SSG(P) Private RallyPoint Member 1485081 <div class="images-v2-count-0"></div>If we Conceal carry, the only use our firearm has is to defeat an actual threat.<br /><br />However if we Open Carry, then we capitalize on our weapons potential usage. <br />1. We can defeat an actual threat.<br />2. We could deter a threat that hasn&#39;t yet been committed, therefore a hypothetical situation<br />3. Show the public that firearms aren&#39;t scary! If they see enough of them, they will get used to it!!<br /><br />I don&#39;t buy the argument that you become the first target, unless you are in uniform of one kind or another. Many studies have proven that the average person doesn&#39;t notice an open handgun unless their is something that draws attention to the individual like a badge, uniform, or physical gesture. Yet that is what nearly everyone has been posting. If you still believe that, that&#39;s fine. I&#39;m just looking for some solid reasons backed up by actual events (more than 1) or different reasons. <br /><br />That being said, thank you for all of the answers, I have greatly enjoyed intelligent conversation vs. an in-law just telling me that &quot;You&#39;re a moron&quot; or &quot;You&#39;re going to get yourself killed&quot;. Why does nobody Open Carry? Do we really want to try to defeat an actual threat, rather than try to deter a hypothetical one? 2016-04-28T10:22:37-04:00 SSG(P) Private RallyPoint Member 1485081 <div class="images-v2-count-0"></div>If we Conceal carry, the only use our firearm has is to defeat an actual threat.<br /><br />However if we Open Carry, then we capitalize on our weapons potential usage. <br />1. We can defeat an actual threat.<br />2. We could deter a threat that hasn&#39;t yet been committed, therefore a hypothetical situation<br />3. Show the public that firearms aren&#39;t scary! If they see enough of them, they will get used to it!!<br /><br />I don&#39;t buy the argument that you become the first target, unless you are in uniform of one kind or another. Many studies have proven that the average person doesn&#39;t notice an open handgun unless their is something that draws attention to the individual like a badge, uniform, or physical gesture. Yet that is what nearly everyone has been posting. If you still believe that, that&#39;s fine. I&#39;m just looking for some solid reasons backed up by actual events (more than 1) or different reasons. <br /><br />That being said, thank you for all of the answers, I have greatly enjoyed intelligent conversation vs. an in-law just telling me that &quot;You&#39;re a moron&quot; or &quot;You&#39;re going to get yourself killed&quot;. Why does nobody Open Carry? Do we really want to try to defeat an actual threat, rather than try to deter a hypothetical one? 2016-04-28T10:22:37-04:00 2016-04-28T10:22:37-04:00 PO2 Mark Saffell 1485092 <div class="images-v2-count-0"></div>these are good points and open carry is allowed here in Missouri. I think some avoid it because of the looks they get from others. Who knows. I will be interest in others replies to this. Response by PO2 Mark Saffell made Apr 28 at 2016 10:27 AM 2016-04-28T10:27:30-04:00 2016-04-28T10:27:30-04:00 PO2 Mark Saffell 1485094 <div class="images-v2-count-0"></div>OH after I hit reply I thought of something else. I believe some think if you open carry you are making yourself a target. Response by PO2 Mark Saffell made Apr 28 at 2016 10:28 AM 2016-04-28T10:28:38-04:00 2016-04-28T10:28:38-04:00 SGM Erik Marquez 1485112 <div class="images-v2-count-0"></div>I prefer not to advertise... I prefer to make the offender wonder which of his targets is armed.. not know which ones he needs to avoid. I do not believe open carry is a deterrence .. I live in a state with a lot of license to carry...a armed thief already knows there is a good chance one of his victims is armed.... I do not see it as an advantage showing him which one.<br /><br />The manner in which I &quot;conceal carry&quot; does not impart much in additional reaction time. and the idea of a quick draw for self defense is Hollywood in any case. Attacker makes himself known, you move to cover while drawing and go from there... If you&#39;re not behind cover or moving to it, you&#39;re worng. Response by SGM Erik Marquez made Apr 28 at 2016 10:33 AM 2016-04-28T10:33:01-04:00 2016-04-28T10:33:01-04:00 SGT Ben Keen 1485116 <div class="images-v2-count-0"></div>All great points. PA is an open carry state as well. And even though I know I can open carry, I prefer to carry concealed only to prevent people who do not understand the right from pooping their pants from actually seeing a law abiding citizen exercise his/her right. Response by SGT Ben Keen made Apr 28 at 2016 10:34 AM 2016-04-28T10:34:42-04:00 2016-04-28T10:34:42-04:00 SFC Jim Ruether 1485135 <div class="images-v2-count-0"></div>I like the idea to carry openly Sgt. Needham. <br />Samuel Colt once said that an armed society is a polite society. I believe some of these thugs/criminal miscreants out there would think twice about robbing anyone if enough of us were open carry licensed. You made an excellent point that by wearing our weapon in the open we were showing the public that we are responsible and most of us are just normal citizens interested in providing for our own safety and that of people around us if necessary. Response by SFC Jim Ruether made Apr 28 at 2016 10:43 AM 2016-04-28T10:43:13-04:00 2016-04-28T10:43:13-04:00 CPO Frank Coluccio 1485205 <div class="images-v2-count-0"></div>I agree, open carry could potentially stop a crime by the simple fact that the "perp" sees an armed person.