SPC July Macias8827055<div class="images-v2-count-0"></div>I'm curious how you'd react if you're the drill instructor.What Would Happen if a Recruit Tells a Drill Sergeant What His/Her Pronouns Are?2024-07-27T19:06:13-04:00SPC July Macias8827055<div class="images-v2-count-0"></div>I'm curious how you'd react if you're the drill instructor.What Would Happen if a Recruit Tells a Drill Sergeant What His/Her Pronouns Are?2024-07-27T19:06:13-04:002024-07-27T19:06:13-04:00SSG Roger Ayscue8827097<div class="images-v2-count-0"></div>I would look at the Recruit and say "Your Pronoun is Private, My Pronoun is Drill Sergeant." <br />There is nothing else that needs to be said.Response by SSG Roger Ayscue made Jul 27 at 2024 7:53 PM2024-07-27T19:53:08-04:002024-07-27T19:53:08-04:00MSG Private RallyPoint Member8827304<div class="images-v2-count-0"></div>Had 2 DS in my Basic that had a workaround years before this came to pass. One called everyone "Hero" and the other always called us by "Hey, Stupid."Response by MSG Private RallyPoint Member made Jul 28 at 2024 1:22 AM2024-07-28T01:22:35-04:002024-07-28T01:22:35-04:00SPC James Neidig8827327<div class="images-v2-count-0"></div>All Of The Drill Instructors I Had Would Have Said, Your Pronoun Is Maggot ! Front Leaning Rest And Give Me 20 And Then Ran Them Till The DI Got Tired.Response by SPC James Neidig made Jul 28 at 2024 2:33 AM2024-07-28T02:33:41-04:002024-07-28T02:33:41-04:00CPT Lawrence Cable8827538<div class="images-v2-count-0"></div>My Drill Sergeants would have introduced you to a whole new series of nouns and pronouns, then made a series of suggestions that I'm pretty sure are physically impossible, but I never pushed it enough to find out for sure.Response by CPT Lawrence Cable made Jul 28 at 2024 11:20 AM2024-07-28T11:20:59-04:002024-07-28T11:20:59-04:00Cpl Vic Burk8827585<div class="images-v2-count-0"></div>Our drill instructors routinely called us, "You f**king bitches" among other things! I wouldn't trade my boot camp experience for anything. It was a major turning point in my life.Response by Cpl Vic Burk made Jul 28 at 2024 12:26 PM2024-07-28T12:26:10-04:002024-07-28T12:26:10-04:00SGT Lorenzo Nieto8828432<div class="images-v2-count-0"></div>When I was in there was no such thingResponse by SGT Lorenzo Nieto made Jul 29 at 2024 7:22 AM2024-07-29T07:22:57-04:002024-07-29T07:22:57-04:00SSG Tim Newell, PhD8832010<div class="images-v2-count-0"></div>OMG! So, for starters, agree with the other posted responses. I joined in the 80's, when this was not a thing. However, as I read your question/post, I started literally laughing out loud in public as I imagined Drill Sergeant Lowe's response! I reclassed as a PFC, and drove my POV to my AIT. AS I got out of my car, and was dragging my duffle AND suitcase to the company area, this SHORT SFC RAN up to me, yelling and spitting "where the F*CK have you been, Private? Just going on and on, I was not able to get in a single word. When he finally ran out of steam, I told him who I was and why I was there. Since there were no trainees around, he became more polite, and we discussed stuff. That being said, I can only imagine what would/could have happened if I brought up pronouns!<br />That being said, if I was ever a Drill Instructor, I probably would have stroked out from the sheer amount of yelling and screaming.Response by SSG Tim Newell, PhD made Aug 2 at 2024 8:23 AM2024-08-02T08:23:26-04:002024-08-02T08:23:26-04:00MSG Gerry Poe8835024<div class="images-v2-count-0"></div>I went to Basic and AIT back in 1994, so the only words coming out of my mouth when addressing the Drill Instructor was "Drill Sergeant, my question or response, and lastly Drill Sergeant!" However, if a Soldier ask me that question today, I will most likely just tell the Soldier I was a him/he and next to "beat feet out of my face!" lolResponse by MSG Gerry Poe made Aug 5 at 2024 4:11 PM2024-08-05T16:11:18-04:002024-08-05T16:11:18-04:00SSG Private RallyPoint Member8847226<div class="images-v2-count-0"></div>"Okay..... Anyways...(moves on to completely different topic)"Response by SSG Private RallyPoint Member made Aug 20 at 2024 12:36 AM2024-08-20T00:36:41-04:002024-08-20T00:36:41-04:00Cpl Craig Howard8868420<div class="images-v2-count-0"></div>I would love to see what any of my Marine D.I.'s would say back in the '80s. We had a diverse platoon as well as diversity in our DI's. And all we saw was GREEN. The same went for gender, but we only had two back then.Response by Cpl Craig Howard made Sep 14 at 2024 12:09 PM2024-09-14T12:09:38-04:002024-09-14T12:09:38-04:00Maj John Bell8915000<div class="images-v2-count-1"><div class="content-picture image-v2-number-1" id="image-903328"> <div class="social_icons social-buttons-on-image">
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<a class="fancybox" rel="68755ff229c7748a2addc07708347c61" href="https://d1ndsj6b8hkqu9.cloudfront.net/pictures/images/000/903/328/for_gallery_v2/a9ceb909.jpg"><img src="https://d1ndsj6b8hkqu9.cloudfront.net/pictures/images/000/903/328/large_v3/a9ceb909.jpg" alt="A9ceb909" /></a></div></div>Response by Maj John Bell made Dec 6 at 2024 9:21 PM2024-12-06T21:21:03-05:002024-12-06T21:21:03-05:00SSG Frank Bova8931083<div class="images-v2-count-0"></div>Would say, I didn’t ask you for that. Drop for 20Response by SSG Frank Bova made Jan 12 at 2025 2:51 PM2025-01-12T14:51:46-05:002025-01-12T14:51:46-05:002024-07-27T19:06:13-04:00