RallyPoint Team 2155216 <div class="images-v2-count-1"><div class="content-picture image-v2-number-1" id="image-124252"> <div class="social_icons social-buttons-on-image"> <a href='https://www.facebook.com/sharer/sharer.php?u=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.rallypoint.com%2Fanswers%2Fwhat-would-you-ask-the-creators-of-patriots-day-a-movie-about-the-boston-marathon-bombing%3Futm_source%3DFacebook%26utm_medium%3Dorganic%26utm_campaign%3DShare%20to%20facebook' target="_blank" class='social-share-button facebook-share-button'><i class="fa fa-facebook-f"></i></a> <a href="https://twitter.com/intent/tweet?text=What+would+you+ask+the+creators+of+Patriots+Day%2C+a+movie+about+the+Boston+Marathon+bombing%3F&amp;url=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.rallypoint.com%2Fanswers%2Fwhat-would-you-ask-the-creators-of-patriots-day-a-movie-about-the-boston-marathon-bombing&amp;via=RallyPoint" target="_blank" class="social-share-button twitter-custom-share-button"><i class="fa fa-twitter"></i></a> <a href="mailto:?subject=Check this out on RallyPoint!&body=Hi, I thought you would find this interesting:%0D%0AWhat would you ask the creators of Patriots Day, a movie about the Boston Marathon bombing?%0D%0A %0D%0AHere is the link: https://www.rallypoint.com/answers/what-would-you-ask-the-creators-of-patriots-day-a-movie-about-the-boston-marathon-bombing" target="_blank" class="social-share-button email-share-button"><i class="fa fa-envelope"></i></a> </div> <a class="fancybox" rel="8a35fed39d871d0f1b5e0c5eb4b3203e" href="https://d1ndsj6b8hkqu9.cloudfront.net/pictures/images/000/124/252/for_gallery_v2/828d670e.jpg"><img src="https://d1ndsj6b8hkqu9.cloudfront.net/pictures/images/000/124/252/large_v3/828d670e.jpg" alt="828d670e" /></a></div></div>*This Q&amp;A has concluded*<br /><br />From Patriots Day: <br />From acclaimed director Peter Berg (“Deepwater Horizon,” “Lone Survivor”) and Academy Award® nominee Mark Wahlberg (“The Departed,” “Lone Survivor”), CBS Films and Lionsgate present “Patriots Day.” Based on true events, “Patriots Day” is a powerful story of a community’s extraordinary courage in the face of adversity. An account of the events surrounding the Boston Marathon bombing, the tension-packed dramatic thriller chronicles in detail one of the most sophisticated and well-coordinated manhunts in law enforcement history.<br /><br />The 2013 Boston Marathon bombing shattered lives and tested the fabric of the American spirit. But in its wake, an entire city came together to bring the perpetrators to justice before they could inflict further damage. Rather than give themselves over to panic and fear, the citizens of Boston banded together, choosing solidarity over divisiveness in pursuit of a common enemy.<br /><br />From RP Staff:<br />There&#39;s a chance that Director Peter Berg and Sgt Jeff Pugliese might visit us at RP to answer some of your questions about the film. In advance of our discussion with them, let us know what you would ask if you could be here with us! <br /><br />RallyPoint is honored to continue to support Lionsgate on this latest film. To learn more about the movie and its beneficiaries, click here: <a target="_blank" href="http://www.patriotsdayfilm.com/">http://www.patriotsdayfilm.com/</a> <div class="pta-link-card answers-template-image type-default"> <div class="pta-link-card-picture"> <img src="https://d26horl2n8pviu.cloudfront.net/link_data_pictures/images/000/128/520/qrc/PD_EPK_social_1440.jpg?1481636617"> </div> <div class="pta-link-card-content"> <p class="pta-link-card-title"> <a target="blank" href="http://www.patriotsdayfilm.com/">Patriots Day - Official Website</a> </p> <p class="pta-link-card-description">Starring Mark Wahlberg, John Goodman, Kevin Bacon, J.K. Simmons, and Michelle Monaghan #PatriotsDayMovie</p> </div> <div class="clearfix"></div> </div> What would you ask the creators of Patriots Day, a movie about the Boston Marathon bombing? 2016-12-13T08:41:32-05:00 RallyPoint Team 2155216 <div class="images-v2-count-1"><div class="content-picture image-v2-number-1" id="image-124252"> <div class="social_icons social-buttons-on-image"> <a href='https://www.facebook.com/sharer/sharer.php?u=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.rallypoint.com%2Fanswers%2Fwhat-would-you-ask-the-creators-of-patriots-day-a-movie-about-the-boston-marathon-bombing%3Futm_source%3DFacebook%26utm_medium%3Dorganic%26utm_campaign%3DShare%20to%20facebook' target="_blank" class='social-share-button facebook-share-button'><i class="fa fa-facebook-f"></i></a> <a href="https://twitter.com/intent/tweet?text=What+would+you+ask+the+creators+of+Patriots+Day%2C+a+movie+about+the+Boston+Marathon+bombing%3F&amp;url=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.rallypoint.com%2Fanswers%2Fwhat-would-you-ask-the-creators-of-patriots-day-a-movie-about-the-boston-marathon-bombing&amp;via=RallyPoint" target="_blank" class="social-share-button twitter-custom-share-button"><i class="fa fa-twitter"></i></a> <a href="mailto:?subject=Check this out on RallyPoint!&body=Hi, I thought you would find this interesting:%0D%0AWhat would you ask the creators of Patriots Day, a movie about the Boston Marathon bombing?%0D%0A %0D%0AHere is the link: https://www.rallypoint.com/answers/what-would-you-ask-the-creators-of-patriots-day-a-movie-about-the-boston-marathon-bombing" target="_blank" class="social-share-button email-share-button"><i class="fa fa-envelope"></i></a> </div> <a class="fancybox" rel="0839a74e3c87ad235bef95cf34aec594" href="https://d1ndsj6b8hkqu9.cloudfront.net/pictures/images/000/124/252/for_gallery_v2/828d670e.jpg"><img src="https://d1ndsj6b8hkqu9.cloudfront.net/pictures/images/000/124/252/large_v3/828d670e.jpg" alt="828d670e" /></a></div></div>*This Q&amp;A has concluded*<br /><br />From Patriots Day: <br />From acclaimed director Peter Berg (“Deepwater Horizon,” “Lone Survivor”) and Academy Award® nominee Mark Wahlberg (“The Departed,” “Lone Survivor”), CBS Films and Lionsgate present “Patriots Day.” Based on true events, “Patriots Day” is a powerful story of a community’s extraordinary courage in the face of adversity. An account of the events surrounding the Boston Marathon bombing, the tension-packed dramatic thriller chronicles in detail one of the most sophisticated and well-coordinated manhunts in law enforcement history.<br /><br />The 2013 Boston Marathon bombing shattered lives and tested the fabric of the American spirit. But in its wake, an entire city came together to bring the perpetrators to justice before they could inflict further damage. Rather than give themselves over to panic and fear, the citizens of Boston banded together, choosing solidarity over divisiveness in pursuit of a common enemy.<br /><br />From RP Staff:<br />There&#39;s a chance that Director Peter Berg and Sgt Jeff Pugliese might visit us at RP to answer some of your questions about the film. In advance of our discussion with them, let us know what you would ask if you could be here with us! <br /><br />RallyPoint is honored to continue to support Lionsgate on this latest film. To learn more about the movie and its beneficiaries, click here: <a target="_blank" href="http://www.patriotsdayfilm.com/">http://www.patriotsdayfilm.com/</a> <div class="pta-link-card answers-template-image type-default"> <div class="pta-link-card-picture"> <img src="https://d26horl2n8pviu.cloudfront.net/link_data_pictures/images/000/128/520/qrc/PD_EPK_social_1440.jpg?1481636617"> </div> <div class="pta-link-card-content"> <p class="pta-link-card-title"> <a target="blank" href="http://www.patriotsdayfilm.com/">Patriots Day - Official Website</a> </p> <p class="pta-link-card-description">Starring Mark Wahlberg, John Goodman, Kevin Bacon, J.K. Simmons, and Michelle Monaghan #PatriotsDayMovie</p> </div> <div class="clearfix"></div> </div> What would you ask the creators of Patriots Day, a movie about the Boston Marathon bombing? 2016-12-13T08:41:32-05:00 2016-12-13T08:41:32-05:00 Ryan Callahan 2155279 <div class="images-v2-count-0"></div>What are your thoughts on Massachusetts Senator Elizabeth Warren&#39;s proposed bill to make it easier for victims of terrorism to seek specialized care at military health care facilities? <br /><br />This bill is named after Jessica Kensky and Patrick Downes, two Boston Marathon bombing survivors who lost their legs and were treated at Walter Reed National Military Medical Center. Currently military hospitals are only accessible to civilians granted Secretarial Designee (SECDES) status. Response by Ryan Callahan made Dec 13 at 2016 9:25 AM 2016-12-13T09:25:38-05:00 2016-12-13T09:25:38-05:00 SFC Josh Billingsley 2155356 <div class="images-v2-count-0"></div>My question is for Peter Berg:<br />What difficulties did you face trying to bring Marcus Lutrell&#39;s story to the big screen and what advice would you have for trying to stay true to a story while making something engaging that movie goers will relate to and watch? Response by SFC Josh Billingsley made Dec 13 at 2016 9:53 AM 2016-12-13T09:53:25-05:00 2016-12-13T09:53:25-05:00 SFC Private RallyPoint Member 2155417 <div class="images-v2-count-0"></div>Mark Wahlberg, its a pleasure to have you on here. Response by SFC Private RallyPoint Member made Dec 13 at 2016 10:24 AM 2016-12-13T10:24:20-05:00 2016-12-13T10:24:20-05:00 Kanika Misra 2155553 <div class="images-v2-count-1"><div class="content-picture image-v2-number-1" id="image-124268"> <div class="social_icons social-buttons-on-image"> <a href='https://www.facebook.com/sharer/sharer.php?u=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.rallypoint.com%2Fanswers%2Fwhat-would-you-ask-the-creators-of-patriots-day-a-movie-about-the-boston-marathon-bombing%3Futm_source%3DFacebook%26utm_medium%3Dorganic%26utm_campaign%3DShare%20to%20facebook' target="_blank" class='social-share-button facebook-share-button'><i class="fa fa-facebook-f"></i></a> <a href="https://twitter.com/intent/tweet?text=What+would+you+ask+the+creators+of+Patriots+Day%2C+a+movie+about+the+Boston+Marathon+bombing%3F&amp;url=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.rallypoint.com%2Fanswers%2Fwhat-would-you-ask-the-creators-of-patriots-day-a-movie-about-the-boston-marathon-bombing&amp;via=RallyPoint" target="_blank" class="social-share-button twitter-custom-share-button"><i class="fa fa-twitter"></i></a> <a href="mailto:?subject=Check this out on RallyPoint!