<br />BUT, and here is the rub of it, the media, Liberals, Democrats, Progressives, from 0bama to Mayors, have demonized guns by promoting that guns are the reason there is crime and murders and those that carry are mentally deficient and/or are trying to overcome some from of "penis" envy, instead of placing the blame and holding the person committing the deed responsible. Response by CPO Frank Coluccio made Apr 28 at 2016 11:01 AM 2016-04-28T11:01:29-04:00 2016-04-28T11:01:29-04:00 SSG James Elmore 1485229 <div class="images-v2-count-0"></div>But if you open carry you&#39;re the first person the psychopath is going to shoot so that way there&#39;s no one to shoot back at him...... Response by SSG James Elmore made Apr 28 at 2016 11:18 AM 2016-04-28T11:18:27-04:00 2016-04-28T11:18:27-04:00 SrA William Giraldi 1485268 <div class="images-v2-count-0"></div>I conceal and open carry based on the pistol I bring outta the house that day. Though being a resident of NJ, my non-resident AZ CCW permit isn't valid and by law, have to leave the gun at home because getting a NJ CCW is near impossible if you don't have connections. However, some laws are meant to be bent or even broken. I live just outside of Trenton, I've carried a loaded gun outside the house even being here. The safety of myself and family is my own responsibility. What good is a cop if they can't be there instantaneously? Response by SrA William Giraldi made Apr 28 at 2016 11:30 AM 2016-04-28T11:30:21-04:00 2016-04-28T11:30:21-04:00 SSgt Private RallyPoint Member 1485340 <div class="images-v2-count-0"></div>Hi, Sergeant Needham.<br /><br />I carry everywhere I go, mostly concealed. The few times I open-carry is because it’s hot or I don’t want to take the time to lock up my piece in the car. I don’t want to advertise that I’m carrying, because other people (other people not like you and me) are going to notice, and either perceive me as a criminal threat, as the white hat that needs to be addressed and eliminated first before they hold up the mini-mart, or just point and loudly proclaim, alarmed or not, that I’m packing heat. That actually happened recently. The lady behind the counter noticed when I was buying a pack of M&amp;Ms that “Hey, he’s got a gun.”<br /><br />I have other systems to counter an actual threat, like your open carry premise potentially could. I’m not as muscle bound as I used to be, but I’m still a big guy. I scan my surroundings, and identify potential threats in a room. I don’t sit with my back to a door, nor do I sit in a corner. I project confidence in my demeanor. I maintain an “interview distance” (at least an arm’s length) between me and people with whom I speak. If I live as a sheepdog, carrying openly or not, people will notice. Response by SSgt Private RallyPoint Member made Apr 28 at 2016 11:51 AM 2016-04-28T11:51:43-04:00 2016-04-28T11:51:43-04:00 SSG Private RallyPoint Member 1485375 <div class="images-v2-count-0"></div>I have no problem with open carry I don&#39;t. I prefer concealed carry because well there are many people that don&#39;t like guns. I prefer people to not know what I have and if I have anything until I want them to. people that know me know I probably have a gun on me. I think that both should be allowed and it should be up to each law abiding person how they carry. Response by SSG Private RallyPoint Member made Apr 28 at 2016 12:06 PM 2016-04-28T12:06:26-04:00 2016-04-28T12:06:26-04:00 SMSgt Thor Merich 1485387 <div class="images-v2-count-0"></div>Open carry invites too many problems and makes you a target. I prefer to be more subtle and let the crooks wonder who is carrying and who is not.<br /><br />On the civilian law enforcement side of things, most departments have a rule that says if you carry off-duty, you MUST carry concealed. That is sound advice. Response by SMSgt Thor Merich made Apr 28 at 2016 12:10 PM 2016-04-28T12:10:33-04:00 2016-04-28T12:10:33-04:00 CAPT Hiram Patterson 1485395 <div class="images-v2-count-0"></div>Prefer not to advertise and maintain the element of surprise. No use becoming an immediate target by some crazy who sees my gun. Response by CAPT Hiram Patterson made Apr 28 at 2016 12:12 PM 2016-04-28T12:12:08-04:00 2016-04-28T12:12:08-04:00 SPC Private RallyPoint Member 1485480 <div class="images-v2-count-0"></div>Very great points SGT, I personally prefer to conceal carry in order to have the element of surprise on my side; however, I have open carried a handful of times only because it was hot and I didn't feel like carrying IWB. <br /><br />Now to answer your question directly; I live in Houston, TX and have literally only seen 2-3 people open carry and I strongly believe that we can all agree that we don't want to be a walking target. I see nothing wrong with open carry, but we also have to consider that our level of situational awareness must be at its highest if we open carry and we also have to plan our day around establishments with 30.07 Postings.