COL Thomas F. 8027063 <div class="images-v2-count-0"></div>What&#39;s the communities&#39; thought on wearing a uniform on a cruise? I was watching a video for a cruise and there was an army officer in his ASU. I thought it weird. Although I joked about during this with my wife, I&#39;m pretty sure I wouldn&#39;t do this. Thoughts? Would you wear your uniform on a cruise? 2022-12-13T18:47:17-05:00 COL Thomas F. 8027063 <div class="images-v2-count-0"></div>What&#39;s the communities&#39; thought on wearing a uniform on a cruise? I was watching a video for a cruise and there was an army officer in his ASU. I thought it weird. Although I joked about during this with my wife, I&#39;m pretty sure I wouldn&#39;t do this. Thoughts? Would you wear your uniform on a cruise? 2022-12-13T18:47:17-05:00 2022-12-13T18:47:17-05:00 CAPT Kevin B. 8027157 <div class="images-v2-count-0"></div>One of my bigger mistakes. On our first ever cruise, there was a scheduled Tux night. Ever being cheap, vowing never to buy one, I packed my dinner dress sans cover and gloves. It worked for about 20 paces as people were stopping me and asking questions about the ship. My wife wanted a photo op with the ship&#39;s Skipper. OK. Told him I got stopped about 10 times and he just lamented &quot;welcome to my world&quot;. Good laugh. Copious alcohol soothed the pain as the evening went on. It did score us an invite to the Skipper&#39;s table for dinner later in the cruise. Got interesting as the JO&#39;s aboard started a discussion on which Captain was funnier. I won mostly because they heard their Skipper&#39;s jokes before. Thank you cards were later sent with the one coming my way thanking me for taking the heat off him for one night. Good times. Response by CAPT Kevin B. made Dec 13 at 2022 8:46 PM 2022-12-13T20:46:36-05:00 2022-12-13T20:46:36-05:00 Maj John Bell 8027179 <div class="images-v2-count-0"></div>No Response by Maj John Bell made Dec 13 at 2022 9:02 PM 2022-12-13T21:02:44-05:00 2022-12-13T21:02:44-05:00 SFC Casey O'Mally 8027190 <div class="images-v2-count-0"></div>Most cruises have a formal night. I wore mine for that night and that night alone. There was a second night it would have been more or less appropriate. I stayed in that night.<br /><br />Ultimately, there is nothing *wrong* with it. But it did make me a bit of a spectacle, as <a class="dark-link bold-link" role="profile-hover" data-qtip-container="body" data-id="565751" data-source-page-controller="question_response_contents" href="/profiles/565751-510x-civil-engineer-corps-i-e-seabee-officer">CAPT Kevin B.</a> mentions. Up to you if you want to be a spectacle. Response by SFC Casey O'Mally made Dec 13 at 2022 9:15 PM 2022-12-13T21:15:06-05:00 2022-12-13T21:15:06-05:00 SMSgt Henry Kiester 8027913 <div class="images-v2-count-0"></div>I wore my uniform on a cruise ship - the Cunard Princess, tied to the dock in Bahrain. It was an R&amp;R spot for DESERT SHIELD and DESERT STORM and I didn&#39;t have any civvies, because it was a deployment. But, I digress... <br />No, do not wear your uniform Response by SMSgt Henry Kiester made Dec 14 at 2022 11:57 AM 2022-12-14T11:57:59-05:00 2022-12-14T11:57:59-05:00 CW4 Private RallyPoint Member 8027978 <div class="images-v2-count-0"></div>My wife asks me to bring my ASUs when my family and I cruise in order to wear it on Formal night for the photos. I&#39;m enough of a tight wad (and my wife understands) that these photos count as our annual fancy dress family pictures. Plus, I paid enough for the dang things that I at least want to wear them once a year, if to just see if they still fit.<br />You do tend to get a lot of questions when wearing them, and you usually get to trade jokes with the ship Captain when he bumps into you. Response by CW4 Private RallyPoint Member made Dec 14 at 2022 12:56 PM 2022-12-14T12:56:50-05:00 2022-12-14T12:56:50-05:00 2022-12-13T18:47:17-05:00