Posted on Feb 13, 2016
Marine commandant details career, fitness and tattoo changes
Posted 9 y ago
Responses: 2
Sgt Aaron Kennedy, MS I liked the part where the Commandant says Marines need clarification of the tat policy; like on 1 page. A deceased friend told he would never read the second page of any professional communication he received!
Sgt Aaron Kennedy, MS
One thing I really like about Marine Policy. It's "Simple." Amazingly simple. "Napoleon's Corporal" level. I have not found a single policy within the Marines that can't be understood from a "as written" standpoint.
The major issue we generally run into is the "why behind" standpoint. The CMC does a great job explaining the Brand issue.
The major issue we generally run into is the "why behind" standpoint. The CMC does a great job explaining the Brand issue.
"I was talking to a sergeant in the gym this morning who says he is getting out. I asked him, “What would it take to get you to stay?” That made him pause for a second, so I am going to re-attack that later" even though he's a jarhead (an ugly one at that. Like Shrek in uniform), this without a doubt is awesome to hear. How many senior officers actually WANT to hear what they can do to keep you in service? This is awesome, and he even got the Marine to think about his answer.
Sgt Tom Cunnally
"Ugly one at that".....?????? Swanie are you sure you were talking to a Jarhead?? We don't have fat or ugly marines....
SSG Warren Swan
240 years of kicking ass and taking continents by storm.....that's before the fellas arrive to hold it down. Our females are some BAD mofo's.
SSG Warren Swan
GySgt John Olson - It's a joke between two friends. I could've posted a more factual meme, but that would take away the joke, even though women in any branch aren't jokes and are some BAMF's day in and day out.
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