&body=Hi, I thought you would find this interesting:%0D%0AWhat would you ask the creators of Patriots Day, a movie about the Boston Marathon bombing?%0D%0A %0D%0AHere is the link: https://www.rallypoint.com/answers/what-would-you-ask-the-creators-of-patriots-day-a-movie-about-the-boston-marathon-bombing" target="_blank" class="social-share-button email-share-button"><i class="fa fa-envelope"></i></a> </div> <a class="fancybox" rel="e4e9886e79ec56814692256568f8588b" href="https://d1ndsj6b8hkqu9.cloudfront.net/pictures/images/000/124/268/for_gallery_v2/a5f9ff93.jpg"><img src="https://d1ndsj6b8hkqu9.cloudfront.net/pictures/images/000/124/268/large_v3/a5f9ff93.jpg" alt="A5f9ff93" /></a></div></div>I noticed you all have set up a charity campaign for Patriots Day. I’m not sure if I’ve really ever heard of many motion pictures that have donated money to particular causes, even if those causes were the focus of the film! What&#39;s your favorite part about being able to support so many first responders around Boston?<br /><br />Ps. This is really amazing. A friend of mine’s father is one of the first responders in this photo; I’m excited to tell her about your great effort and more excited his team will be receiving some extra help for all the good they do! Thank you! Response by Kanika Misra made Dec 13 at 2016 11:19 AM 2016-12-13T11:19:50-05:00 2016-12-13T11:19:50-05:00 SN Greg Wright 2155738 <div class="images-v2-count-0"></div>And RP continues to amaze. Response by SN Greg Wright made Dec 13 at 2016 12:26 PM 2016-12-13T12:26:25-05:00 2016-12-13T12:26:25-05:00 SFC George Smith 2155763 <div class="images-v2-count-0"></div>most interesting story ... may have to see the Movie when it comes out... Response by SFC George Smith made Dec 13 at 2016 12:33 PM 2016-12-13T12:33:36-05:00 2016-12-13T12:33:36-05:00 SGT David A. 'Cowboy' Groth 2155824 <div class="images-v2-count-0"></div>Thank for sharing this great information, it should be a great movie, and hopefully is has a long run in the theaters. Response by SGT David A. 'Cowboy' Groth made Dec 13 at 2016 12:50 PM 2016-12-13T12:50:56-05:00 2016-12-13T12:50:56-05:00 Capt Brandon Charters 2155911 <div class="images-v2-count-0"></div>This film must have been life changing to work on. I know many friends in Boston who remember this day vividly and showed tremendous strength. As you all began to tell this story through film, what were the most personally powerful moments for you? Response by Capt Brandon Charters made Dec 13 at 2016 1:11 PM 2016-12-13T13:11:38-05:00 2016-12-13T13:11:38-05:00 SFC Private RallyPoint Member 2156160 <div class="images-v2-count-0"></div>Question for Mark Wahlberg, if you could right now, go down to the recruiting station today, would you sign up and joined a military service, if so which one would you pick (hopefully ARMY lol) ? Response by SFC Private RallyPoint Member made Dec 13 at 2016 2:35 PM 2016-12-13T14:35:00-05:00 2016-12-13T14:35:00-05:00 Cpl Tim Callahan 2158517 <div class="images-v2-count-0"></div>Did you cast anyone in the movie that was hurt by the horrific Boston Marathon Bombing? Response by Cpl Tim Callahan made Dec 14 at 2016 11:02 AM 2016-12-14T11:02:17-05:00 2016-12-14T11:02:17-05:00 SSG Carlos Madden 2159090 <div class="images-v2-count-0"></div>My question is for SPC Pugliese who served as an Army MP. As someone who served both as a police officer and the military, how do you feel when the American public calls you a &quot;hero?&quot; Response by SSG Carlos Madden made Dec 14 at 2016 1:27 PM 2016-12-14T13:27:53-05:00 2016-12-14T13:27:53-05:00 CPT Aaron Kletzing 2160377 <div class="images-v2-count-0"></div>Excited to see this movie, as I was living a few blocks from where the Boston Marathon Bombing took place on that day. Here is my question -- what were the hardest scenes for you to recreate for this movie? I&#39;m asking because the bombing itself is still such a fresh emotional memory for so many folks, esp those in Boston -- and perhaps if you made a scene too realistic, it could upset people -- but if you made it unrealistic, it could upset other folks. What scene or type of scene ended up being hardest for you to decide how to create for the movie? Response by CPT Aaron Kletzing made Dec 14 at 2016 10:16 PM 2016-12-14T22:16:23-05:00 2016-12-14T22:16:23-05:00 SGT Bryon Sergent 2161772 <div class="images-v2-count-0"></div>Mr. Wahlberg, is Here. Thought It was the director Peter Berg? Response by SGT Bryon Sergent made Dec 15 at 2016 12:21 PM 2016-12-15T12:21:28-05:00 2016-12-15T12:21:28-05:00 SGT Bryon Sergent 2161792 <div class="images-v2-count-0"></div>Mr Berg, Thank you for being on Rally Point and support on the Military and First Responders!. My question is this, How difficult was the difference between the two movies sets Lone Survivor and Patriots Day? I know there was a lot of &quot;battle scenes&quot; in both, but could you elaborate? Was it difficult to block off the city and film and recreate the explosions of the IED&#39;s, vs the battle scenes in the mountainous locations in Lone Survivor. Response by SGT Bryon Sergent made Dec 15 at 2016 12:26 PM 2016-12-15T12:26:13-05:00 2016-12-15T12:26:13-05:00 MAJ Laurie H. 2162149 <div class="images-v2-count-0"></div>Thank you for joining us on RP!<br /><br />As you did research and prepared characters and stories for Patriots Day, what was the most inspiring personal story that you encountered? So many of the bombing survivors and people touched by the events of that week have shown great resilience and courage in their recovery and been an inspiration to the entire city. Who were the people that moved you the most? Response by MAJ Laurie H. made Dec 15 at 2016 1:46 PM 2016-12-15T13:46:17-05:00 2016-12-15T13:46:17-05:00 CPT Endre Barath 2162186 <div class="images-v2-count-0"></div>How much easier is it to film in Boston, MA with the support of BPD, the community and local politicians compared to filming in Los Angeles, CA? Response by CPT Endre Barath made Dec 15 at 2016 1:54 PM 2016-12-15T13:54:28-05:00 2016-12-15T13:54:28-05:00 SFC Chad Sowash 2162188 <div class="images-v2-count-0"></div>Which film was harder to shoot 1) steep mountain terrain like Lone Survivor or 2) the daily hustle and bustle of the city of Boston? Response by SFC Chad Sowash made Dec 15 at 2016 1:54 PM 2016-12-15T13:54:58-05:00 2016-12-15T13:54:58-05:00 SFC Private RallyPoint Member 2162193 <div class="images-v2-count-0"></div>What&#39;s your goal in creating this film? What story arc are you trying to portray? The whacked out religious nuts who did this, the random victims of said nuts, to my knowledge, there wasn&#39;t anyone who really stood out. Everyone just did their jobs as first responders. Will this follow up the stories of the victims? A prologue as it were. Response by SFC Private RallyPoint Member made Dec 15 at 2016 1:56 PM 2016-12-15T13:56:20-05:00 2016-12-15T13:56:20-05:00 TSgt Private RallyPoint Member 2162208 <div class="images-v2-count-0"></div>During the course of putting together this film, what were the most frustrating obstacles and what was the most memorable response you ever got when someone learned of the topic of this film? Response by TSgt Private RallyPoint Member made Dec 15 at 2016 2:00 PM 2016-12-15T14:00:20-05:00 2016-12-15T14:00:20-05:00 MAJ Private RallyPoint Member 2162210 <div class="images-v2-count-0"></div>I would ask how he will ensure realism in the implied tasks of the characters. For instance, many movies have a great central plot but the military character(s) are unrealistic in how their job is portrayed. example: &quot;Iron Patriot&quot; in Ironman seems to be all over the globe, another, the character in &quot;The Hurt Locker&quot; seems to drive around the battlefield in his lone Humvee and the Brigade Commander seems to let him do whatever he chooses w/little concern for well known safety procedures in counter-IED... How will this movie avoid those common pitfalls of well meaning but movie folk who are unfamiliar with military nuances that make us cringe. Response by MAJ Private RallyPoint Member made Dec 15 at 2016 2:00 PM 2016-12-15T14:00:35-05:00 