Who has made the mistake of saluting an enlisted person? https://www.rallypoint.com/answers/who-has-made-the-mistake-of-saluting-an-enlisted-person <div class="images-v2-count-0"></div>Be it a misunderstanding of rank, or not being able to identify rank all together, has this &quot;I totally looked like a fool just now&quot; moment ever happen to you? Wed, 22 Apr 2015 00:39:50 -0400 Who has made the mistake of saluting an enlisted person? https://www.rallypoint.com/answers/who-has-made-the-mistake-of-saluting-an-enlisted-person <div class="images-v2-count-0"></div>Be it a misunderstanding of rank, or not being able to identify rank all together, has this &quot;I totally looked like a fool just now&quot; moment ever happen to you? PO2 Neil Manischewitz Wed, 22 Apr 2015 00:39:50 -0400 2015-04-22T00:39:50-04:00 Response by SSG Trevor S. made Apr 22 at 2015 12:50 AM https://www.rallypoint.com/answers/who-has-made-the-mistake-of-saluting-an-enlisted-person?n=608362&urlhash=608362 <div class="images-v2-count-0"></div>Those silly stripe laden COL.s yall call Petty Officers used to get me from time to time. SSG Trevor S. Wed, 22 Apr 2015 00:50:06 -0400 2015-04-22T00:50:06-04:00 Response by CH (MAJ) William Beaver made Apr 22 at 2015 12:57 AM https://www.rallypoint.com/answers/who-has-made-the-mistake-of-saluting-an-enlisted-person?n=608368&urlhash=608368 <div class="images-v2-count-0"></div>I 'm a Chaplain of 3 1/2 years. The best CSM I know was my first one . I love that guy. Privately, I salute him out of deep respect. He is used to it now. CH (MAJ) William Beaver Wed, 22 Apr 2015 00:57:48 -0400 2015-04-22T00:57:48-04:00 Response by SPC Maxwell McManus made Apr 22 at 2015 1:10 AM https://www.rallypoint.com/answers/who-has-made-the-mistake-of-saluting-an-enlisted-person?n=608385&urlhash=608385 <div class="images-v2-count-0"></div>Iraq about 2009 i think. Walking to the chow hall on Camp Burehing(pardon the spelling) Had and Air Force SGM, Army SGM, with an Navy office in the middle. It was night and had to see what his rank was. Stopped to try and figure it out before he got there and got chewed for not saluting soon enough. Not exactly what you were asking about but the closest I have. SPC Maxwell McManus Wed, 22 Apr 2015 01:10:42 -0400 2015-04-22T01:10:42-04:00 Response by SrA Andrea West made Apr 22 at 2015 2:19 AM https://www.rallypoint.com/answers/who-has-made-the-mistake-of-saluting-an-enlisted-person?n=608467&urlhash=608467 <div class="images-v2-count-0"></div>Worked in a tri-service environment. It happened all the time, No biggie IMHO. SrA Andrea West Wed, 22 Apr 2015 02:19:47 -0400 2015-04-22T02:19:47-04:00 Response by SSG Melvin Nulph made Apr 22 at 2015 2:45 AM https://www.rallypoint.com/answers/who-has-made-the-mistake-of-saluting-an-enlisted-person?n=608490&urlhash=608490 <div class="images-v2-count-0"></div>Its a form of respect, but when you use the sir or mama thing is what I think they got upset about, lmsao! Something about that in the military, I even had it done to me and after letting them know I wasn't in their branch that Army enlisted doesn't care for being called Sir at all :)<br /><br />If you can't now, you will someday look back on it and smile, I think we all do, some sooner than others is all. I hate being human too, but its fun at times you have to admit... SSG Melvin Nulph Wed, 22 Apr 2015 02:45:04 -0400 2015-04-22T02:45:04-04:00 Response by CSM Private RallyPoint Member made Apr 22 at 2015 3:04 AM https://www.rallypoint.com/answers/who-has-made-the-mistake-of-saluting-an-enlisted-person?n=608506&urlhash=608506 <div class="images-v2-count-0"></div>I salute Specialists all the time, looks like LTC rank from a distance. I have