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Responses: 5
SSG Pete Fleming
That is a very well thought out thesis, good job... writing seems to be in your future.
SGT Writer
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Thanks, though I'm not sure how glad I am to hear that. I'm definitely not a great writer. Any thoughts on the content ?
SSG Pete Fleming
SSG Pete Fleming
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SGT (Join to see) - Two thoughts come to mind.
A. embrace your gift
B. you seem to feel strongly about the issue, there is actually room to sub-divide this into additional articles on the topic.
What/who is your target audience and what is your end goal with this? Is just a school project/assignment? Or is this an avenue of thought you would like to pursuit deeper?
SGT Writer
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SSG Pete Fleming - This was a school assignment. Now, it's a personal project with a much larger goal targeted towards mostly other Black Americans. I do plan to go deeper into this with the help of more constructive criticism.
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MSG Pat Colby
Solid article. Nice job. If you plan on expanding, I'd like to know your take on Affirmative Action. Many song lyrics do discuss it, just in not so many words. Do you think it's still relevant? Does it help or hinder races and sexes?
SGT Writer
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MSG Pat Colby - No offense but I'm not reading that. Just the title pisses me off. I get it - non-whites are many times disadvantaged because of things including my aforementioned statements. But tampering with points falsely FAVORS others. It's a bandage - a front. That doesn't fix the problem. There's no pride in meeting a standard that was lowered just for you. That's Black- or Hispanic- privilege. I am a black man - "black" is an adjective, a filter, a section. I am a man.

I'm tired of other blacks ranting about what "The white man" is suppressing or keeping blacks from doing and realize most whites just trying to stay away from the jacked up racist issues among minorities - racial slurs, appearance, #BlackLivesMatter, etc. If all whites are part of a "collective mind", then what's going on within the rarely mentioned "the black man"?

Damn, this beer is delicious.
SGT Writer
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MSG Pat Colby - As you've asked for updates on this topics:
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Sgt Infantryman
i agree with your viewpoints. The question is do people want to look forward or backward? My kids are in school with just about every race. They play together and like each other. Also, I see couples of different races everywhere. I would guess within a generation these issues will abate. Furthermore, i imagine the rap that glorifies the current division will also be less popular as a result.
SGT Writer
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Analyzing the past objectively helps figure out how to move forward. What issues do you think will "abate"? Why? I want details.
Sgt Infantryman
Sgt (Join to see)
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I think racism in general will abate. My children are half Mexican. I dated a black girl in MP school. Our children all play together. All races live in my neighborhood. Each generation becomes less racist. There is so much mixing now that it is inevitable. You can't hate someone that looks like your mother, best friend, wife, etc.
SGT Writer
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Sgt (Join to see) - Your last statement is false simply because you seem to have forgotten that racism is based on ignorance regarding stigmas, generalizations, and prejudice. It would make sense, but that doesn't mean one CAN'T hate someone mixed with a certain ethnicity. Your other points make sense. Racism is learned, though. The older one gets, the more one fights against the norms and influences of their surroundings. You're National Guard. You've never had to deal with racist groups? I've seen many black "clicks" doing the same mess against whites.
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