2016-12-15T14:00:35-05:00 SSG Thomas Gallegos 2162211 <div class="images-v2-count-0"></div>If it has not been asked, what was the initial assessment and/or thoughts of those directly affected and the locals? Response by SSG Thomas Gallegos made Dec 15 at 2016 2:00 PM 2016-12-15T14:00:52-05:00 2016-12-15T14:00:52-05:00 Cpl Martha Deithorn 2162212 <div class="images-v2-count-0"></div>How did you ensure the authenticity, factual portrayal of the movie without overstepping the boundaries or &quot;stretching&quot; the facts to make it a &quot;box office hit&quot;? Response by Cpl Martha Deithorn made Dec 15 at 2016 2:01 PM 2016-12-15T14:01:05-05:00 2016-12-15T14:01:05-05:00 SrA Andrew McCarty 2162215 <div class="images-v2-count-0"></div>How do you manage making a film that simultaneously attracts and engages a paying audience while also respecting and staying true to the facts of a horrible tragedy that impacted so many real people? Response by SrA Andrew McCarty made Dec 15 at 2016 2:01 PM 2016-12-15T14:01:36-05:00 2016-12-15T14:01:36-05:00 CPT Topher Murphy 2162217 <div class="images-v2-count-0"></div>What is the difficulty in telling the event as it actually occurred vs. using artistic license? For example in LS Luttrell being on an operating table at the beginning as well as not discussing his broken back etc? Response by CPT Topher Murphy made Dec 15 at 2016 2:02 PM 2016-12-15T14:02:22-05:00 2016-12-15T14:02:22-05:00 SSG Thomas Gallegos 2162220 <div class="images-v2-count-0"></div>I added my question but a round of applause and kudos out to those of you who asked some great questions. This should be a great Q and A. Response by SSG Thomas Gallegos made Dec 15 at 2016 2:03 PM 2016-12-15T14:03:05-05:00 2016-12-15T14:03:05-05:00 LTC Gregory Bishop 2162227 <div class="images-v2-count-0"></div>You and a select few other filmmakers seem to gravitate to telling stories of the warrior class. There are thousands of amazing, heroic stories that have come from 15 years of continuous war...those are amazing stories....but what makes an amazing story an amazing movie? Response by LTC Gregory Bishop made Dec 15 at 2016 2:05 PM 2016-12-15T14:05:35-05:00 2016-12-15T14:05:35-05:00 SSG Private RallyPoint Member 2162229 <div class="images-v2-count-0"></div>How are you dealing with location? I&#39;m sure that there are many people in the city who would react badly to some of the action scenes. Response by SSG Private RallyPoint Member made Dec 15 at 2016 2:06 PM 2016-12-15T14:06:06-05:00 2016-12-15T14:06:06-05:00 SSG Ray Petersen 2162235 <div class="images-v2-count-0"></div>Why must we keep making movies like this? What point does it drive? What does it accomplish? It was a horrific incident that happened, I just don&#39;t know why we have to Hollywood everything up. What benefit does the city of Boston get from this? What about those affected that day? Response by SSG Ray Petersen made Dec 15 at 2016 2:08 PM 2016-12-15T14:08:08-05:00 2016-12-15T14:08:08-05:00 SFC David Davenport 2162237 <div class="images-v2-count-0"></div>How hard has it been to avoid the political pitfalls and traps, like anti-Islamic sentiments, as you make this movie? Clearly it was a tragedy and a great choice of events as a movie setting. Response by SFC David Davenport made Dec 15 at 2016 2:08 PM 2016-12-15T14:08:18-05:00 2016-12-15T14:08:18-05:00 SFC Chris Crossley 2162245 <div class="images-v2-count-0"></div>First of all thank you both for what you do, and for your support of the military and Law Enforcement. <br />My question relates to cooperation with federal and local law enforcement agencies. How much support did you receive from Federal LE agencies as they related to collection efforts to identify the terrorists and or gather evidence? Was there any push back from them about not revealing or at least concealing some of the methods that they used to identify the terrorists? <br />Thank you again for your time, and Merry Christmas and Happy New Years to you both and to your families. Response by SFC Chris Crossley made Dec 15 at 2016 2:10 PM 2016-12-15T14:10:55-05:00 2016-12-15T14:10:55-05:00 LCpl Steve Wininger 2162270 <div class="images-v2-count-0"></div>My question is to Mr. Waglberg. Many of us felt it was a calling to serve our country. As an actor, do you feel as though it is your calling, or and even duty to help bring the stories of those who serve and those who face the evils that plague our world to life. Response by LCpl Steve Wininger made Dec 15 at 2016 2:18 PM 2016-12-15T14:18:10-05:00 2016-12-15T14:18:10-05:00 MSG Dallas Williams 2162274 <div class="images-v2-count-0"></div>A question for both; what was the most eye opening / shocking discovery in the background and thought process of the terrorists for each of you? Response by MSG Dallas Williams made Dec 15 at 2016 2:19 PM 2016-12-15T14:19:48-05:00 2016-12-15T14:19:48-05:00 SSG Keith Cashion 2162281 <div class="images-v2-count-0"></div>This question goes to Mark Walberg. Having been part of these movies and others like this, does this give you a sense of what Military and even Civilians deal with in the case of PTSD? And how do you think this should be handled? Response by SSG Keith Cashion made Dec 15 at 2016 2:22 PM 2016-12-15T14:22:09-05:00 2016-12-15T14:22:09-05:00 SMSgt Thor Merich 2162282 <div class="images-v2-count-0"></div>It looks like a great movie. During tragic events like this event, true heroes always emerge. They are among us every day and their true nature doesn&#39;t appear until tragedy strikes.<br /><br />Mr Berg, you have done several films where ordinary (some extraordinary) folks find themselves in situations that test the limits of human endurance, both mentally and physically. How did the heroes from the Boston Marathon bombing differ from the SEALS in Lone Survivor or the crew of Deepwater Horizon? Response by SMSgt Thor Merich made Dec 15 at 2016 2:22 PM 2016-12-15T14:22:21-05:00 2016-12-15T14:22:21-05:00 Sgt William Biggs 2162285 <div class="images-v2-count-0"></div>If you hired people that were present that day, how did you manage the psychological effect reliving their trauma would cause? Even if they weren&#39;t present, cast members had to be effected. How do you deal with such a moving and powerful topic? Response by Sgt William Biggs made Dec 15 at 2016 2:22 PM 2016-12-15T14:22:26-05:00 2016-12-15T14:22:26-05:00 SSG Private RallyPoint Member 2162294 <div class="images-v2-count-0"></div>What is the one most important memory, emotion, or lesson you have taken away from the making of this movie, from the very first moment the idea came to you until this exact moment, regardless of whether or not it dealt with film industry (production/financing), technical (special effects, camera/lighting/sound), casting, permits, etc - in short, your entire universe in making this movie?<br /><br />What stuck with you the most and why? Response by SSG Private RallyPoint Member made Dec 15 at 2016 2:24 PM 2016-12-15T14:24:55-05:00 2016-12-15T14:24:55-05:00 SSgt Wes ODonnell 2162301 <div class="images-v2-count-0"></div>More and more it seems veterans are demanding authenticity in their interactions with media. In the interest of authenticity, was this film shot on location in Boston? If so, what location-based technical challenges did the filmmakers face? Response by SSgt Wes ODonnell made Dec 15 at 2016 2:27 PM 2016-12-15T14:27:08-05:00 2016-12-15T14:27:08-05:00 SSG Private RallyPoint Member 2162310 <div class="images-v2-count-0"></div>It seems that being politically correct has taken over many truths so, were there any actual moments in which could not be included in the film due to the &quot;PC&quot; nature of this nation? Response by SSG Private RallyPoint Member made Dec 15 at 2016 2:28 PM 2016-12-15T14:28:40-05:00 2016-12-15T14:28:40-05:00 SPC Daniel Bowen 2162312 <div class="images-v2-count-0"></div>Most of the questions I would haveasked myself have already been brought up. Instead I want thank you and Mark Wahlberg for your awesome work and support of us veterans. As a former Army Infantryman and curently a police officer at Walter Reed, please do not hesitate to ask if you ever wish to pay a visit. Many of us veterans agree grateful for the work you have done, helping the world to better understand us as a whole. <br /> I personally look forward to the movie! All the best! Response by SPC Daniel Bowen made Dec 15 at 2016 2:28 PM 2016-12-15T14:28:49-05:00 2016-12-15T14:28:49-05:00 1SG Brian Allen 2162317 <div class="images-v2-count-0"></div>Mark Walhberg- My former Troop Commander was one of the First Responders at the finish line (Brennan Mullaney). How do research for a role like this? What do you use to help get the emotion of the terror that was present that day? Thanks for all the Veteran support. We appreciate it! Response by 1SG Brian Allen made Dec 15 at 2016 2:30 PM 2016-12-15T14:30:54-05:00 2016-12-15T14:30:54-05:00 SSG Lloyd Becker BSBA-HCM, MBA 2162325 <div class="images-v2-count-0"></div>I look at this from a different perspective. People from the Hollywood set are always looking for ways to make money. I have seen the trailer and did not think much of it, until now. <br /><br />To ask me is to justify yourself in making money off the dead and the wounded is off base. Hollywood always