also saluted a few SSgts and TSgts because their rank looks like Major rank in multi-cams. They think it's funny and I get a little chuckle out of it too, while they're doing push-ups. CSM Private RallyPoint Member Wed, 22 Apr 2015 03:04:14 -0400 2015-04-22T03:04:14-04:00 Response by TSgt David Holman made Apr 22 at 2015 3:18 AM https://www.rallypoint.com/answers/who-has-made-the-mistake-of-saluting-an-enlisted-person?n=608514&urlhash=608514 <div class="images-v2-count-0"></div>I can't recall mistakenly saluting, however, I was mistaken as an officer while I was an E2 in whites... TSgt David Holman Wed, 22 Apr 2015 03:18:53 -0400 2015-04-22T03:18:53-04:00 Response by CW2(P) Private RallyPoint Member made Apr 22 at 2015 3:43 AM https://www.rallypoint.com/answers/who-has-made-the-mistake-of-saluting-an-enlisted-person?n=608534&urlhash=608534 <div class="images-v2-count-0"></div>I damn-near did this yesterday... Walking down a road in the back 40. Full kit (including my salted/sweaty eyepro) with the setting sun in my eyes. Soldier walking by...go to throw up the salute...get closer and realize its a specialist...play it off like im adjusting my kevlar. Close one... CW2(P) Private RallyPoint Member Wed, 22 Apr 2015 03:43:48 -0400 2015-04-22T03:43:48-04:00 Response by SGT Private RallyPoint Member made Apr 22 at 2015 3:45 AM https://www.rallypoint.com/answers/who-has-made-the-mistake-of-saluting-an-enlisted-person?n=608536&urlhash=608536 <div class="images-v2-count-0"></div>I stared out as Navy ROTC midshipman , I can't remember how many times, I saluted a Chief or Petty officer . The shinny rank pins all looked the same to me . I am sure I was laughed A lot . I was a funny looking kid wearing a uniform that did not fit me at the time. <br />I was seventeen . My ROTC CO was a retired CW-4 helicopter pilot . He Taught me to respect the enlisted personal . And not all Khaki is the same and just because it Gold it is not an officer . But always when in doubt whip it out . SGT Private RallyPoint Member Wed, 22 Apr 2015 03:45:24 -0400 2015-04-22T03:45:24-04:00 Response by SGT Private RallyPoint Member made Apr 22 at 2015 3:52 AM https://www.rallypoint.com/answers/who-has-made-the-mistake-of-saluting-an-enlisted-person?n=608541&urlhash=608541 <div class="images-v2-count-0"></div>I saluted a Navy Petty Officer once. We were in Iraq and they were CB's working on making a commo vault for me. I had no idea of their ranks at the time. I felt kind of dumb, but it was funny too. SGT Private RallyPoint Member Wed, 22 Apr 2015 03:52:19 -0400 2015-04-22T03:52:19-04:00 Response by SFC Private RallyPoint Member made Apr 22 at 2015 3:59 AM https://www.rallypoint.com/answers/who-has-made-the-mistake-of-saluting-an-enlisted-person?n=608549&urlhash=608549 <div class="images-v2-count-0"></div>I have saluted a couple Petty Officers in my time, darn that rank, it looks too much like a Captain's Eagle. SFC Private RallyPoint Member Wed, 22 Apr 2015 03:59:44 -0400 2015-04-22T03:59:44-04:00 Response by SFC Private RallyPoint Member made Apr 22 at 2015 3:59 AM https://www.rallypoint.com/answers/who-has-made-the-mistake-of-saluting-an-enlisted-person?n=608550&urlhash=608550 <div class="images-v2-count-0"></div>I have. The Air Force subdue their rank (in multicam) to the point where it is hard to differentiate the enlisted from a major. SFC Private RallyPoint Member Wed, 22 Apr 2015 03:59:47 -0400 2015-04-22T03:59:47-04:00 Response by PO2 Private RallyPoint Member made Apr 22 at 2015 4:02 AM https://www.rallypoint.com/answers/who-has-made-the-mistake-of-saluting-an-enlisted-person?n=608552&urlhash=608552 <div class="images-v2-count-0"></div>Try standing main gate.. every driver's rank