<br /><br />NOTE: I stand on somewhat of a fence when it comes to the definition of "open carry", I agree with securing a pistol in a proper holster (for everyone's safety); however, I don't agree with openly carrying long guns (i.e. AR, AK, SKS, shotgun, etc.) into public establishments (i.e. grocery stores, shopping centers, etc.) as it doesn't serve a purpose of tactical advantage (it will be slung on their backs and not in the "low carry/ready") and whether we like it or not, it is alarming to the public as they're not used to it. I do understand that open carry means I could go for a walk with a Barrett M107 slung across my back if I had one and felt like it; it's a semi-automatic long gun with a barrel longer than 16", and I don't need a CHL/CCW in order to have it as long as I'm not a felon right? What would be the purpose and/or advantage of this? Response by SPC Private RallyPoint Member made Apr 28 at 2016 12:35 PM 2016-04-28T12:35:02-04:00 2016-04-28T12:35:02-04:00 1LT Aaron Barr 1485485 <div class="images-v2-count-0"></div>Two primary reasons. First, I&#39;d rather have the cops dealing with actual criminals than pestering me because some hysterical person saw me with a gun and called 911. Second, and more importantly, if I&#39;m openly displaying a firearm and somebody decides to go nuts, I&#39;m getting hit first, probably from behind, and my gun will end up being used on me and then other innocent people. Response by 1LT Aaron Barr made Apr 28 at 2016 12:36 PM 2016-04-28T12:36:07-04:00 2016-04-28T12:36:07-04:00 SCPO Larry Poffenbarger 1485540 <div class="images-v2-count-0"></div>I carry concealed because I don't feel everyone needs to know I carry. In my state you don't have to reveal to LE you are carrying but most people I know do so as to not create a problem if they notice your firearm. I was in a grocery store and while reaching up for an item on the shelf my firearm was exposed. In a matter of minutes the store manager was there to ask if I was armed. Seems a lady saw my firearm and was upset because there was an armed man in the store. The manager was unconcerned, asked me to keep it covered, and told me he was carrying himself. Response by SCPO Larry Poffenbarger made Apr 28 at 2016 12:47 PM 2016-04-28T12:47:39-04:00 2016-04-28T12:47:39-04:00 Cpl Justin Goolsby 1485605 <div class="images-v2-count-0"></div>My only issue with open carry is that you have successfully put a target on your back at all times. Yes you might be able to deter some crimes, but a person with full intent is going to commit a crime regardless. So now that criminal will view open carriers as who they need to take out first.<br /><br />As with any firefight, the first thing you have to do is identify the threats. Well if you carry concealed, criminals can&#39;t identify you as a threat right away. Response by Cpl Justin Goolsby made Apr 28 at 2016 1:02 PM 2016-04-28T13:02:00-04:00 2016-04-28T13:02:00-04:00 SrA Edward Vong 1485678 <div class="images-v2-count-0"></div>Other than advertising your goods, one of the major reasons I do not open carry is simply because I don't like the way it looks. The way I dress simply does not go well with a firearm on my side (or back). I may or may not however have a Walther PPK concealed in my suit jacket. Response by SrA Edward Vong made Apr 28 at 2016 1:16 PM 2016-04-28T13:16:44-04:00 2016-04-28T13:16:44-04:00 Sgt Tom Vaughn 1485752 <div class="images-v2-count-0"></div>I open carry every day now in Montana, I want the liberals in Missoula to see that they want to bring terrorist here ? We will shoot them that we will protect our family's from the liberal threats to our constitution , so far one woman ran screaming out of a store because I had s pistol on my hip . The store manager told her to leave and to tell her friends they are not welcomed here , others thAnked<br />Me for sending the former SF Bay Area woman running , some told her she needs to go back to the Bay Area and stay there Response by Sgt Tom Vaughn made Apr 28 at 2016 1:34 PM 2016-04-28T13:34:26-04:00 2016-04-28T13:34:26-04:00 SPC Private RallyPoint Member 1485971 <div class="images-v2-count-0"></div>I do both. It all just depends on the situation. If I am just out and about in town, then I open carry. However, if I am going to a crowded place like a downtown commons, then I conceal. It all depends on time, location and circumstance. Response by SPC Private RallyPoint Member made Apr 28 at 2016 2:35 PM 2016-04-28T14:35:08-04:00 2016-04-28T14:35:08-04:00 2LT Private RallyPoint Member 1486135 <div class="images-v2-count-0"></div>Sergeant, I think concealed carry is also capable of #1. In response to #2, I honestly don't think weapons deter "threats" when they are openly carried by non-LEO/Military persons. It's actually the opposite. Seeing an LEO/Military person implies competency, trained situational awareness, proficiency, discipline, and judgment. Seeing a civilian open carry just gives the impression that they either just want 'attention' or that they ARE a threat. Sure you have the right to exercise your 2nd Amendment rights to "bear arms", but why create a sense of danger and put others on alert? As for #3, consider it heuristics; the mental shortcuts people have discovered to identify danger/safety. With that being said, I don't believe there are many people who would see a random individual in a crowd with a weapon and think "Oh, there's some random guy/gal there with an AR-15! We're safe!" (not trying to be facetious). Now, they won't be scared of firearms, per se. Rather, it is the unpredictable nature of human beings with firearms (the power to take a life at one trigger squeeze) and no way to identify their intentions outside of a service uniform/situation. I'm not against open carry, but gun owners should consider acts that build trust and safety within our respective context/communities. Response by 2LT Private RallyPoint Member made Apr 28 at 2016 3:23 PM 2016-04-28T15:23:59-04:00 2016-04-28T15:23:59-04:00 SSgt Christopher Brose 1486228 <div class="images-v2-count-0"></div>Ideally, there would be a mix of open carry and concealed carry -- some people doing one, some people doing the other. Response by SSgt Christopher Brose made Apr 28 at 2016 3:50 PM 2016-04-28T15:50:25-04:00 2016-04-28T15:50:25-04:00 Sgt Aaron Kennedy, MS 1486240 <div class="images-v2-count-0"></div>Generalities follow:<br /><br />1) The Citizenry doesn&#39;t like it.