looks for disasters because they sell. Response by SSG Lloyd Becker BSBA-HCM, MBA made Dec 15 at 2016 2:33 PM 2016-12-15T14:33:28-05:00 2016-12-15T14:33:28-05:00 GySgt William Hardy 2162329 <div class="images-v2-count-0"></div>In making the movie, did those involved in the production think about this movie as a means of therapy for those affected as well as telling the story of that tragic day? Response by GySgt William Hardy made Dec 15 at 2016 2:34 PM 2016-12-15T14:34:15-05:00 2016-12-15T14:34:15-05:00 TSgt John Marshall 2162330 <div class="images-v2-count-0"></div>So, are you going to go with the fact that the bombing was a false flag or just not touch that? Response by TSgt John Marshall made Dec 15 at 2016 2:34 PM 2016-12-15T14:34:29-05:00 2016-12-15T14:34:29-05:00 PO3 Sandra Gomke 2162334 <div class="images-v2-count-0"></div>Rally Point, you have really come out and asked all the questions I could think of. All I can add is a simple thank you to Mr. Berg and Mr Wahlberg for accepting the challenge to make a movie out of one of Boston&#39;s worst/best days. By the way, the casting for this movie is amazing. Can&#39;t wait to see it!! Response by PO3 Sandra Gomke made Dec 15 at 2016 2:35 PM 2016-12-15T14:35:26-05:00 2016-12-15T14:35:26-05:00 MSG Private RallyPoint Member 2162339 <div class="images-v2-count-0"></div>The people that were wounded there, did they serve as consultants? Response by MSG Private RallyPoint Member made Dec 15 at 2016 2:36 PM 2016-12-15T14:36:09-05:00 2016-12-15T14:36:09-05:00 PO1 Kerry French 2162350 <div class="images-v2-count-0"></div>Well the producer of this film big sugarcoating the motivation for the bombing? Because I swear if I see one more film apologizing for his limit gonna throw up Response by PO1 Kerry French made Dec 15 at 2016 2:39 PM 2016-12-15T14:39:13-05:00 2016-12-15T14:39:13-05:00 Jenn Moynihan 2162356 <div class="images-v2-count-1"><div class="content-picture image-v2-number-1" id="image-124565"> <div class="social_icons social-buttons-on-image"> <a href='https://www.facebook.com/sharer/sharer.php?u=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.rallypoint.com%2Fanswers%2Fwhat-would-you-ask-the-creators-of-patriots-day-a-movie-about-the-boston-marathon-bombing%3Futm_source%3DFacebook%26utm_medium%3Dorganic%26utm_campaign%3DShare%20to%20facebook' target="_blank" class='social-share-button facebook-share-button'><i class="fa fa-facebook-f"></i></a> <a href="https://twitter.com/intent/tweet?text=What+would+you+ask+the+creators+of+Patriots+Day%2C+a+movie+about+the+Boston+Marathon+bombing%3F&amp;url=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.rallypoint.com%2Fanswers%2Fwhat-would-you-ask-the-creators-of-patriots-day-a-movie-about-the-boston-marathon-bombing&amp;via=RallyPoint" target="_blank" class="social-share-button twitter-custom-share-button"><i class="fa fa-twitter"></i></a> <a href="mailto:?subject=Check this out on RallyPoint!&body=Hi, I thought you would find this interesting:%0D%0AWhat would you ask the creators of Patriots Day, a movie about the Boston Marathon bombing?%0D%0A %0D%0AHere is the link: https://www.rallypoint.com/answers/what-would-you-ask-the-creators-of-patriots-day-a-movie-about-the-boston-marathon-bombing" target="_blank" class="social-share-button email-share-button"><i class="fa fa-envelope"></i></a> </div> <a class="fancybox" rel="22be3b51bffa8d27999364dc9bee22fa" href="https://d1ndsj6b8hkqu9.cloudfront.net/pictures/images/000/124/565/for_gallery_v2/d53a8d6c.PNG"><img src="https://d1ndsj6b8hkqu9.cloudfront.net/pictures/images/000/124/565/large_v3/d53a8d6c.PNG" alt="D53a8d6c" /></a></div></div>I think by now most questions have been asked. To Mark: you&#39;ve come a long way &quot;ked&quot;...keep on being true. <br /><br />I was at the USO the day before and had a young MIT Student come in on his way back to school after visiting his parents (Air Force) in Italy. I had his email addy due to a connect with the firm I was working in at the time. I emailed him to see if he, and friends/roommates were safe. <br /><br />Here is a screenshot px I grabbed of the first rucker in (as a graphic designer I took liberty with the word &quot;runner&quot; Response by Jenn Moynihan made Dec 15 at 2016 2:41 PM 2016-12-15T14:41:51-05:00 2016-12-15T14:41:51-05:00 GySgt Ken Norwood 2162358 <div class="images-v2-count-0"></div>I just want to say thank you for trying to recreate these stories of heroism at its finest! Response by GySgt Ken Norwood made Dec 15 at 2016 2:42 PM 2016-12-15T14:42:24-05:00 2016-12-15T14:42:24-05:00 Maj Marty Hogan 2162361 <div class="images-v2-count-0"></div>As a runner myself I would ask what are you giving back to the race itself or the families affected by the blast. I briefly glanced at some posts and see a Go-Fund me, but how much of the picture gross proceeds will go to the cause? We set up Boston One runs all over the country after this happened and we raised a little over $2K in a short time putting it together with a local athletic store. Sorry would follow up on the link, but on my mobile and don&#39;t have time to go back and forth to re-find my place. I had 3 local friends running that day and one was close to the explosion time, but had cleared the effected area and was safe- and this has changed the way many major races have approached the start/finish lines, bag drops, and restroom placement of all things. Thanks for making the movie as well. Response by Maj Marty Hogan made Dec 15 at 2016 2:43 PM 2016-12-15T14:43:29-05:00 2016-12-15T14:43:29-05:00 SGT Jeffrey Dennis 2162362 <div class="images-v2-count-0"></div>I would like to ask Mr. Berg about how he went about simulating the terror and trauma on that horrible day. How did he cast the people on the ground that day, and how did he direct them in displaying the horror, bravery, and selfless service of civilians, police, and first responders. Much respect for Mr. Berg, and Mr. Wahlberg. Response by SGT Jeffrey Dennis made Dec 15 at 2016 2:43 PM 2016-12-15T14:43:31-05:00 2016-12-15T14:43:31-05:00 Cpl Justin Goolsby 2162364 <div class="images-v2-count-0"></div>Good Afternoon Gentlemen,<br /><br />It truly is a pleasure to get the opportunity to speak with you. As a Massachusetts native, the marathon bombing really hit hard even from the other side of the Country. A lot of media sources tried to romanticize the brothers. How will you be portraying them? Will the movie be heavily focused on the brothers and their motives or will we be focused strictly on the events of the day?<br /><br />Thank you for your time. Response by Cpl Justin Goolsby made Dec 15 at 2016 2:43 PM 2016-12-15T14:43:41-05:00 2016-12-15T14:43:41-05:00 PO1 Kerry French 2162369 <div class="images-v2-count-0"></div>Love love love Marlky Mark!!! Mark Walberg is a great actor with surprisingly good common sense. Response by PO1 Kerry French made Dec 15 at 2016 2:45 PM 2016-12-15T14:45:36-05:00 2016-12-15T14:45:36-05:00 Sgt Erle Mutz 2162386 <div class="images-v2-count-1"><div class="content-picture image-v2-number-1" id="image-124566"> <div class="social_icons social-buttons-on-image"> <a href='https://www.facebook.com/sharer/sharer.php?u=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.rallypoint.com%2Fanswers%2Fwhat-would-you-ask-the-creators-of-patriots-day-a-movie-about-the-boston-marathon-bombing%3Futm_source%3DFacebook%26utm_medium%3Dorganic%26utm_campaign%3DShare%20to%20facebook' target="_blank" class='social-share-button facebook-share-button'><i class="fa fa-facebook-f"></i></a> <a href="https://twitter.com/intent/tweet?text=What+would+you+ask+the+creators+of+Patriots+Day%2C+a+movie+about+the+Boston+Marathon+bombing%3F&amp;url=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.rallypoint.com%2Fanswers%2Fwhat-would-you-ask-the-creators-of-patriots-day-a-movie-about-the-boston-marathon-bombing&amp;via=RallyPoint" target="_blank" class="social-share-button twitter-custom-share-button"><i class="fa fa-twitter"></i></a> <a href="mailto:?subject=Check this out on RallyPoint!&body=Hi, I thought you would find this interesting:%0D%0AWhat would you ask the creators of Patriots Day, a movie about the Boston Marathon bombing?%0D%0A %0D%0AHere is the link: https://www.rallypoint.com/answers/what-would-you-ask-the-creators-of-patriots-day-a-movie-about-the-boston-marathon-bombing" target="_blank" class="social-share-button email-share-button"><i class="fa fa-envelope"></i></a> </div> <a class="fancybox" rel="f3eb4fe7ced6d40f216bb2edf3a03abf" href="https://d1ndsj6b8hkqu9.cloudfront.net/pictures/images/000/124/566/for_gallery_v2/cf3b8752.jpg"><img src="https://d1ndsj6b8hkqu9.cloudfront.net/pictures/images/000/124/566/large_v3/cf3b8752.jpg" alt="Cf3b8752" /></a></div></div>Peter Berg is directing - correct? I loved him as an actor!<br />ABSOLUTELY enjoyed BATTLESHIP!!!!