SSG Hugh Joiner

SSG Hugh Joiner

Dates of Service: no date specified
25% Complete
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Influence Score: 84
234,464 out of 864,952 Veterans
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Military Experiences

Feb 1990 - Feb 1993
Training NCO
At this time of my service I had switched MOS’s to 73C Finance Specialist from 11B60 with sniper and air assault qualifications…due to hearing loss. I think I had been in the Finance Department for about 3 years by the time I arrived at Ft. Hood. Unfortunately me and the admin side of the Army just never seemed to gel. I was not happy out of my realm and never quite understood the office politics. I was “chaptered” out honorably but had to endure the humiliation of an escort… It wasn’t anyone’s fault really…I should have just gotten out when I failed the hearing test…hardcore grunts don’t go well in admin units…