<br />2) The Cops don&#39;t like it.<br /><br />When we moved away from &quot;guns as tools (a part of everyday life)&quot; to &quot;guns as weapons (something to be feared)&quot; mentality, they became taboo which altered how those around us perceive them.<br /><br />Wearing them in the open creates a cultural pushback. Having a sidearm IS a deterrent. However it is also a target (Social as opposed to physical). There are a couple second order effects to this. Mostly in Urban vs. Rural though. In Rural areas, weapons are more common so the &quot;tools&quot; mindset is still prevalent, but in addition to that, the primary LEO is a Sheriff (Elected) which means they are DIRECTLY accountable to the Citizenry. In Urban areas the &quot;feared&quot; mindset is more common, but so are Police Chiefs/Commissioners (Appointed) making them NOT directly accountable to the Citizenry. <br /><br />It creates a strange dynamic. Sheriff&#39;s Deputies generally don&#39;t screw with their residents. They&#39;re part of the community and accountable to them. &quot;Bob&quot; has to worry about getting reelected every 4 years, and he focuses on &quot;real criminals&quot; not &quot;Bill&quot; shooting ducks down at the lake. City Cops don&#39;t care. This isn&#39;t to say they&#39;re bad/greedy/etc. Not trying to imply that, but their priorities are just different. A city cop sees someone with a Gun, and they&#39;ll &quot;screw with someone&quot; rather than assume they have a Right to have it. Response by Sgt Aaron Kennedy, MS made Apr 28 at 2016 3:53 PM 2016-04-28T15:53:55-04:00 2016-04-28T15:53:55-04:00 SGT Aaron Atwood 1486421 <div class="images-v2-count-0"></div>Open vs concealed for me depends entirely on where I am and what I&#39;m doing. There are plenty of ways to carry openly in a professional manner (good LEOs right off the bat seem to be well-versed in this), and there are plenty of ways to make yourself look like a jack@$$ doing it too. There&#39;s a reason why Starbucks took the position it did when it was all the social media rage a few years back. Also, besides location, the local culture is something else to take into consideration. Going down a rural trail in the likes of Maine or Wyoming with a shotgun slung on your shoulder won&#39;t make anyone blink an eye, but it isn&#39;t the best idea to do the same thing in the likes of NYC unless you happen to be there as an LEO for a SWAT exercise or something like such. On your third point; showing the public that firearms aren&#39;t scary: public opinion cannot be changed overnight, or within one or two election cycles. Also, there are some who simply aren&#39;t into firearms. If they consider them taboo, then respect that decision. That is always the first step in getting them to maybe change their mind later on. If you don&#39;t respect their decision then you&#39;re only making enemies; not friends. Response by SGT Aaron Atwood made Apr 28 at 2016 4:54 PM 2016-04-28T16:54:24-04:00 2016-04-28T16:54:24-04:00 SSG Jeremy Kohlwes 1486432 <div class="images-v2-count-0"></div>Why? Because if a threat is determined to do you harm and KNOWS you are armed then they will be prepared for you, IF they don't just eliminate you as a threat right away. And while I agree open carrying would be a deterrence for someone to commit a crime against you specifically, more than likely they will simply choose another target. The soldier in me doesn't like the option that an innocent AND defenseless person may now become a target when I am much more capable of dealing with a threat. As for the public, a large percentage of them will NEVER accept that guns are safe and get used to it no matter how much you parade around like you are in the Old West. Concealed carry gives us our protection and as for those that don't like it "out of sight, out of mind." Response by SSG Jeremy Kohlwes made Apr 28 at 2016 4:57 PM 2016-04-28T16:57:52-04:00 2016-04-28T16:57:52-04:00 1stSgt Nelson Kerr 1486488 <div class="images-v2-count-0"></div>A certain sizable percentage of the general public are idiots, Those people walking around armed &quot;just in Case&quot; are more frightening to me that the &quot;threat&quot; i have been around firearms and shooting fir 5 decades and firearms still scare me, more-so because i understand them. Id someone gets used to firearms enough that they don&#39;t fear what they can to they need professional mental health counseling. Have you every seen first hand what a accidental gunshot does to a person? Response by 1stSgt Nelson Kerr made Apr 28 at 2016 5:11 PM 2016-04-28T17:11:35-04:00 2016-04-28T17:11:35-04:00 SFC Michael Hasbun 1486568 <div class="images-v2-count-0"></div>Because most people don't spend their