970s I lived down the street from a Christian pastor Jim Jones that lead his congregation of about 1000 plus into the jungles then had them commit suicide. One of my reserves buddies had to go pick up the 900 plus bodies, he never was the same after. Even here in the US we have christian cults that rape young girls, and little is done.
LTC Self Employed
LTC (Join to see)
>1 y
CPT Pedro Meza - Jones Town Massarce in Guyana 1979?
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SFC Joe S. Davis Jr., MSM, DSL
SSG Derrick L. Lewis MBA, C-HRM this sad and horrific, prayers to family and friends!
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CSM Charles Hayden
SSG Derrick L. Lewis MBA, C-HRM We must expect more 'loss of personal freedom" as a result of the FL shooting! Just like the TSA lines at the airport, all inspections and investigations take time, cost $ and cause our world to move at a slower pace!
SSG Derrick L. Lewis MBA, C-HRM
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