<br />My question is: When did he become interested in &quot;directing&quot; and HOW did he get so GREAT AT IT? Response by Sgt Erle Mutz made Dec 15 at 2016 2:50 PM 2016-12-15T14:50:30-05:00 2016-12-15T14:50:30-05:00 SGT Willam Rivera Vazquez 2162401 <div class="images-v2-count-0"></div>Will any of our Brothers and Sisters in Arms would benefit or suffer because of this film??? Response by SGT Willam Rivera Vazquez made Dec 15 at 2016 2:54 PM 2016-12-15T14:54:17-05:00 2016-12-15T14:54:17-05:00 CPO David Sharp 2162429 <div class="images-v2-count-0"></div>The fact that these two Brothers were able to initiate this terrorist engagement is still a conudrum. With the Dept Of Homeland Security in place since 2001, where was the vetting and understanding that Chechnya personnel have been advisories since World War II. Muslims are doing what the Koran has stated by moving into communicates and then proceeding to attack citizens and corrupt our way of life. When will the P.C. police stop and realize we are at war with these people and cancel ROEs and unhand cuff our first line defenders and Military to accomplish the mission. Response by CPO David Sharp made Dec 15 at 2016 3:02 PM 2016-12-15T15:02:25-05:00 2016-12-15T15:02:25-05:00 SPC Joel Willman 2162436 <div class="images-v2-count-0"></div>How has the movie address the issue of PTSD/TBI in some of the Fire-Rescue, and Police Personnel that may have been involved in the bombing? Response by SPC Joel Willman made Dec 15 at 2016 3:06 PM 2016-12-15T15:06:28-05:00 2016-12-15T15:06:28-05:00 1stSgt Eugene Harless 2162445 <div class="images-v2-count-0"></div>To be perfectly honest I do not like to watch movies about recent tragedies, especially ones of this magnitude. Just a personal preference. Response by 1stSgt Eugene Harless made Dec 15 at 2016 3:07 PM 2016-12-15T15:07:57-05:00 2016-12-15T15:07:57-05:00 PO1 Private RallyPoint Member 2162449 <div class="images-v2-count-0"></div>Welcome! So many great questions already posted. Majority of the ones I would have asked have been. Didn&#39;t read through them all so apologizes if this has already been asked: Did you use any actual military members as actors/actresses in supporting roles or otherwise in the movie to represent those that were actually there and to give more credibility to your military viewers? One of the things that really makes or breaks certain movies to the military community is the correct portrayal of us (big or small) in the movie. Response by PO1 Private RallyPoint Member made Dec 15 at 2016 3:08 PM 2016-12-15T15:08:34-05:00 2016-12-15T15:08:34-05:00 LTC Stephen F. 2162455 <div class="images-v2-count-0"></div>What or who inspired you to make a realistic movie about the 2013 Boston Marathon bombing? From all I have seen it seems to be a well-done and acted movie. For those afflicted by the dreadful events of that day and it aftermath, the memories, anger and grief may well live on. Hopefully this movie will help to heal rather than inflame. <br />Thanks for the heads up SSG James J. Palmer IV aka &quot;JP4&quot;<br />FYI just in case you were not aware <a class="dark-link bold-link" role="profile-hover" data-qtip-container="body" data-id="106303" data-source-page-controller="question_response_contents" href="/profiles/106303-88m-motor-transport-operator">SFC Joe S. Davis Jr., MSM, DSL</a> <a class="dark-link bold-link" role="profile-hover" data-qtip-container="body" data-id="768589" data-source-page-controller="question_response_contents" href="/profiles/768589-sp5-mark-kuzinski">SP5 Mark Kuzinski</a> <a class="dark-link bold-link" role="profile-hover" data-qtip-container="body" data-id="7792" data-source-page-controller="question_response_contents" href="/profiles/7792-3e9x1-emergency-management">TSgt Joe C.</a><a class="dark-link bold-link" role="profile-hover" data-qtip-container="body" data-id="67210" data-source-page-controller="question_response_contents" href="/profiles/67210-25a-signal-officer">LTC Stephen C.</a> <a class="dark-link bold-link" role="profile-hover" data-qtip-container="body" data-id="668456" data-source-page-controller="question_response_contents" href="/profiles/668456-capt-seid-waddell">Capt Seid Waddell</a> <a class="dark-link bold-link" role="profile-hover" data-qtip-container="body" data-id="347395" data-source-page-controller="question_response_contents" href="/profiles/347395-351l-counterintelligence-technician">CW5 Private RallyPoint Member</a> <a class="dark-link bold-link" role="profile-hover" data-qtip-container="body" data-id="334546" data-source-page-controller="question_response_contents" href="/profiles/334546-sfc-william-farrell">SFC William Farrell</a> <a class="dark-link bold-link" role="profile-hover" data-qtip-container="body" data-id="22186" data-source-page-controller="question_response_contents" href="/profiles/22186-1w0x1-weather">SSgt Private RallyPoint Member</a> <a class="dark-link bold-link" role="profile-hover" data-qtip-container="body" data-id="520566" data-source-page-controller="question_response_contents" href="/profiles/520566-11b2p-infantryman-airborne">SGT Private RallyPoint Member</a> <a class="dark-link bold-link" role="profile-hover" data-qtip-container="body" data-id="673920" data-source-page-controller="question_response_contents" href="/profiles/673920-sgt-forrest-stewart">SGT Forrest Stewart</a> <a class="dark-link bold-link" role="profile-hover" data-qtip-container="body" data-id="567961" data-source-page-controller="question_response_contents" href="/profiles/567961-11b-infantryman">SPC Private RallyPoint Member</a> SrA Christopher Wright <a class="dark-link bold-link" role="profile-hover" data-qtip-container="body" data-id="419721" data-source-page-controller="question_response_contents" href="/profiles/419721-maj-william-w-bill-price">Maj William W. &#39;Bill&#39; Price</a> <a class="dark-link bold-link" role="profile-hover" data-qtip-container="body" data-id="786799" data-source-page-controller="question_response_contents" href="/profiles/786799-capt-tom-brown">Capt Tom Brown</a> SMSgt Minister Gerald A. Thomas <a class="dark-link bold-link" role="profile-hover" data-qtip-container="body" data-id="287024" data-source-page-controller="question_response_contents" href="/profiles/287024-ssgt-robert-marx">SSgt Robert Marx</a> <a class="dark-link bold-link" role="profile-hover" data-qtip-container="body" data-id="807443" data-source-page-controller="question_response_contents" href="/profiles/807443-sgt-robert-george">SGT Robert George</a> PO2 Ed C. <a class="dark-link bold-link" role="profile-hover" data-qtip-container="body" data-id="138758" data-source-page-controller="question_response_contents" href="/profiles/138758-col-mikel-j-burroughs">COL Mikel J. Burroughs</a> Response by LTC Stephen F. made Dec 15 at 2016 3:09 PM 2016-12-15T15:09:59-05:00 2016-12-15T15:09:59-05:00 Cpl Dennis F. 2162459 <div class="images-v2-count-0"></div>As every story always has multiple viewpoints and &quot;truths&quot;, and I have no idea how your story is going to unfurl or what points you will decide to explore, my questions are these:<br /><br />Will you explore the video evidence that seems to show US operators on the ground during and after the bombing?.....and why they were there?<br /><br />Also will you address the fact that Boston&#39;s constitutional rights were effectively suspended during the search, a.e. house to house warrantless searches and area curfews? Large areas being dealt with in a military manner, as if they were Baghdad?<br /><br /> There is also the question of if this was a False Flag operation launched to advance someone&#39;s agenda? Many agencies are very adept at this.<br /><br />Thanks for your time and I look forward to your film. Dennis Response by Cpl Dennis F. made Dec 15 at 2016 3:11 PM 2016-12-15T15:11:59-05:00 2016-12-15T15:11:59-05:00 PO3 Steven Sherrill 2162470 <div class="images-v2-count-0"></div>How much did the City Of Boston Emergency folk provide in the way of technical advice in regards to how they responded during the attack, the immediate aftermath of the attack, up to the Manhunt for the bombers? Response by PO3 Steven Sherrill made Dec 15 at 2016 3:14 PM 2016-12-15T15:14:45-05:00 2016-12-15T15:14:45-05:00 SGT David A. 'Cowboy' Groth 2162476 <div class="images-v2-count-0"></div>How much detail will be put into the movie from the incident? Or are they going to use news footage to simulate the blast. Response by SGT David A. 'Cowboy' Groth made Dec 15 at 2016 3:16 PM 2016-12-15T15:16:28-05:00 2016-12-15T15:16:28-05:00 Kanika Misra 2162480 <div class="images-v2-count-0"></div>Sgt Pugliese, this one is for you - would you say the days of, and surrounding, the Boston Marathon and the shootout in Watertown were the hardest of your career? Is there anything in your past that had prepared you for something like this? Response by Kanika Misra made Dec 15 at 2016 3:17 PM 2016-12-15T15:17:34-05:00 2016-12-15T15:17:34-05:00 CMSgt Frank Dailey 2162490 <div class="images-v2-count-0"></div>Peter, I am very familiar to the intelligence story of how they Isolated and and ID&#39;ed the Terrorist, one of my Lt&#39;s who went to work with the FBI on human trafficing was the person who walked into the operations center and said hey I am one of the only people trained to do this in the immediate area. Emily took less than a couple hours to find the first brother and then was the break the entire case needed? Does your movie show how our military experience can be highly effective in the support of our domestic counter terrorism response. We are trained and capable and willing to make a difference in the world. Response by CMSgt Frank Dailey made Dec 15 at 2016 3:20 PM 2016-12-15T15:20:20-05:00 2016-12-15T15:20:20-05:00 Ka Abner Anievas 2162515 <div class="images-v2-count-0"></div>More of a compliment to the movie...