lives in a paranoid Lliam Niesen'esque delusion that someone's out to get them? Response by SFC Michael Hasbun made Apr 28 at 2016 5:35 PM 2016-04-28T17:35:16-04:00 2016-04-28T17:35:16-04:00 LTJG Robert M. 1486650 <div class="images-v2-count-0"></div>When I travel to Alaska, I open carry, that's because it is expected in Alaska and appropriate for protection against the four legged residents(aka BEARS). It is not as appropriate in a large metro area. You have to be appropriate to your environment, I CC every day, and no one is the wiser or bats an eye! I remember being shipboard and going with the gunners-mate and yeoman to the bank to pick up the payroll for the next deployment (Pre-ATMs), the looks we got walking into the bank, in full uniform with Sidearms was, to say the least, alarming!! However considering the amount of cash we were carrying, the display and use of open carry was appropriate. Response by LTJG Robert M. made Apr 28 at 2016 5:56 PM 2016-04-28T17:56:29-04:00 2016-04-28T17:56:29-04:00 SSG Private RallyPoint Member 1486697 <div class="images-v2-count-0"></div>I would open carry... More times than many it solves the problem before it starts. Response by SSG Private RallyPoint Member made Apr 28 at 2016 6:14 PM 2016-04-28T18:14:10-04:00 2016-04-28T18:14:10-04:00 SrA Paul Pfeil 1486718 <div class="images-v2-count-0"></div>I absolutely agree. This was what our forefathers had in mind. Our second amendment definitely was meant to be just that. Response by SrA Paul Pfeil made Apr 28 at 2016 6:24 PM 2016-04-28T18:24:29-04:00 2016-04-28T18:24:29-04:00 SPC Jonathan Schmidt 1486867 <div class="images-v2-count-0"></div>And remember the buddy system. Number one point made against open carry is the idea you will be targeted first. If there is more than one open carrying, ideally three or four, then the odds of that being a concern are significantly lower. Response by SPC Jonathan Schmidt made Apr 28 at 2016 7:32 PM 2016-04-28T19:32:18-04:00 2016-04-28T19:32:18-04:00 SFC Roberto Garza Jr. 1486879 <div class="images-v2-count-0"></div>Open carry is a tactical disadvantage, you could be the first target as opposed to getting to a covered position and engaging if time permits. Second for states where open carry is not the norm you could initially see hundreds of call for a man with a gun, would result in a waste of resources. Response by SFC Roberto Garza Jr. made Apr 28 at 2016 7:40 PM 2016-04-28T19:40:36-04:00 2016-04-28T19:40:36-04:00 SFC Alfredo Garcia 1486991 <div class="images-v2-count-0"></div>I personally prefer concealed for many reasons. 1. Prime Target. Whether a video game, life, or war; I take out the biggest threat first. I want a perp to NOT see me as a threat. 2. People tend to fear what they don't understand. Lack of education or experience or maybe their education/experience was poor. No need to create a sense of discomfort when not needed. I remember as a child if I saw someone with a gun or rifle it was a responsible adult that had it. Usually a someone in uniform or badge. So I felt safe not scared. Today, they have created a fear culture. 3. Privacy.<br /><br />If permitted, you should have the choice, if not don't advertise. Even if permitted I choose discreet. Response by SFC Alfredo Garcia made Apr 28 at 2016 8:30 PM 2016-04-28T20:30:15-04:00 2016-04-28T20:30:15-04:00 SGT Rick Ash 1487037 <div class="images-v2-count-0"></div>My wife and I always open carry wherever we go. I won't even shop at any store that says "No guns allowed". We have permits but I'd rather the bad guys see what they would be up against. I even have a savings account especially for court costs, attorney and whatever else just in case I have to shoot a thief or some crook holding up Dollar General again. Usually, they will give up when confronted with a weapon but if they reach for a gun make no mistake, I'll shoot them in the shoulder or arm. I guess I could lug around my double barreled 12 gauge loaded with rock salt and shoot 'em in the arse! :-) Response by SGT Rick Ash made Apr 28 at 2016 8:46 PM 2016-04-28T20:46:03-04:00 2016-04-28T20:46:03-04:00 Capt Michael Greene 1487041 <div class="images-v2-count-0"></div>60 years old, well traveled, enjoy the streets and bars as much as anyone. BUT I have NEVER felt so threatened for my life that I needed a weapon going to a restaurant or shopping in a store. If you really need a weapon to live in your neighborhood, you need to move. Response by Capt Michael Greene made Apr 28 at 2016 8:47 PM 2016-04-28T20:47:28-04:00 2016-04-28T20:47:28-04:00 Cpl Mark McMiller 1487105 <div class="images-v2-count-0"></div>Not a problem in Arizona. Response by Cpl Mark McMiller made Apr 28 at 2016 9:16 PM 2016-04-28T21:16:47-04:00 2016-04-28T21:16:47-04:00 SFC Everett Oliver 1487156 <div class="images-v2-count-0"></div>Depending on where I'm going I either open carry or conceal carry. I sort of open carry while being concealed since my 380 fits into a holster that looks like it could be a cell phone. But when working around the house I open Carry a 32, I also open carry when going for walks. If I'm in a crowd I usually carry the 380 and let them figure it out.... Response by SFC Everett Oliver made Apr 28 at 2016 9:35 PM 2016-04-28T21:35:52-04:00 2016-04-28T21:35:52-04:00 CW4 Angel C. 1487379 <div class="images-v2-count-0"></div>Lots of ppl open carry in NC. But I rather keep the element of surprise. When I see someone open carry I'm