Para Los Niños
Para Los Niños
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Founded on Skid Row in 1980, our model fosters pathways to success through powerful families, strong communities, and excellence in education for children and youth to thrive. Our unique approach is effective because of the aspects working together:
Excellent Education: Our schools and youth centers offer high-quality education and wraparound support to educate the whole child from 6-weeks to 24 years-of-age. Using an inquiry-based approach with social-emotional integration we nurture a child’s healthy academic, physical, and social-emotional development to succeed in school, work, and life.
Powerful Families: We partner with parents and provide opportunities to strengthen their leadership, provide support in stress management and education, plus counseling and clinical support, to ensure students and families thrive.
Strong Communities: We are active in our communities to create spaces that connect children, youth, and families to education and resources to lead and succeed. We have strategic partnerships with agencies and community stakeholders across LA to build trust and together give voice to our diverse perspectives.
Most recent contributors: SrA Kevin Panneton