&quot;thank for creating the film&quot; Response by Ka Abner Anievas made Dec 15 at 2016 3:26 PM 2016-12-15T15:26:35-05:00 2016-12-15T15:26:35-05:00 SGT Private RallyPoint Member 2162576 <div class="images-v2-count-0"></div>Do you make any references to how our military posture affects our homeland security? Did the drawback of troops make our country became more vulnerable to attack? Can you compare this to how many counties live their day to day life in fear? Response by SGT Private RallyPoint Member made Dec 15 at 2016 3:48 PM 2016-12-15T15:48:00-05:00 2016-12-15T15:48:00-05:00 CSM David Heidke 2162582 <div class="images-v2-count-0"></div>How was it working with Frank Czarnowski?! (Watertown Cop#2). Is he the next De Nero or what?! Response by CSM David Heidke made Dec 15 at 2016 3:50 PM 2016-12-15T15:50:26-05:00 2016-12-15T15:50:26-05:00 SGT Private RallyPoint Member 2162586 <div class="images-v2-count-0"></div>I&#39;m hoping a look at civilians who were touched by PTSD from this event can spread compassion for the troops that come home with it. Some companies won&#39;t hire due to a stigma of the broken man/woman. Response by SGT Private RallyPoint Member made Dec 15 at 2016 3:51 PM 2016-12-15T15:51:45-05:00 2016-12-15T15:51:45-05:00 1LT William Clardy 2162590 <div class="images-v2-count-0"></div>Mr. Berg and Mr. Wahlberg, while making your film, did you address the temptation to overreact (e.g., &quot;locking down&quot; hundreds of thousands of residents to catch 2 suspects, forcing people out of their houses at gunpoint while searching neighborhoods) and how it may have inadvertently heightened the fear felt in the aftermath of the attack? Response by 1LT William Clardy made Dec 15 at 2016 3:52 PM 2016-12-15T15:52:53-05:00 2016-12-15T15:52:53-05:00 SFC Private RallyPoint Member 2162599 <div class="images-v2-count-0"></div>What do we expect to accomplish by creating a movie that shows terrorist attacks on our own soil? Are we trying to promote a certain ideology or exasperate the situation and increase Islamophobia? Perhaps we are trying to bring light to our failed immigration policies and the fact that there are radicalized people in our country that wish to do harm to American&#39;s? Then by all means lets make a movie where we show people being dismembered, what could it hurt?<br />I apologize if my reply is harsh but I recall what happened on Sept 11th 2001 without a movie to remind me. Perhaps we could make a movie about the before and after of that fateful event and the cynicism of people in America? It amazed me how patriotic our country became on Sept 12th, the cries for revenge and the bursting of American pride. The sales of American flag went through the roof as people tried to show the patriotism and support that they hadn&#39;t in years. However, if you rewind and slowly fast forward to today you will notice that patriotic attitude slowly fade away to the now accepted burning of that once revered flag. <br />Lets try to create movies that bring us together as a nation rather than divide us. Response by SFC Private RallyPoint Member made Dec 15 at 2016 3:56 PM 2016-12-15T15:56:00-05:00 2016-12-15T15:56:00-05:00 LTC Private RallyPoint Member 2162604 <div class="images-v2-count-0"></div>How much impact did the survivors of the bombing and manhunt have on the crew and filming? Knowing one of the officers that was shot in the manhunt, I&#39;m curious to the level of input the law enforcement and survivors had. Response by LTC Private RallyPoint Member made Dec 15 at 2016 3:59 PM 2016-12-15T15:59:53-05:00 2016-12-15T15:59:53-05:00 LCDR Rich Bishop 2162633 <div class="images-v2-count-0"></div>Did you incorporate how they got radicalized? How social media played a part in there radicalization, how social media helped law enforcement and how some people…[See More]<br />Edit Response by LCDR Rich Bishop made Dec 15 at 2016 4:06 PM 2016-12-15T16:06:56-05:00 2016-12-15T16:06:56-05:00 MAJ Montgomery Granger 2162641 <div class="images-v2-count-0"></div>What is the main message you hope an audience member takes away from your film? Why? Response by MAJ Montgomery Granger made Dec 15 at 2016 4:10 PM 2016-12-15T16:10:05-05:00 2016-12-15T16:10:05-05:00 Courtney Minturn 2162646 <div class="images-v2-count-0"></div>Hi Mr. Berg. Thank you and RP for allowing me to ask you a question about the new film. I used to work for The Central Intelligence Agency. I automatically notice right away when too much information is given on what is great tradecraft, technologies and methodologies that are still very relevent and then they are divulged in movies, tv and books. An example is when Top Secret information was given out about which Team was responsible for Bin Laden mission and what was discovered. That was TOP SECRET information. It only took a few sentences on TV and then our Seal Team 6 Members were killed in Extortion17 in retaliation. (And that is another subject because that movie must be made!) <br />Anyway, do you believe you have reviewed the movie before release and looked for these Top Secret methodologies, etc., so that we know 100% that nothing is being divulged? We all know that terrorists watch our movies, tv, and read our books to learn whatever they can about our practices.<br />Looking at your film in that viewpoint, do you believe that your film has NOT gone too far in divulging our Top Secret Tradecraft / Technologies / Methodologies because we all know that terrorists will be watching this film. Thank you very much. Also I LOVE LONE SURVIVOR - it is one of my very favorite movies!! Sincerely, Courtney Minturn Response by Courtney Minturn made Dec 15 at 2016 4:11 PM 2016-12-15T16:11:02-05:00 2016-12-15T16:11:02-05:00 MAJ Montgomery Granger 2162647 <div class="images-v2-count-0"></div>What is the main thing you want the audience to take away from your film? Why? Response by MAJ Montgomery Granger made Dec 15 at 2016 4:11 PM 2016-12-15T16:11:10-05:00 2016-12-15T16:11:10-05:00 MSgt J D McKee 2162663 <div class="images-v2-count-0"></div>I&#39;d like Mr Wahlberg to confirm or deny this quote attributed to him: “Well, I would love it if they could take all the guns away… Certainly, I haven’t used a gun anywhere other than on a movie set and I’d like to see if we could take them all away. It would be a beautiful thing.”<br /><br />And if he really said that, how dare he play the sorts of characters he does. I mean, if he doesn&#39;t want me, and the rest of the people who put their asses on the line for their country to be armed if they like, he should go play an accountant or a lawyer and leave guns out of his movies.<br /><br />I&#39;m sick of the Hollywood hypocrites. I can&#39;t watch Matt Damon, Mark Wahlberg, and especially Jim Carey (google his movie about Charleston Heston) without their politics ruining it for me. Even Captain America (Chris Evans) had to get on Twitter and go all anti-gun.<br /><br />I hate it. The list of stars who have ruined their action movies for me is growing, and the thing of it is, probably most are just parroting stuff to keep their jobs in liberal-assed Hollywood and don&#39;t have an actual opinion. Response by MSgt J D McKee made Dec 15 at 2016 4:13 PM 2016-12-15T16:13:28-05:00 2016-12-15T16:13:28-05:00 Cpl Joshua Caldwell 2162695 <div class="images-v2-count-0"></div>I retired from a job in Counter Terrorism for DHS, I know a lot of guys that will be looking forward to seeing this movie. <br />In Lone Survivor you were able to keep the movie technically and tactically accurate. How did you prepare for this movie? Did you seek out or train with any local or federal law enforcement agencies? Response by Cpl Joshua Caldwell made Dec 15 at 2016 4:22 PM 2016-12-15T16:22:06-05:00 2016-12-15T16:22:06-05:00 SFC Stephen King 2162729 <div class="images-v2-count-0"></div>What charitable organizations to you support and why? Response by SFC Stephen King made Dec 15 at 2016 4:30 PM 2016-12-15T16:30:39-05:00 2016-12-15T16:30:39-05:00 COL Michael Freeman 2162739 <div class="images-v2-count-0"></div>Mr. Berg, when you create a motion picture that tells a story of an event that caused severe Post-Traumatic Stress for one or many, do you wonder what effect the movie will have on those who suffer from PTSD? Do you think it is good for a PTSD sufferer to watch one of these movies? Response by COL Michael Freeman made Dec 15 at 2016 4:32 PM 2016-12-15T16:32:22-05:00 2016-12-15T16:32:22-05:00 Ken Kraetzer 2162746 <div class="images-v2-count-0"></div>Such a terrible day, a friend of ours, a retired Navy chaplain, was running in the race as he does each year and was a short distance from finishing when the bombing occurred. He went into rabbi mode helping out were he could, would only mention helping a child find her parent. Did you cover some of the countless acts like this of volunteers stepping up to do what they could in a horrendous situation? Response by Ken Kraetzer made Dec 15 at 2016 4:33 PM 2016-12-15T16:33:57-05:00 2016-12-15T16:33:57-05:00 PO1 Todd Cousins 2162799 <div class="images-v2-count-0"></div>After spending more then 23 years in medicine, mostly emergency medicine, on both the military and the civilian did you all have the time to touch any of the stories of the EMT&#39;s, nurses or doctors that worked with the injured and dieing that sad day? Response by PO1 Todd Cousins made Dec 15 at 2016 4:55 PM 2016-12-15T16:55:17-05:00 2016-12-15T16:55:17-05:00 PFC John Villarreal 2162800 <div class="images-v2-count-0"></div>&quot;Based on true events&quot; My question would be to respectfully ask what, if any liberties, will be taken to add to the movie?