tends to blend from time to time.. if you catch it mid reach, pretend to adjust your cover, works every time PO2 Private RallyPoint Member Wed, 22 Apr 2015 04:02:03 -0400 2015-04-22T04:02:03-04:00 Response by SrA Kelly Richard made Apr 22 at 2015 5:49 AM https://www.rallypoint.com/answers/who-has-made-the-mistake-of-saluting-an-enlisted-person?n=608612&urlhash=608612 <div class="images-v2-count-0"></div>I got smoked by a Navy E7 for accidentally saluting him when I was still in training after bootcamp... He was wearing his dress whites and I saw something shiny on his cover... I was in the military for all of three or four months at that point. I also learned at that same moment, other branches really hate to be called sir. SrA Kelly Richard Wed, 22 Apr 2015 05:49:21 -0400 2015-04-22T05:49:21-04:00 Response by MSG David Chappell made Apr 22 at 2015 6:55 AM https://www.rallypoint.com/answers/who-has-made-the-mistake-of-saluting-an-enlisted-person?n=608669&urlhash=608669 <div class="images-v2-count-0"></div>When I first got to Fort Bragg and everyone was wearing a maroon beret we were unit Chrest on the flash. hi more but was called the sky dragons it was triangular shaped silver and from 10 feet away it look like a LT or LTC rank. I guess saluted all the time then when people would get close I could hear "oh crap" lol. MSG David Chappell Wed, 22 Apr 2015 06:55:32 -0400 2015-04-22T06:55:32-04:00 Response by LT Private RallyPoint Member made Apr 22 at 2015 7:26 AM https://www.rallypoint.com/answers/who-has-made-the-mistake-of-saluting-an-enlisted-person?n=608709&urlhash=608709 <div class="images-v2-count-0"></div>I'm guessing just about everyone in the Army or Air Force who has worked around the Navy has saluted a PO3 at one point. LT Private RallyPoint Member Wed, 22 Apr 2015 07:26:19 -0400 2015-04-22T07:26:19-04:00 Response by SFC Private RallyPoint Member made Apr 22 at 2015 8:06 AM https://www.rallypoint.com/answers/who-has-made-the-mistake-of-saluting-an-enlisted-person?n=608748&urlhash=608748 <div class="images-v2-count-0"></div>Got "got" by the Petty Colonel 3rd class more than a few times down disney in Bagram when i was a young pvt. Kinda like i used to think those "wings" on AF cammo blue were all "jump wings". I used to think man she doesnt quite seem like the airborne type.lol SFC Private RallyPoint Member Wed, 22 Apr 2015 08:06:21 -0400 2015-04-22T08:06:21-04:00 Response by SFC Private RallyPoint Member made Apr 22 at 2015 8:18 AM https://www.rallypoint.com/answers/who-has-made-the-mistake-of-saluting-an-enlisted-person?n=608759&urlhash=608759 <div class="images-v2-count-0"></div>I salute SPC's all the time. The rank looks like a LTC's from a distance. So I guess that's why it's better to just wait until they're 6 paces away to render the hand salute. SFC Private RallyPoint Member Wed, 22 Apr 2015 08:18:03 -0400 2015-04-22T08:18:03-04:00 Response by SrA Daniel Hunter made Apr 22 at 2015 8:59 AM https://www.rallypoint.com/answers/who-has-made-the-mistake-of-saluting-an-enlisted-person?n=608810&urlhash=608810 <div class="images-v2-count-0"></div>That I recall I have never saluted an enlisted. In agreement with another poster here, Navy rank once confused me greatly. PO2, is that a Colonel-Private? :) SrA Daniel Hunter Wed, 22 Apr 2015 08:59:16 -0400 2015-04-22T08:59:16-04:00 Response by SSgt Dan Montague made Apr 22 at 2015 9:46 AM https://www.rallypoint.com/answers/who-has-made-the-mistake-of-saluting-an-enlisted-person?n=608887&urlhash=608887 <div class="images-v2-count-0"></div>I have saluted a couple chiefs before. Its hard to tell right away if their officers or not. SSgt Dan Montague Wed, 22 Apr 2015 09:46:39 -0400 2015-04-22T09:46:39-04:00 