Who Will Be The Next Round Of GOP Dropouts?? https://www.rallypoint.com/answers/who-will-be-the-next-round-of-gop-dropouts <div class="images-v2-count-0"></div>How about Rand Paul, Lindsey Graham, Bobby Jindal, Rick Santorum, Chris Christie,&amp; John Kasich That would be my best guess And you will have Trump, Rubio Cruz, Carson, Fiorina &amp; Bush still standing....<br /><br />Also WBZ Radio Boston is trying to claim Mitt Romney may enter the race based on an interview they had with Mitt's wife .... Mon, 05 Oct 2015 07:12:26 -0400 Who Will Be The Next Round Of GOP Dropouts?? https://www.rallypoint.com/answers/who-will-be-the-next-round-of-gop-dropouts <div class="images-v2-count-0"></div>How about Rand Paul, Lindsey Graham, Bobby Jindal, Rick Santorum, Chris Christie,&amp; John Kasich That would be my best guess And you will have Trump, Rubio Cruz, Carson, Fiorina &amp; Bush still standing....<br /><br />Also WBZ Radio Boston is trying to claim Mitt Romney may enter the race based on an interview they had with Mitt's wife .... Sgt Tom Cunnally Mon, 05 Oct 2015 07:12:26 -0400 2015-10-05T07:12:26-04:00 Response by SSgt David Tedrow made Oct 5 at 2015 7:49 AM https://www.rallypoint.com/answers/who-will-be-the-next-round-of-gop-dropouts?n=1017005&urlhash=1017005 <div class="images-v2-count-0"></div>I think Lindsey will be gone soon as well as Christie. SSgt David Tedrow Mon, 05 Oct 2015 07:49:25 -0400 2015-10-05T07:49:25-04:00 Response by PO3 Private RallyPoint Member made Oct 5 at 2015 2:38 PM https://www.rallypoint.com/answers/who-will-be-the-next-round-of-gop-dropouts?n=1017943&urlhash=1017943 <div class="images-v2-count-0"></div>Bush ... he might save all those campaign money for later run as President down the road. He is still pretty young. PO3 Private RallyPoint Member Mon, 05 Oct 2015 14:38:37 -0400 2015-10-05T14:38:37-04:00 Response by LTC Kevin B. made Oct 5 at 2015 2:48 PM https://www.rallypoint.com/answers/who-will-be-the-next-round-of-gop-dropouts?n=1017989&urlhash=1017989 <div class="images-v2-count-0"></div>From your list, I think Rand Paul and Piyush Jindal should be the next. Rand has to worry about his own re-election to the Senate in 2016. I think he'll pull the plug on his Presidential campaign as his poll numbers continue to drop and the money dries up. Piyush Jindal isn't running for re-election, but his poll numbers are abysmal. I don't see how he can hang around without a rich benefactor to carry him. LTC Kevin B. Mon, 05 Oct 2015 14:48:21 -0400 2015-10-05T14:48:21-04:00 2015-10-05T07:12:26-04:00