<br />I ask this because in many movies based on true events, there have been many historical inaccuracies. I do really want to see this movie. Response by PFC John Villarreal made Dec 15 at 2016 4:55 PM 2016-12-15T16:55:42-05:00 2016-12-15T16:55:42-05:00 CPT Chris Loomis 2162862 <div class="images-v2-count-0"></div>Thank you for joining us here on RP. <br /><br />Please excuse me if these questions have already been asked. <br /><br />1. How many of the actual first responders to the incident have been consulted for this film, and are any of them seen in the film in their actual capacity on the day of the incident?<br /><br />2. What sort of &quot;boot camp&quot; did the actors go through for this movie? For example, were FEMA courses attended? Did anyone receive training as a Paramedic or become educated in tactical medicine? Did anyone attend a police academy or SWAT school?<br /><br />3. Does the movie honestly portray the successes and failures of those that responded to the incident?<br /><br />4. Are there any end notes stating what happened to the people in the time after then incident? Response by CPT Chris Loomis made Dec 15 at 2016 5:20 PM 2016-12-15T17:20:22-05:00 2016-12-15T17:20:22-05:00 COL David Turk 2162892 <div class="images-v2-count-0"></div>More of a comment than a question. Obviously I have not seen the film, but if there are any references to the military, I hope that the uniforms are correct, the language (terminology) is correct, and that the individuals are not portrayed as bumbling and/or inept. Thanks. Response by COL David Turk made Dec 15 at 2016 5:31 PM 2016-12-15T17:31:28-05:00 2016-12-15T17:31:28-05:00 LT John Chang 2162968 <div class="images-v2-count-0"></div>For <a class="dark-link bold-link" role="profile-hover" data-qtip-container="body" data-id="1037616" data-source-page-controller="question_response_contents" href="/profiles/1037616-peter-berg">Peter Berg</a> I&#39;ve been a fan of your body of work since Friday Night Lights, and notice that a common thread are characters with a lot of heart and commitment to something bigger. How do you choose which projects to green light and commit to making into reality? Response by LT John Chang made Dec 15 at 2016 6:08 PM 2016-12-15T18:08:45-05:00 2016-12-15T18:08:45-05:00 CPL Paul B. 2162969 <div class="images-v2-count-0"></div>Thank you for bringing awareness to this. God Bless. Response by CPL Paul B. made Dec 15 at 2016 6:09 PM 2016-12-15T18:09:17-05:00 2016-12-15T18:09:17-05:00 SSG Byron Hewett 2163000 <div class="images-v2-count-0"></div>Do you use veterans or service members currently serving in the armed forces as extras when making these kinds movies and how do you go about recruiting veterans and service members to help out as extras or for small roles for scenes that would best suited for someone with a military background.<br /><br />Thanks Response by SSG Byron Hewett made Dec 15 at 2016 6:27 PM 2016-12-15T18:27:18-05:00 2016-12-15T18:27:18-05:00 Sgt Mike Sarris 2163004 <div class="images-v2-count-0"></div>Mr. Berg, you worked with Mark Wahlberg prior to this movie, so you know how he works on a movie set. Being that this movie was about his hometown, how much more focused was he in the making of this movie? Response by Sgt Mike Sarris made Dec 15 at 2016 6:30 PM 2016-12-15T18:30:04-05:00 2016-12-15T18:30:04-05:00 SFC Private RallyPoint Member 2163027 <div class="images-v2-count-0"></div>Why did you choose this specific event to create a film on? Response by SFC Private RallyPoint Member made Dec 15 at 2016 6:47 PM 2016-12-15T18:47:45-05:00 2016-12-15T18:47:45-05:00 CSM Tony Bowen 2163105 <div class="images-v2-count-0"></div>Since it seems like every move any political figure or actor takes in a stance or their beliefs is criticized, I was curious if their was any type of negative publicity, criticism, protests or any of the sort that the showing of this film may have set off. I think it&#39;s great and very heart felt how this nation always seems to come together when a tragedy such as this happens and then after so long it&#39;s back to the same old country that seems to have lost it&#39;s patriotism. Tears my heart apart that we can&#39;t just stay together as patriots always no matter what are beliefs are. Response by CSM Tony Bowen made Dec 15 at 2016 7:29 PM 2016-12-15T19:29:33-05:00 2016-12-15T19:29:33-05:00 LTC Andrew Addison 2163266 <div class="images-v2-count-0"></div>Is any of the money that is made from this movie going towards the victims and their families? Response by LTC Andrew Addison made Dec 15 at 2016 8:43 PM 2016-12-15T20:43:50-05:00 2016-12-15T20:43:50-05:00 Cpl Mark A. Morris 2163397 <div class="images-v2-count-0"></div>Martin William Richard was the 8 year old boy murdered by the second bomb from the warriors for Su&#39;en.<br />Will the movie touch base on tribal warfare and the meaning of placing the bomb next to an 8 year old Saxon child?<br />Thank you for reading my post.<br />M. Morris RVT Response by Cpl Mark A. Morris made Dec 15 at 2016 9:35 PM 2016-12-15T21:35:42-05:00 2016-12-15T21:35:42-05:00 SrA Marianne Santangelo 2163766 <div class="images-v2-count-0"></div>Does the movie include any part about how the perpetrators were brought to justice? Did you use any live coverage of the trials? Response by SrA Marianne Santangelo made Dec 16 at 2016 12:11 AM 2016-12-16T00:11:55-05:00 2016-12-16T00:11:55-05:00 Sgt Aaron Irby 2164006 <div class="images-v2-count-0"></div>What type of light are you going to shed on the individuals who perpetrated the crime and what view will you be casting on Islam as a whole? Response by Sgt Aaron Irby made Dec 16 at 2016 5:50 AM 2016-12-16T05:50:33-05:00 2016-12-16T05:50:33-05:00 SFC Scott Parkhurst 2164061 <div class="images-v2-count-0"></div>Having been not only a former police officer and of course an Army combat medic, but also runner, I truly hope that you used &quot;real&quot; folks as far as some of the background actors. But suggest to employ some therapists on set just in case.....I&#39;m also an actor (trying to return after being injured) now and have found that doing films such as these can actually be very healing but scary at the same time. I like this film to hopefully not get to deep into the terrorists end of it because I don&#39;t want them getting any power whatsoever. Although I do understand the manhunt and so forth. I just hope to see and hear more about the real &quot;people&quot;, not these two jerks... This is awesome to know that it&#39;s focused on the men and women behind the scenes as well as in front! Great &quot;story&quot; and good choice(s) of actors. I have a strong feeling this we&#39;ll be very well accepted and admired. Thank you for doing it. Response by SFC Scott Parkhurst made Dec 16 at 2016 6:34 AM 2016-12-16T06:34:51-05:00 2016-12-16T06:34:51-05:00 SGT R J Imhoff 2164247 <div class="images-v2-count-0"></div>Can you use actual footage from that day? Response by SGT R J Imhoff made Dec 16 at 2016 8:19 AM 2016-12-16T08:19:21-05:00 2016-12-16T08:19:21-05:00 CWO2 B. Sean Fairburn 2164652 <div class="images-v2-count-0"></div>Nick Petros, Very cool to host this discussion via RP. Great questions and great answers. I would have loved to join in But Being Santa and Building a Makerspace for Veterans is keeping me busy in December. Semper Fi Response by CWO2 B. Sean Fairburn made Dec 16 at 2016 10:20 AM 2016-12-16T10:20:52-05:00 2016-12-16T10:20:52-05:00 CWO2 B. Sean Fairburn 2164664 <div class="images-v2-count-0"></div>Nick Petros thanks for Hosting this discussion here on RP. Good discussion all around. Semper Fi. Response by CWO2 B. Sean Fairburn made Dec 16 at 2016 10:22 AM 2016-12-16T10:22:56-05:00 2016-12-16T10:22:56-05:00 Maj Mike Sciales 2164810 <div class="images-v2-count-0"></div>Will they show how the radicalization of those involved in the bombing? This is a great opportunity to expose America to that ugly truth about &quot;how it happens&quot; in terms of radicalized Americans or lawful immigrants who become radicalized. Show the environment those bad guys grew up in, like in South Boston, which we all know from all those other made in Boston movies, is not a hot bed of liberal thoughts and welcoming disposition to strangers. Show how a constant barrage of disparaging comments and images can push a seemingly normal person over into a radical acting out. It&#39;s great to show the movie stars being heroes, but we all might be better served by highlighting and pointing out the events that led to Mark Walhberg&#39;s character being a hero and help make ordinary movie goers become aware that some of their actions contribute to the problem. Response by Maj Mike Sciales made Dec 16 at 2016 11:01 AM 2016-12-16T11:01:51-05:00 2016-12-16T11:01:51-05:00 SGT Private RallyPoint Member 2164959 <div