Recent Activity -
Military Experiences
Jun 1996 - Jul 1997
Chaplains' Assistant
Was assistant to the Fund Clerk, Assisted in Training newly assigned Chaplains' Assistants, Assisted post chapels with services, visited post chapels in assisting with duties when companies were deployed.
Jun 1995 - Jun 1996
Chaplains' Assistant
Assisted Chaplain in Conducting weekly services, Purchased Supplies for Chapel, Created Bulletin for Services, Maintained Chapel, Brief Chaplain on status of soldiers, visited units located near the demilitarization of chemical weapons plant.
Jan 1993 - Jun 1995
Chaplains' Assitant
Set up Chapel Services, Assisted Chaplains in conducting duties, Served as a driver for the Chaplains, Created Chapel Bulletins, Maintained Chaplain's Fund.
Military Credentials
Professional Development Schools
Chaplains' Fund Clerk Course
Security Clearance
None / Expired
Academic Degrees
Academic Degrees
1990 - 1991
Chapparral College
Desktop Publishing
Personal Information