SFC Private RallyPoint Member63814<div class="images-v2-count-0"></div>I would have added To The Colors in the question but ran our of room. I have been stationed for nearly 12 years on Fort Bragg in my career. It was ingrained in my head that when Retreat and To The Colors are played when you are driving, you pull over, get out, and salute in uniform/place your hand on your heart if in civilian attire. Recently, I did this and was astonished by how many vehicles were still driving while the songs were played. It was for lack of hearing the music because there's umpteen speakers all around post.When did it become the norm to not pull your vehicle over, exit the vehicle, and render proper courtesy when Retreat is played?2014-02-24 21:35:05 -0500SFC Private RallyPoint Member63814<div class="images-v2-count-0"></div>I would have added To The Colors in the question but ran our of room. I have been stationed for nearly 12 years on Fort Bragg in my career. It was ingrained in my head that when Retreat and To The Colors are played when you are driving, you pull over, get out, and salute in uniform/place your hand on your heart if in civilian attire. Recently, I did this and was astonished by how many vehicles were still driving while the songs were played. It was for lack of hearing the music because there's umpteen speakers all around post.When did it become the norm to not pull your vehicle over, exit the vehicle, and render proper courtesy when Retreat is played?2014-02-24 21:35:05 -05002014-02-24 21:35:05 -0500SFC Private RallyPoint Member63939<div class="images-v2-count-0"></div>I wonder the same thing my friend, started with a lack of discipline. I remember when if you were caught indoors trying to dodge flag call than your butt would get smoked. Different times. I think as we drawdown and return to a more garrison Army again, these time honored traditions will return if we as leaders enforce them.Response by SFC Private RallyPoint Member made Feb 24 at 2014 10:59 PM2014-02-24 22:59:13 -05002014-02-24 22:59:13 -0500SGM Matthew Quick63948<div class="images-v2-count-0"></div>Are we teaching this to our Soldiers? Customs, courtesies, history and heritage?<br><br>The Army does not currently feel history and heritage has a place in basic training or NCOES...so it's our jobs as NCOs to make it a part of our NCOPDs.Response by SGM Matthew Quick made Feb 24 at 2014 11:04 PM2014-02-24 23:04:00 -05002014-02-24 23:04:00 -0500SFC Private RallyPoint Member64779<div class="images-v2-count-0"></div>It drives me insane as well. I can remember one time on Ft. Hood (They post road guards at all intersections to stop traffic for the flag), and we were all stopped and one civilian was losing his mind about why traffic wasnt moving. The MP went over and told him what the deal was and that he needed to stop causing a ruckus and dismount his vehicle. The civilian still didnt dismount but he finally shut up. It drives me crazy to see this lack of regard for our flag.Response by SFC Private RallyPoint Member made Feb 26 at 2014 12:46 AM2014-02-26 00:46:33 -05002014-02-26 00:46:33 -0500LTC John Czarnecki64818<div class="images-v2-count-0"></div><p>Ask the young female PFC who posted the selfie she took as she was dodging Retreat.</p><p> </p><p>This generation doesn't have to say the Pledge of Allegiance if they're "not comfortable" with it. Why would you expect them to snap to when some bugle music is playing?</p>Response by LTC John Czarnecki made Feb 26 at 2014 2:00 AM2014-02-26 02:00:24 -05002014-02-26 02:00:24 -0500PO1 Private RallyPoint Member99469<div class="images-v2-count-0"></div>Ensign Kellogg<div><br></div><div>I believe, but don't have the regs in front of me, that stopping for colors is standard. However, I have been on bases where one was not only required to stop, but get out and render honors. Most bases that I have been on (around the world) insist on vehicles stopping if it is safe to do so. </div><div><br></div><div>Now, with all that said, it's normally the base Commander that sets up the protocol. I know that when I was assigned to the waterfront 1991 to 1999 there in Norfolk NS colors were fairly rigidly enforced at the piers. I don't remember what the main gates did for traffic in/outbound for either morning or evening colors (I was always onboard the ship prior to 6 am and often still onboard after 9 pm). </div><div><br></div><div>I'm willing to bet if you mentioned to the command master chief what you observed at colors, he might put the proper bug in the correct ear.</div>Response by PO1 Private RallyPoint Member made Apr 11 at 2014 5:14 PM2014-04-11 17:14:19 -04002014-04-11 17:14:19 -0400CW2 Private RallyPoint Member99622<div class="images-v2-count-0"></div>How about this one, passing by parade field with "flags" all around it. Do you salute? Too hard to tell if a finial is present on the spot.Response by CW2 Private RallyPoint Member made Apr 11 at 2014 8:39 PM2014-04-11 20:39:13 -04002014-04-11 20:39:13 -0400MSG Jose Colon99835<div class="images-v2-count-0"></div><p>AR 600-25: "Appendix C–2. During ceremonies When ceremonies (excluding military funerals) are being conducted, moving vehicles will be brought to a halt. Military passengers and drivers will dismount and render the appropriate courtesy. When riding in buses and trucks, only the senior occupant will dismount and render appropriate courtesy."</p><p> </p><p><br> </p>Response by MSG Jose Colon made Apr 12 at 2014 12:32 AM2014-04-12 00:32:45 -04002014-04-12 00:32:45 -0400Lt Col Private RallyPoint Member362297<div class="images-v2-count-0"></div>Is exiting the car an Army thing? I've always been taught to pull over, but not to get out of the vehicle and salute.Response by Lt Col Private RallyPoint Member made Dec 9 at 2014 1:23 PM2014-12-09 13:23:31 -05002014-12-09 13:23:31 -0500PO1 Donald Hammond1348624<div class="images-v2-count-0"></div>When I was in the Navy you did not get out of your vehicle, you just stopped and waited. If you were on foot you sprinted for the nearest building so you didn't have to stand and salute while the anthems for a gabillion foreign nations played. :)Response by PO1 Donald Hammond made Mar 2 at 2016 6:01 PM2016-03-02 18:01:40 -05002016-03-02 18:01:40 -0500SGT Gary Sokol2162297<div class="images-v2-count-0"></div>It appeared evident that many young soldiers did not know or care to do this, but I was delighted when I noticed they followed my example and did so.Response by SGT Gary Sokol made Dec 15 at 2016 2:25 PM2016-12-15 14:25:26 -05002016-12-15 14:25:26 -0500MAJ Ronnie Reams7511283<div class="images-v2-count-0"></div>When the MPs stopped writing DRs for violation.Response by MAJ Ronnie Reams made Feb 3 at 2022 4:34 PM2022-02-03 16:34:54 -05002022-02-03 16:34:54 -05002014-02-24 21:35:05 -0500