watching his every move as a hawk and he doesn't even know I'm packing. Response by CW4 Angel C. made Apr 28 at 2016 11:34 PM 2016-04-28T23:34:45-04:00 2016-04-28T23:34:45-04:00 SGT Private RallyPoint Member 1487382 <div class="images-v2-count-0"></div>I personally prefer open carry. I feel if you see my weapon you should be able to understand that I wish no ill will. Yes there are places I conceal my weapon. I'm just glad that I'm from a state that I have the option. Response by SGT Private RallyPoint Member made Apr 28 at 2016 11:36 PM 2016-04-28T23:36:18-04:00 2016-04-28T23:36:18-04:00 SPC Brian Mason 1487425 <div class="images-v2-count-0"></div>Sgt., people don't open carry for obvious reasons. Not every person is comfortable seeing open carry on those that are not police, military, licensed defense, etc. You should know that seeing a weapon in public raises people alarms. I have my CCWP and I do not choose to OC. If there was a person planning something, he/she will look for anyone who would be a threat: police, military, or in this case me with my firearm in OC. If there are more people who OC, then a terrorist or such, their threat against them is low. Hide in plain sight if you will. Response by SPC Brian Mason made Apr 28 at 2016 11:55 PM 2016-04-28T23:55:17-04:00 2016-04-28T23:55:17-04:00 LCDR Private RallyPoint Member 1487775 <div class="images-v2-count-0"></div>I gave this one a lot of thought. The primary reason why &quot;open&quot; carry is ill-advised, is that it crosses the line between &quot;last resort&quot; and &quot;first response&quot;. I&#39;ll explain: If I&#39;m carrying my weapon on my hip for all to see...just like when on becomes a statement. A criminal sees it, and I instantly become either a &quot;target&quot;, or the &quot;opposition&quot;. A citizen sees it, and I instantly become either a &quot;risk&quot; or a &quot;resource&quot;. I am not a police officer or serving member of the Armed Forces any longer. My &quot;mission&quot; is simple; protect my family from possible threats. The best way to do that is not be where the threat is. The second best way is to get as far away from that threat as quickly as possible. The last option is drawing my weapon to put myself between that threat and my family&#39;s lives. I&#39;ve often asked myself; If I&#39;m alone, stopping at the gas station for a pack of smokes and a guy holds up the I draw, or get on the ground? Probably the;s a fine line between legal defense against an imminent threat, and committing a felony; or worse, getting myself or innocent people killed. Wearing it open takes away those options. As to making it &quot;easier&quot;; I like SGM Marquez&#39;z opinion: I train to get the weapon out and on target from the concealed carry; hopefully, after I&#39;ve identified and made a move to cover. Response by LCDR Private RallyPoint Member made Apr 29 at 2016 7:58 AM 2016-04-29T07:58:41-04:00 2016-04-29T07:58:41-04:00 MSG Brad Sand 1488130 <div class="images-v2-count-0"></div><br />First, who or what is the &#39;nobody&#39; in your question?<br /><br />Why do I not open carry? Against the law in most areas and saves me from having to move from open to concealed and back again. Open and concealed are going to have the same level of being able to defeat an actual threat...the weapon is the same open carry and concealed. You are not deterring a threat that has not been committed by someone determined to commit violence, you are just moving where they are electing to commit their crime. Firearms in the hands of the wrong people are scary. Cars in the hands of the wrong drivers are just as scary. Response by MSG Brad Sand made Apr 29 at 2016 10:21 AM 2016-04-29T10:21:47-04:00 2016-04-29T10:21:47-04:00 PO2 John Crutchfield 1488218 <div class="images-v2-count-0"></div>The only time I open carry is when I&#39;m in the woods/mountains camping/fishing. In town, I don&#39;t wish to advertise that I am armed. As a big guy, I&#39;m somewhat intimidating anyway (I&#39;ve been told that many, many times), so I don&#39;t need any help by open carrying and making myself a target. <br /><br />I&#39;ve made a concerted effort to make certain that I do not &quot;print,&quot; when in public. I have two firearms to choose from, depending on the clothes I wear. To me, and many of my friends, open carrying in public draws attention to oneself.<br /><br />Now, the foolish ones, to me, are those that carry a rifle/shotty into a public place. I understand that it is your right in certain states/cities, but why draw attention to yourself? I just don&#39;t get it. Response by PO2 John Crutchfield made Apr 29 at 2016 10:49 AM 2016-04-29T10:49:33-04:00 2016-04-29T10:49:33-04:00 CPO Andy Carrillo, MS 1488443 <div class="images-v2-count-0"></div><a class="dark-link bold-link" role="profile-hover" data-qtip-container="body" data-id="143794" data-source-page-controller="question_response_contents" href="/profiles/143794-14g-air-defense-battle-management-system-operator-c-btry-1-188-ada">SSG(P) Private RallyPoint Member</a> in theory your assertions make sense. However, the one element the 'bad guy with a gun' always has in his favor is that of surprise/unpredictability. Concealed carry allows me that same advantage and does not identify me to someone with ill intent as a threat to eliminate first. CA once had open carry, but enough incontinent citizens called the cops enough times that open carry became a