Response by Capt Richard I P. made Apr 22 at 2015 9:55 AM https://www.rallypoint.com/answers/who-has-made-the-mistake-of-saluting-an-enlisted-person?n=608912&urlhash=608912 <div class="images-v2-count-0"></div>When in doubt, whip it out. As <a class="dark-link bold-link" role="profile-hover" data-qtip-container="body" data-id="163183" data-source-page-controller="question_response_contents" href="/profiles/163183-11z-infantry-senior-sergeant-2nd-bct-3rd-id">CSM Private RallyPoint Member</a> said the worst is the specialist rank in the middle of the Army's chest, it looks just like LTC. Also a challenge is you Navy Petty Officers whose shiny crows look a lot like Eagles at a glance. <br /><a target="_blank" href="http://terminallance.com/2010/12/13/terminal-lance-88-shiny-things/">http://terminallance.com/2010/12/13/terminal-lance-88-shiny-things/</a> <div class="pta-link-card answers-template-image type-default"> <div class="pta-link-card-picture"> <img src="https://d26horl2n8pviu.cloudfront.net/link_data_pictures/images/000/012/436/qrc/2010-12-13-Strip_88_Shinies_web.gif?1443039482"> </div> <div class="pta-link-card-content"> <p class="pta-link-card-title"> <a target="blank" href="http://terminallance.com/2010/12/13/terminal-lance-88-shiny-things/">Terminal Lance - Terminal Lance #88 “Shiny Things”</a> </p> <p class="pta-link-card-description">This is really more of a jab at how dumb Marines are than it is a jab at the Navy. Lets be honest here, any Marine who says they’ve never accidentally saluted a sailor is lying, or a boot. It happens. Hell, I’ve accidentally saluted other enlisted Marines with worn out rank. Even further, Marines have accidentally saluted me! It happens.</p> </div> <div class="clearfix"></div> </div> Capt Richard I P. Wed, 22 Apr 2015 09:55:12 -0400 2015-04-22T09:55:12-04:00 Response by WO1 Private RallyPoint Member made Apr 22 at 2015 10:02 AM https://www.rallypoint.com/answers/who-has-made-the-mistake-of-saluting-an-enlisted-person?n=608938&urlhash=608938 <div class="images-v2-count-0"></div>In Djibouti there were several really dark areas, and they were high traffic for both officers and enlisted.<br /><br />So I saluted several people out of caution. I also remember being saluted several times. One that stood out was a fellow Soldier, a MSG saluted me and another E5, we saluted back and kept walking. Though it might have mostly been because of the other E5, he joined the military much later in life, so people always assume he's an officer, or higher rank until they actual see his rank. WO1 Private RallyPoint Member Wed, 22 Apr 2015 10:02:53 -0400 2015-04-22T10:02:53-04:00 Response by SGT Private RallyPoint Member made Apr 22 at 2015 10:04 AM https://www.rallypoint.com/answers/who-has-made-the-mistake-of-saluting-an-enlisted-person?n=608942&urlhash=608942 <div class="images-v2-count-0"></div>It's a common occurrence. The sun setting, you see a figure walking toward you in the distance. You think to yourself...enlisted or officer? As the figure gets closer you start to squint to catch a glimpse of the rank but you still can't make it out. The figure gets even closer almost wishin the "6 paces" you think to yourself "what is it"? You finally get somewhat of a glimpse and it's a black figure on the chest. You start to raise your salute for the LTC and then you soon realize it's a Specialist.... Carry on.... SGT Private RallyPoint Member Wed, 22 Apr 2015 10:04:40 -0400 2015-04-22T10:04:40-04:00 Response by PO1 Private RallyPoint Member made Apr 22 at 2015 10:05 AM https://www.rallypoint.com/answers/who-has-made-the-mistake-of-saluting-an-enlisted-person?n=608946&urlhash=608946 <div class="images-v2-count-0"></div>Hahahahahaaaaa, good