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Responses: 4
LCDR Joshua Gillespie
I've had an IED blow up in front of me...driven over a couple that didn't go off, had someone shoot at me (rocketed multiple times), had guns pointed at me (and pointed guns at others) several times...been tortured with cigarettes by gang members, was nearly killed in an airplane, been hit by a car, thrown from another, been in fights, mugged (well-attempted to be mugged), held someone while they died from horrific injuries, lost my best friend, been "hazed", and nearly frozen to death...

...I don't have PTSD either.

I do have nightmares that sometimes wake me up screaming (didn't know this till I got married). I do dislike driving in traffic because it makes me feel exposed and not-in-control. I am more afraid of heights than I used to be (but have found I can reduce the fear through exposure), and sometimes feel "adrift"...though I find hard exercise and range time helps.

I figure everyone who's exposed to "trauma" responds differently. Some have been "equipped" to deal with it differently (I won't say "better") than others... and some need all the help we can provide them.
CPO Head Of Department/Senior Medical Department Representative, Battalion Aid Station
CPO (Join to see)
5 y
Not all PTSD looks nor “feels” the same.
Exposure therapy is a valid and utilized exercise. Good that you figured it out on your own!
Imagine how short the journey would be with just a little help, even of its just to validate youre doing it right!
I used to feel shame and indignation at the thought of getting help. That was one of the most foolish things I ever let control me.
SP6 Peter Kreutzfeldt
SP6 Peter Kreutzfeldt
5 y
As I mentioned to the other soldier, Lucky you. I have learned to deal with my demons and its been years since Viet Nam. But my wife is to be credited for my well being and survival.
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CSM Charles Hayden
PO1 William "Chip" Nagel

Is this post about yourself? I thought you were good to go in KS?

REF: “Your husband Chris”?
PO1 William "Chip" Nagel
PO1 William "Chip" Nagel
>1 y
CSM Charles Hayden LOL! I added the Quotations Just For You!
CSM Charles Hayden
CSM Charles Hayden
>1 y
PO1 William "Chip" Nagel I have always thought you were trained to listen! ‘Chuck’
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SSG Edward Tilton
You must not have gotten the message. You can have PTSD even if you don't know it. You can get free money even if you weren't in Vietnam or combat
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