nuisance so that loaded open carry was eventually outlawed. Store surveillance videos show that CC comes as a huge and very entertaining shock to the bad guys. Response by CPO Andy Carrillo, MS made Apr 29 at 2016 11:59 AM 2016-04-29T11:59:35-04:00 2016-04-29T11:59:35-04:00 SGT Michael Glenn 1488495 <div class="images-v2-count-0"></div>I believe open carry only draws attention to people and gives law enforcement a reason to stop you. Im not against it and would like to see more open carry but as said I believe many dont want the hassle. Response by SGT Michael Glenn made Apr 29 at 2016 12:19 PM 2016-04-29T12:19:19-04:00 2016-04-29T12:19:19-04:00 PO3 Donald Murphy 1488562 <div class="images-v2-count-0"></div>Speaking as a Submarine sailor... Keep it hidden. Therein lies your best strength. If I'm gonna rob a store and I see two people open carrying, that just made my life a whole lot easier. No one carrying in open? I have no way of knowing who's armed and who's not. Response by PO3 Donald Murphy made Apr 29 at 2016 12:36 PM 2016-04-29T12:36:22-04:00 2016-04-29T12:36:22-04:00 PO3 Private RallyPoint Member 1488591 <div class="images-v2-count-0"></div>it go both way... you can't put this analytical thought process through every communities. Some communities are ready for open carry. It is the trust factor and how many of them are carrying determine the result of "deter". If the communities have a high number of conceal carry, it is more likely that such communities are ready for open carry. On the other hand, the lesser a communities ' member conceal carry, the less likely it is ready for open carry.<br /><br />but then, if more people start excising their rights, the communities itself will change too. I am an open carry supporter, but I don't open carry for one simple reason, I am in an anti-gun city ... so they will destroy me, my career, and my family livelihood. Response by PO3 Private RallyPoint Member made Apr 29 at 2016 12:44 PM 2016-04-29T12:44:58-04:00 2016-04-29T12:44:58-04:00 TSgt Terry Crihfield 1488700 <div class="images-v2-count-0"></div>I don&#39;t open carry because it makes me a target right off the bat to anyone intending mayhem. There was a shooting in a suburb of St Louis a few years ago at a city council meeting..the perp walked in and the first person he shot was the guard with the exposed gun. Response by TSgt Terry Crihfield made Apr 29 at 2016 1:22 PM 2016-04-29T13:22:07-04:00 2016-04-29T13:22:07-04:00 MAJ Private RallyPoint Member 1488728 <div class="images-v2-count-0"></div>You also become the first target. In an ambush situation the aggressor imitially has the advantage. Take for example a bank robbery, the first target is the armed security guard. If the firearm is concealed, you can regain the tactical advantage by exercising tactical patience and taking a more informed course of action. Response by MAJ Private RallyPoint Member made Apr 29 at 2016 1:31 PM 2016-04-29T13:31:59-04:00 2016-04-29T13:31:59-04:00 SSG(P) Private RallyPoint Member 1488748 <div class="images-v2-count-0"></div>Phenomenal article. <br /><br /><a target="_blank" href=""></a> <div class="pta-link-card answers-template-image type-default"> <div class="pta-link-card-picture"> <img src=""> </div> <div class="pta-link-card-content"> <p class="pta-link-card-title"> <a target="blank" href="">The Pro Liberty Choice: Dispelling The Myths Of Open Carry</a> </p> <p class="pta-link-card-description">By Dan Griffin,Michigan Open Carry With the recent activities of Open Carry Texas lawfully asserting their rights in an effort to get the Texas legislature to vote for the legalization of openly</p> </div> <div class="clearfix"></div> </div> Response by SSG(P) Private RallyPoint Member made Apr 29 at 2016 1:40 PM 2016-04-29T13:40:01-04:00 2016-04-29T13:40:01-04:00 Sgt Jay Jones 1492769 <div class="images-v2-count-0"></div>I am a supporter of the 2nd Amendment. However, I am not a supporter of Open Carry. <br />1) The law is not enforced equally, with minorities being subjected to dangerous interventions.<br />2) You should never let your right hand know what your left hand is doing. In other words it is best<br />to keep your concealed handgun so perpetrators don&#39;t know to take you out first.<br />3) Open carry makes you the first target for a criminal, and they will take you out first.<br />4) Why scare or give people concern when they see you walking around with a weapon. The general public does not know your intentions, so why create anxiety and fear when it is not necessary.<br />5) I find it a much better way to proceed is to walk softly and carry a big stick. Response by Sgt Jay Jones made May 1 at 2016 10:56 AM 2016-05-01T10:56:37-04:00 2016-05-01T10:56:37-04:00 MAJ Keira Brennan 1493317 <div class="images-v2-count-0"></div>IMHO nobody wants to see your gat. Response by MAJ Keira Brennan made May 1 at 2016 3:18 PM 2016-05-01T15:18:30-04:00 2016-05-01T15:18:30-04:00 SFC Private RallyPoint Member 1495013 <div class="images-v2-count-0"></div>I prefer to concealed carry as I don't like the attraction of the overzealous. It could be overzealous gun owners or overzealous anti-gunners. Carrying concealed keeps the crazies on both sides from finding me and causing a scene. I also don't usually telegraph or announce my status as a concealed carry holder outside my friends as I want to be the quiet good guy with the gun in the back not the target and possibly the antagonist