one! <br /><br />Saluted chiefs in khakis a few times walking through poorly lit areas outdoors on base. <br /><br />Also was attached to Army unit back in 2005 as a 3rd class. Got saluted by the young army guys mistaking my E4 crow for O6. Boy did I feel special! PO1 Private RallyPoint Member Wed, 22 Apr 2015 10:05:34 -0400 2015-04-22T10:05:34-04:00 Response by CPT Bob Moore made Apr 22 at 2015 10:23 AM https://www.rallypoint.com/answers/who-has-made-the-mistake-of-saluting-an-enlisted-person?n=609000&urlhash=609000 <div class="images-v2-count-0"></div>I saluted enlisted folks a lot. Every time I passed them....<br /><br />I consider it an honor to salute. I loved saluting when I was enlisted, I still love it. It isn't about being recognized as a "superior", it is all about respect for both service members as part of a brotherhood of arms. CPT Bob Moore Wed, 22 Apr 2015 10:23:39 -0400 2015-04-22T10:23:39-04:00 Response by CPO Emmett (Bud) Carpenter made Apr 22 at 2015 10:38 AM https://www.rallypoint.com/answers/who-has-made-the-mistake-of-saluting-an-enlisted-person?n=609050&urlhash=609050 <div class="images-v2-count-0"></div>If you are a Navy chief and on a Marine base you are going to be saluted every time you turn around. There is nothing you can do about it except return the salute and carry on. CPO Emmett (Bud) Carpenter Wed, 22 Apr 2015 10:38:47 -0400 2015-04-22T10:38:47-04:00 Response by LTC Paul Labrador made Apr 22 at 2015 10:48 AM https://www.rallypoint.com/answers/who-has-made-the-mistake-of-saluting-an-enlisted-person?n=609071&urlhash=609071 <div class="images-v2-count-0"></div>I've saluted Navy PO3s when they were wearing ACUs. Those look just like COL's eagles from a distance. LTC Paul Labrador Wed, 22 Apr 2015 10:48:46 -0400 2015-04-22T10:48:46-04:00 Response by 1SG Private RallyPoint Member made Apr 22 at 2015 11:43 AM https://www.rallypoint.com/answers/who-has-made-the-mistake-of-saluting-an-enlisted-person?n=609203&urlhash=609203 <div class="images-v2-count-0"></div>Back when Woodland camo was all the rage, a private had a PC with a loam stripe running vertically down the front middle of the cap. When the sun hit it, it looked just like a butter bar. I saluted her, and I bet she had others do the same 1SG Private RallyPoint Member Wed, 22 Apr 2015 11:43:25 -0400 2015-04-22T11:43:25-04:00 Response by A1C Jared Gonzalez made Apr 22 at 2015 1:33 PM https://www.rallypoint.com/answers/who-has-made-the-mistake-of-saluting-an-enlisted-person?n=609585&urlhash=609585 <div class="images-v2-count-0"></div>I've saluted a few enlisted Americans and several enlisted men and women from other nations over the years, but none of them has ever felt the need to rip into me about it. I really don't see the point in being upset if a person has bad eyesight or is an idiot anyhow, it isn't a sign of disrespect, it's a sign of ignorance. A1C Jared Gonzalez Wed, 22 Apr 2015 13:33:58 -0400 2015-04-22T13:33:58-04:00 Response by Cpl Will Johnson made Apr 22 at 2015 2:57 PM https://www.rallypoint.com/answers/who-has-made-the-mistake-of-saluting-an-enlisted-person?n=609878&urlhash=609878 <div class="images-v2-count-0"></div>I have not made this mistake, however, I was walking with a fellow Marine while aboard NAS Pensacola and he saluted a SCPO. The following talking to was funny. Cpl Will Johnson Wed, 22 Apr 2015 14:57:50 -0400 2015-04-22T14:57:50-04:00 Response by SGT Private RallyPoint Member made Apr 22 at 2015 3:34 PM https://www.rallypoint.com/answers/who-has-made-the-mistake-of-saluting-an-enlisted-person?n=609989&urlhash=609989 <div class="images-v2-count-0"></div>SPC looks a lot like LTC in Multicam...especially with the sun in your eyes. SGT