class="images-v2-count-0"></div>My honest opinion is that some things are better left alone. I was born in Cambridge, lived in Medford and never left Massachusetts until I joined the Army. I have a huge sense of pride with where I come from, but I feel it is still too soon. I had family in Waltham, friends that were working in Boston near where it happened, an aunt at Brigham and Women&#39;s and a grandmother that worked at Spaulding rehab in Cambridge where some of the victims went to. I personally do not want want to relive any of what I felt that day and I wasn&#39;t injured during it. Response by SGT Private RallyPoint Member made Dec 16 at 2016 12:08 PM 2016-12-16T12:08:11-05:00 2016-12-16T12:08:11-05:00 1SG Patrick Sims 2165073 <div class="images-v2-count-0"></div>I would like to thank Mr. Berg for making the movie, and Mr. Wahlberg for acting in it. It seems that many people in Hollywood ignore the average American citizen, unless we&#39;re a member of a minority group. Response by 1SG Patrick Sims made Dec 16 at 2016 12:48 PM 2016-12-16T12:48:40-05:00 2016-12-16T12:48:40-05:00 Sgt William Straub Jr. 2165220 <div class="images-v2-count-0"></div>Are they going to soft pedal the political and religious affiliations of the perpetrators for PC? Response by Sgt William Straub Jr. made Dec 16 at 2016 1:33 PM 2016-12-16T13:33:18-05:00 2016-12-16T13:33:18-05:00 MSgt Private RallyPoint Member 2165394 <div class="images-v2-count-0"></div>To couple with Cpl Tim Callahan&#39;s question, were any first responders from the Boston Marathon bombing incorporated into the cast? Response by MSgt Private RallyPoint Member made Dec 16 at 2016 2:33 PM 2016-12-16T14:33:11-05:00 2016-12-16T14:33:11-05:00 CWO3 Private RallyPoint Member 2166634 <div class="images-v2-count-0"></div>Why did you call your movie Patriots Day. Nothing was patriotic about that day. It&#39;s should have been call A Day of Mayhem since it was a bombing that had killed and injured a lot of people who were involved with running the Boston Marathon. You give to much credit to terrorism and how easy it was to kill innocent human beings and the lackadaisical security of this major event. Response by CWO3 Private RallyPoint Member made Dec 16 at 2016 11:27 PM 2016-12-16T23:27:20-05:00 2016-12-16T23:27:20-05:00 Capt Private RallyPoint Member 2166721 <div class="images-v2-count-0"></div>What was the main emotion you focused on when writing and filming the movie? Ultimately, what do you want the viewers to take away from the movie as a message? Was your motivation for filming the movie to highlight lone wolf terrorism, pay homage to the first responders, or share compassion for the victims? <br /><br />Thank you for allowing me to ask just a few questions! Response by Capt Private RallyPoint Member made Dec 17 at 2016 12:22 AM 2016-12-17T00:22:15-05:00 2016-12-17T00:22:15-05:00 SN Victoria Glover 2166842 <div class="images-v2-count-0"></div>Mr. Berg. Thank you for such a great job with telling Marcus Luttrell&#39;s story. Mr. Wahlberg and Mr. Berg how did making these types of movies affect you personally? Response by SN Victoria Glover made Dec 17 at 2016 2:11 AM 2016-12-17T02:11:09-05:00 2016-12-17T02:11:09-05:00 MAJ Karen Wall 2170795 <div class="images-v2-count-0"></div>Why?????? Do we really need to make a movie out of every time we have a terrorist attack? This worldwide publicity is just what terrorists want. Response by MAJ Karen Wall made Dec 18 at 2016 10:14 PM 2016-12-18T22:14:34-05:00 2016-12-18T22:14:34-05:00 COL Mikel J. Burroughs 2172465 <div class="images-v2-count-1"><div class="content-picture image-v2-number-1" id="image-125210"> <div class="social_icons social-buttons-on-image"> <a href='https://www.facebook.com/sharer/sharer.php?u=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.rallypoint.com%2Fanswers%2Fwhat-would-you-ask-the-creators-of-patriots-day-a-movie-about-the-boston-marathon-bombing%3Futm_source%3DFacebook%26utm_medium%3Dorganic%26utm_campaign%3DShare%20to%20facebook' target="_blank" class='social-share-button facebook-share-button'><i class="fa fa-facebook-f"></i></a> <a href="https://twitter.com/intent/tweet?text=What+would+you+ask+the+creators+of+Patriots+Day%2C+a+movie+about+the+Boston+Marathon+bombing%3F&amp;url=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.rallypoint.com%2Fanswers%2Fwhat-would-you-ask-the-creators-of-patriots-day-a-movie-about-the-boston-marathon-bombing&amp;via=RallyPoint" target="_blank" class="social-share-button twitter-custom-share-button"><i class="fa fa-twitter"></i></a> <a href="mailto:?subject=Check this out on RallyPoint!&body=Hi, I thought you would find this interesting:%0D%0AWhat would you ask the creators of Patriots Day, a movie about the Boston Marathon bombing?%0D%0A %0D%0AHere is the link: https://www.rallypoint.com/answers/what-would-you-ask-the-creators-of-patriots-day-a-movie-about-the-boston-marathon-bombing" target="_blank" class="social-share-button email-share-button"><i class="fa fa-envelope"></i></a> </div> <a class="fancybox" rel="cd6f64dd22da2361972d5c05a8a1e894" href="https://d1ndsj6b8hkqu9.cloudfront.net/pictures/images/000/125/210/for_gallery_v2/9f089c7b.png"><img src="https://d1ndsj6b8hkqu9.cloudfront.net/pictures/images/000/125/210/large_v3/9f089c7b.png" alt="9f089c7b" /></a></div></div>RP Member and Connections check out this RP Team Discussion and let&#39;s get some great questions out to Peter Berg and Sgt Jeff Pugliese, so we can get some awesome responses. Let&#39;s make it happen!<br /> Response by COL Mikel J. Burroughs made Dec 19 at 2016 2:53 PM 2016-12-19T14:53:56-05:00 2016-12-19T14:53:56-05:00 COL Mikel J. Burroughs 2172488 <div class="images-v2-count-1"><div class="content-picture image-v2-number-1" id="image-125212"> <div class="social_icons social-buttons-on-image"> <a href='https://www.facebook.com/sharer/sharer.php?u=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.rallypoint.com%2Fanswers%2Fwhat-would-you-ask-the-creators-of-patriots-day-a-movie-about-the-boston-marathon-bombing%3Futm_source%3DFacebook%26utm_medium%3Dorganic%26utm_campaign%3DShare%20to%20facebook' target="_blank" class='social-share-button facebook-share-button'><i class="fa fa-facebook-f"></i></a> <a href="https://twitter.com/intent/tweet?text=What+would+you+ask+the+creators+of+Patriots+Day%2C+a+movie+about+the+Boston+Marathon+bombing%3F&amp;url=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.rallypoint.com%2Fanswers%2Fwhat-would-you-ask-the-creators-of-patriots-day-a-movie-about-the-boston-marathon-bombing&amp;via=RallyPoint" target="_blank" class="social-share-button twitter-custom-share-button"><i class="fa fa-twitter"></i></a> <a href="mailto:?subject=Check this out on RallyPoint!&body=Hi, I thought you would find this interesting:%0D%0AWhat would you ask the creators of Patriots Day, a movie about the Boston Marathon bombing?%0D%0A %0D%0AHere is the link: https://www.rallypoint.com/answers/what-would-you-ask-the-creators-of-patriots-day-a-movie-about-the-boston-marathon-bombing" target="_blank" class="social-share-button email-share-button"><i class="fa fa-envelope"></i></a> </div> <a class="fancybox" rel="c32c68d000ff8f3ef7bb9ace7712c2e0" href="https://d1ndsj6b8hkqu9.cloudfront.net/pictures/images/000/125/212/for_gallery_v2/1034476a.jpg"><img src="https://d1ndsj6b8hkqu9.cloudfront.net/pictures/images/000/125/212/large_v3/1034476a.jpg" alt="1034476a" /></a></div></div> Response by COL Mikel J. Burroughs made Dec 19 at 2016 3:06 PM 2016-12-19T15:06:15-05:00 2016-12-19T15:06:15-05:00 PO2 Steven Hardy 2183296 <div class="images-v2-count-0"></div>Thank you Mr. Berg, Mr. Wahlberg, and all the people involved in making this film. What is something you&#39;ve learned, Mr Berg, as one not from Boston, and Mr. Whalberg, one from Boston, in researching this film that stood out.? Response by PO2 Steven Hardy made Dec 23 at 2016 7:18 AM 2016-12-23T07:18:09-05:00 2016-12-23T07:18:09-05:00 MGySgt Gerry Sweeten 2299340 <div class="images-v2-count-0"></div>A friend of mine went to see the movie but left after less than 10 minutes. He said the &quot;F&quot; bomb was dropped a lot in that first few minutes....my question--why did you have to use so much profanity???? Response by MGySgt Gerry Sweeten made Jan 31 at 2017 10:29 AM 2017-01-31T10:29:38-05:00 2017-01-31T10:29:38-05:00 Sgt William Straub Jr. 2306278 <div class="images-v2-count-0"></div>I read all the questions and found them very interesting, with the exception of what at least to me, to be conspiracy theories. False Flag? Where is any evidence of this?<br />Also, where would I look to find the answers given to these questions? <br />Thanks for posting this Colonel. Response by Sgt William Straub Jr. made Feb 2 at 2017 12:02 PM 2017-02-02T12:02:20-05:00 2017-02-02T12:02:20-05:00 SPC Eric Rudy 3835070 <div class="images-v2-count-0"></div>I would ask Peter Berg when is he going to make a movie about the Hunt for Sadam Husain? Response by SPC Eric Rudy made Jul 29 at 2018 10:31 AM 2018-07-29T10:31:43-04:00 2018-07-29T10:31:43-04:00 SFC Joe S. Davis Jr., MSM, DSL 7162199 <div class="images-v2-count-0"></div>Thanks for sharing Response by SFC Joe S. Davis Jr., MSM, DSL made Aug 5 at 2021 10:40 PM 2021-08-05T22:40:05-04:00 2021-08-05T22:40:05-04:00 2016-12-13T08:41:32-05:00