in the press story. Response by SFC Private RallyPoint Member made May 2 at 2016 10:21 AM 2016-05-02T10:21:09-04:00 2016-05-02T10:21:09-04:00 LTC Joseph Gross 1495600 <div class="images-v2-count-0"></div>Like you I have heard all the arguments about concealed vs open. I prefer open carry for the same reasons you list however I can't dispute the points in favor of concealed. To each his own and knowing we have both means assistance could come from an unexpected quarter. Response by LTC Joseph Gross made May 2 at 2016 1:53 PM 2016-05-02T13:53:34-04:00 2016-05-02T13:53:34-04:00 CSM Richard StCyr 1497463 <div class="images-v2-count-0"></div>Personally the first target thing is a lame reason for not choosing open carry. However I will tell you that open carry causes a lot of stress on some folks. It does open you up to a lot of stupid questions, scrutiny and even interesting interaction with the Police when well meaning folks call to report the suspicious man with an exposed gun roaming around (if you see something say something). So rather than put up with the hassle concealed carry is more practical. Response by CSM Richard StCyr made May 3 at 2016 10:31 AM 2016-05-03T10:31:22-04:00 2016-05-03T10:31:22-04:00 SGT James Colwell 2719014 <div class="images-v2-count-0"></div>I have carried openly and concealed. There are pros and cons to both. Open carry pros are as follows in my mind: 1) deterrence 2) speed of draw 3) most miscreants will not open carry, thus those who do open carry are PROBABLY good guys. The drawback is that most criminals intent on starting something WILL notice an openly armed civilian. Concealed carry&#39;s biggest con is that if you enter into a firefight, LEO&#39;s and other CCW&#39;s may not know you are a good guy until it is too late. When Texas first allowed open carry a few years ago, I was curious how many OC&#39;s I would see. I saw three in two years. My personal reason for being in favor of OC is that I don&#39;t have to concern myself with printing, and can carry a bigger gun! I have since moved to Ohio and have not yet got my carry permit. Working on that. Not carrying is like walking around with only one shoe. Response by SGT James Colwell made Jul 10 at 2017 6:35 PM 2017-07-10T18:35:01-04:00 2017-07-10T18:35:01-04:00 SGT David A. 'Cowboy' Groth 2730738 <div class="images-v2-count-0"></div>Open carry just make you a target first and foremost, I prefer to have my weapon in arms reach, where only I have access. Response by SGT David A. 'Cowboy' Groth made Jul 14 at 2017 1:05 PM 2017-07-14T13:05:38-04:00 2017-07-14T13:05:38-04:00 SGT Eric Knutson 2732249 <div class="images-v2-count-0"></div>For myself, I will just go with the old and simple point of fact, better to have and not need, instead of needing something and not having. There were several studies done by so many groups by going into prisons and jails, and asking the CRIMINALS, and they overwhelmingly said that if they strongly suspect, or worse know that a location or potential mark is armed, they go looking somewhere else, or give up on the idea for the time. There was one I saw that I think was from the FBI saying they believe that there are at least 10 crimes a day that are thwarted if not outright stopped because someone was there with either concealed or open carry and not afraid to use it. Response by SGT Eric Knutson made Jul 14 at 2017 11:20 PM 2017-07-14T23:20:05-04:00 2017-07-14T23:20:05-04:00 SPC David Willis 3153243 <div class="images-v2-count-0"></div>Id have to disagree with your dismissal of the first target argument. Those studies are all well and good, but if I can notice a concealed carry bulge a criminal with adrenaline and hyperawareness surely can see a gun on someone&#39;s hip. Also you contradict yourself if a criminal doesn&#39;t notice a gun on your hip it wont deter a possible crime. So either they can notice it and it would both help to deter/make you the first casualty or they don&#39;t notice it and it wont deter the crime but you also may not be the first one shot. Finally I just don&#39;t see an advantage at all to open carry. Response by SPC David Willis made Dec 7 at 2017 4:25 PM 2017-12-07T16:25:29-05:00 2017-12-07T16:25:29-05:00 Cpl D L Parker 4583038 <div class="images-v2-count-0"></div>Many studies have proven that the average person doesn&#39;t notice an open handgun unless their is something that draws attention to the individual like a badge, uniform, or physical gesture or being Black. Response by Cpl D L Parker made Apr 26 at 2019 8:33 PM 2019-04-26T20:33:59-04:00 2019-04-26T20:33:59-04:00 Cpl Benjamin Long 8225411 <div class="images-v2-count-0"></div>Because you would be targeted first by long distance shooters, they would prioritizes armed threats as a higher concern than unarmed threats. That&#39;s why the gate guard is the highest risk of being engaged in a frontal assault. Response by Cpl Benjamin Long made Apr 11 at 2023 11:26 PM 2023-04-11T23:26:57-04:00 2023-04-11T23:26:57-04:00 SPC James Neidig 8225587 <div class="images-v2-count-0"></div>If You Conceal Carry Properly No One Knows You Are Armed And You Have The Element Of Surprise Against The Bad Guy ! <br />The Only Time I Open Carry Is Is When I Am Out In The Woods Because I Camp Get My Gun Into Action A Few Seconds Faster If Needed. Response by SPC James Neidig made Apr 12 at 2023 2:08 AM 2023-04-12T02:08:15-04:00 2023-04-12T02:08:15-04:00 2016-04-28T10:22:37-04:00