Private RallyPoint Member Wed, 22 Apr 2015 15:34:11 -0400 2015-04-22T15:34:11-04:00 Response by PO2 Private RallyPoint Member made Apr 22 at 2015 3:37 PM https://www.rallypoint.com/answers/who-has-made-the-mistake-of-saluting-an-enlisted-person?n=610002&urlhash=610002 <div class="images-v2-count-0"></div>Army and marines always salute 3rd class petty officers it is funny as hell PO2 Private RallyPoint Member Wed, 22 Apr 2015 15:37:08 -0400 2015-04-22T15:37:08-04:00 Response by SFC Private RallyPoint Member made Apr 22 at 2015 8:29 PM https://www.rallypoint.com/answers/who-has-made-the-mistake-of-saluting-an-enlisted-person?n=610760&urlhash=610760 <div class="images-v2-count-0"></div>Navy rank and army specs. Everyone else is easy to identify. SFC Private RallyPoint Member Wed, 22 Apr 2015 20:29:14 -0400 2015-04-22T20:29:14-04:00 Response by TSgt Private RallyPoint Member made Apr 22 at 2015 9:23 PM https://www.rallypoint.com/answers/who-has-made-the-mistake-of-saluting-an-enlisted-person?n=610889&urlhash=610889 <div class="images-v2-count-0"></div>I've done it a few times, but being an enlisted aviator I get saluted all the time by younger enlisted that aren't used to other enlisted wearing flight suits. Though I even tripped up my First Seargent this winter when I was in my leather flight jacket with my fleece stocking cap on, rather than my flight cap. TSgt Private RallyPoint Member Wed, 22 Apr 2015 21:23:03 -0400 2015-04-22T21:23:03-04:00 Response by TSgt Private RallyPoint Member made Apr 22 at 2015 10:00 PM https://www.rallypoint.com/answers/who-has-made-the-mistake-of-saluting-an-enlisted-person?n=611003&urlhash=611003 <div class="images-v2-count-0"></div>I was walking if front of the BX at Osan in '89 and my BDU cap had a spot on it that looked just like a 2nd LT's bar. I had never noticed it until I was saluted by a young airman. When I entered the BX and took off my cap, I saw the spot and replaced my cap that day. Didn't need that headache. TSgt Private RallyPoint Member Wed, 22 Apr 2015 22:00:50 -0400 2015-04-22T22:00:50-04:00 Response by CW3 Private RallyPoint Member made Apr 22 at 2015 10:26 PM https://www.rallypoint.com/answers/who-has-made-the-mistake-of-saluting-an-enlisted-person?n=611072&urlhash=611072 <div class="images-v2-count-0"></div>I don't consider saluting an enlisted service member to be a mistake. After all, when they show me the respect due my rank by saluting me, why shouldn't I return the salute? CW3 Private RallyPoint Member Wed, 22 Apr 2015 22:26:07 -0400 2015-04-22T22:26:07-04:00 Response by MAJ Private RallyPoint Member made Apr 22 at 2015 10:33 PM https://www.rallypoint.com/answers/who-has-made-the-mistake-of-saluting-an-enlisted-person?n=611093&urlhash=611093 <div class="images-v2-count-0"></div>I'll admit there's been a few times I saw the navy "bird" on ACUs and started to react. The ACUs I think were what threw me off more than anything. It was a TRADOC post so I'm assuming they were attending an Army school. <br /><br />I also had a few Majors throw up salutes while I was an SMP Cadet. (Army Cadets wear a black "dot" when they're assigned to a unit) None of them stopped and said anything so apparently a 22 year old "LTC" didn't seem strange to them. MAJ Private RallyPoint Member Wed, 22 Apr 2015 22:33:59 -0400 2015-04-22T22:33:59-04:00 Response by SSG Private RallyPoint Member made Apr 23 at 2015 12:59 AM https://www.rallypoint.com/answers/who-has-made-the-mistake-of-saluting-an-enlisted-person?n=611418&urlhash=611418 <div class="images-v2-count-0"></div>No crap there I was during my break in service...I separated Dec 17 and started contracting in AFG Jan 3 and was walking to the DFAC approx Jan 4, as I passed a Major I snapped a salute absent mindedly and immediately tried to drop it before he noticed. <br />He laughed and saluted back. <br />I felt like a horses ass. SSG Private RallyPoint Member Thu, 23 Apr 2015 00:59:09 -0400 2015-04-23T00:59:09-04:00 Response by SA Harold Hansmann made Apr 23 at 2015 3:29 PM https://www.rallypoint.com/answers/who-has-made-the-mistake-of-saluting-an-enlisted-person?n=613115&urlhash=613115 <div class="images-v2-count-0"></div>Most Air Force E-1 to E-4 SA Harold Hansmann Thu, 23 Apr 2015 15:29:52 -0400 2015-04-23T15:29:52-04:00 Response by SSG Richard Reilly made Apr 24 at 2015 1:59 PM https://www.rallypoint.com/answers/who-has-made-the-mistake-of-saluting-an-enlisted-person?n=616283&urlhash=616283 <div class="images-v2-count-0"></div>This reminds me of a time my Captain called another office and a Captain answered...he started to talk to him with his first name when the other captain said. "I'm a Navy Captain." My Captians butt puckered and Sir's started to fly. SSG Richard Reilly Fri, 24 Apr 2015 13:59:59 -0400 2015-04-24T13:59:59-04:00 Response by Maj John Bell made Mar 3 at 2016 11:09 AM https://www.rallypoint.com/answers/who-has-made-the-mistake-of-saluting-an-enlisted-person?n=1350441&urlhash=1350441 <div class="images-v2-count-0"></div>It is not a mistake. While it is customary for juniors to salute first, it is a sign of mutual respect and good will. Maj John Bell Thu, 03 Mar 2016 11:09:54 -0500 2016-03-03T11:09:54-05:00 Response by LTJG Don Biscoe made May 25 at 2016 12:12 PM https://www.rallypoint.com/answers/who-has-made-the-mistake-of-saluting-an-enlisted-person?n=1560079&urlhash=1560079 <div class="images-v2-count-0"></div>In my flight suit I was saluted often. I just returned the salute and kept on moving - embarrass someone trying to do the right thing. If they realized their mistake it was usually just a smile each way. Though one time an E-7 saluted and he was not happy! LOL LTJG Don Biscoe Wed, 25 May 2016 12:12:39 -0400 2016-05-25T12:12:39-04:00 Response by CPO Byron Sargent made Jun 9 at 2016 2:37 PM https://www.rallypoint.com/answers/who-has-made-the-mistake-of-saluting-an-enlisted-person?n=1613315&urlhash=1613315 <div class="images-v2-count-0"></div>I haven't but I have been on the receiving end. Back in the 90's I was stationed at Norfolk Naval Air Station and I was a smoker at that time. The Navy did not sell cigarettes in the Commissary, only in the NX. I would drive to Langley AFB to buy cigarettes in the Commissary. Every time without a doubt I was saluted numerous times by AF personnel. At first, I would salute, then stop them and let them know the score. One time it was an E-9 Chief Master Sgt who I didn't bother to straighten out. I figured if he didn't know Naval Uniforms by the time he was that grade he would never understand. I was an Army brat and had lived on many bases since my Dad was a Col. Believe me I knew the rank structure of all the services before I ever enlisted. CPO Byron Sargent Thu, 09 Jun 2016 14:37:27 -0400 2016-06-09T14:37:27-04:00 Response by MAJ David Brand made Aug 20 at 2016 9:26 PM https://www.rallypoint.com/answers/who-has-made-the-mistake-of-saluting-an-enlisted-person?n=1823160&urlhash=1823160 <div class="images-v2-count-0"></div>Never made a mistake saluting an enlisted person - but often did it out of respect and admiration! MAJ David Brand Sat, 20 Aug 2016 21:26:19 -0400 2016-08-20T21:26:19-04:00 Response by CSM Charles Hayden made Aug 21 at 2016 1:22 AM https://www.rallypoint.com/answers/who-has-made-the-mistake-of-saluting-an-enlisted-person?n=1823529&urlhash=1823529 <div class="images-v2-count-0"></div><a class="dark-link bold-link" role="profile-hover" data-qtip-container="body" data-id="600234" data-source-page-controller="question_response_contents" href="/profiles/600234-po2-neil-manischewitz">PO2 Neil Manischewitz</a> Oh, you mean another service member? CSM Charles Hayden Sun, 21 Aug 2016 01:22:28 -0400 2016-08-21T01:22:28-04:00 Response by PO1 William "Chip" Nagel made Aug 21 at 2016 1:34 AM https://www.rallypoint.com/answers/who-has-made-the-mistake-of-saluting-an-enlisted-person?n=1823546&urlhash=1823546 <div class="images-v2-count-0"></div>Nope after Boot Camp and arrival at my first School but I have seen a 2 hashmark Chief Intimidated by my Gold Hashmarks at my third Technical School. He was so Itching to give me a New Asshole for walking out of the Chow Hall with a Tooth Pick in my Mouth until he came around front of me and saw 4 gold hash marks. Most Polite Chief I've ever heard in telling me to set a better example for the Younger students. LOL! PO1 William "Chip" Nagel Sun, 21 Aug 2016 01:34:46 -0400 2016-08-21T01:34:46-04:00 Response by PO1 William "Chip" Nagel made Aug 21 at 2016 1:37 AM https://www.rallypoint.com/answers/who-has-made-the-mistake-of-saluting-an-enlisted-person?n=1823552&urlhash=1823552 <div class="images-v2-count-0"></div>"I'm not an Officer, My Parents were Married, Thank You". PO1 William "Chip" Nagel Sun, 21 Aug 2016 01:37:17 -0400 2016-08-21T01:37:17-04:00 Response by CN Private RallyPoint Member made Jun 17 at 2019 3:18 PM https://www.rallypoint.com/answers/who-has-made-the-mistake-of-saluting-an-enlisted-person?n=4729956&urlhash=4729956 <div class="images-v2-count-0"></div>I just saluted a USMC Cadet. I did it right in front of my LPO. Damn I felt stupid. When I see marines with a shiny collar device I just automatically want to salute CN Private RallyPoint Member Mon, 17 Jun 2019 15:18:27 -0400 2019-06-17T15:18:27-04:00 Response by SrA Private RallyPoint Member made Aug 8 at 2019 11:29 AM https://www.rallypoint.com/answers/who-has-made-the-mistake-of-saluting-an-enlisted-person?n=4894766&urlhash=4894766 <div class="images-v2-count-0"></div>Actually when I was going through Basic Training the reverse happened to me. We had a Captain whom I had never met that started working in our training squadron. And the issue was that he looked just like the other trainees. And he was also really short so if he came up to me he was actually just below my eye line. And when I didn’t salute him I wound up getting a shark attack Bc I thought he was a trainee. SrA Private RallyPoint Member Thu, 08 Aug 2019 11:29:16 -0400 2019-08-08T11:29:16-04:00 Response by TSgt Tim Doering made Dec 3 at 2019 11:39 AM https://www.rallypoint.com/answers/who-has-made-the-mistake-of-saluting-an-enlisted-person?n=5301861&urlhash=5301861 <div class="images-v2-count-0"></div>When in doubt salute anyway. It’s all about respect officers or enlisted alike TSgt Tim Doering Tue, 03 Dec 2019 11:39:07 -0500 2019-12-03T11:39:07-05:00 Response by SSG Leslie Cunningham made Mar 18 at 2020 10:25 AM https://www.rallypoint.com/answers/who-has-made-the-mistake-of-saluting-an-enlisted-person?n=5674509&urlhash=5674509 <div class="images-v2-count-0"></div>While still in training at Fort Ord in the early seventies l saluted a couple of really sharp looking sp/4&#39;s that were part of the seventh infantry div. SSG Leslie Cunningham Wed, 18 Mar 2020 10:25:06 -0400 2020-03-18T10:25:06-04:00 Response by SGT Malcolm Haynes made Aug 12 at 2022 8:24 AM https://www.rallypoint.com/answers/who-has-made-the-mistake-of-saluting-an-enlisted-person?n=7820841&urlhash=7820841 <div class="images-v2-count-0"></div>T-Bird Silver 1977 SGT Malcolm Haynes Fri, 12 Aug 2022 08:24:17 -0400 2022-08-12T08:24:17-04:00 2015-04-22T00:39:50-04:00