SGT Private RallyPoint Member 8826475 <div class="images-v2-count-0"></div>Hello.<br />I will be at Goodfellow AFB for the 35P (KP) AIT this November. I&#39;m curious about the experience as a MOS-T soldier. <br />During my time in 11B OSUT, MOS-T/prior services and IET soldiers all stayed in one large barracks room. We weren&#39;t even allowed to use phones or go out. So, I&#39;m pretty new to the AIT environment. <br /><br />Anyway, I haven&#39;t received a welcome letter from the school, and I couldn&#39;t find much information on the ATRRS and 344th MI BN pages. The information on ATRRS seemed outdated and vague, and the in-process letter on the 344th page only mentioned 35N. <br /><br />1. ATRRS states students are not authorized rental cars or in/out mileages. Does this restriction apply only to IET soldiers? Can I bring my POV?<br />2. Should I wait till they send the welcome letter? Or should I contact the 344th MI BN staff duty or S3 to find out more? <br />3. How&#39;s the class environment and tempo?<br />4. I’m already stationed at JBLM. Will they send me back to JBLM? <br />5. Can I take a pass to off-post or holiday leave? <br />6. Any other advice before heading to Goodfellow AFB? <br /><br />I appreciate your guidance! What should I expect as a MOS-T soldier in 35P AIT? 2024-07-27T00:09:22-04:00 SGT Private RallyPoint Member 8826475 <div class="images-v2-count-0"></div>Hello.<br />I will be at Goodfellow AFB for the 35P (KP) AIT this November. I&#39;m curious about the experience as a MOS-T soldier. <br />During my time in 11B OSUT, MOS-T/prior services and IET soldiers all stayed in one large barracks room. We weren&#39;t even allowed to use phones or go out. So, I&#39;m pretty new to the AIT environment. <br /><br />Anyway, I haven&#39;t received a welcome letter from the school, and I couldn&#39;t find much information on the ATRRS and 344th MI BN pages. The information on ATRRS seemed outdated and vague, and the in-process letter on the 344th page only mentioned 35N. <br /><br />1. ATRRS states students are not authorized rental cars or in/out mileages. Does this restriction apply only to IET soldiers? Can I bring my POV?<br />2. Should I wait till they send the welcome letter? Or should I contact the 344th MI BN staff duty or S3 to find out more? <br />3. How&#39;s the class environment and tempo?<br />4. I’m already stationed at JBLM. Will they send me back to JBLM? <br />5. Can I take a pass to off-post or holiday leave? <br />6. Any other advice before heading to Goodfellow AFB? <br /><br />I appreciate your guidance! What should I expect as a MOS-T soldier in 35P AIT? 2024-07-27T00:09:22-04:00 2024-07-27T00:09:22-04:00 MSG Private RallyPoint Member 8826501 <div class="images-v2-count-0"></div>Apparently, AVD wants to play games with me to where I can&#39;t get into ATRRS, so I will answer as best I can:<br /><br />Each AIT is going to be different regarding MOS-T/Prior Service Students. The norm is that MOS-T/Prior Service Students are afforded different/better treatment (think Permanent Party). Usually they are housed in different barracks. Not always, but usually. I&#39;ve known many an MOS-T Student bring their POV to AIT. You&#39;d more than likely be required to attend PRT with IET Soldiers, along with class, but otherwise will be told to stay away from them. You will more than likely be allowed to take Pass on the weekends.<br /><br />I would recommend you contact the Staff Duty that holds the training to ask them about your POV.<br /><br />As for returning to JBLM, you will know once you receive your orders as you will be notified if your reclass is TDY En Route or TDY and Return. Response by MSG Private RallyPoint Member made Jul 27 at 2024 3:46 AM 2024-07-27T03:46:27-04:00 2024-07-27T03:46:27-04:00 SGM Private RallyPoint Member 8826615 <div class="images-v2-count-0"></div>1. You can probably bring your POV, you will only be reimbursed up to the cost of the flight, your DTS will need to include a CTW for that.<br />2. call them<br />3. different, this course teaches all four branches, and they do not have barracks or billeting for MOS-T TDY students, you will be in an IHG or similar room for the duration, and paying cash at the dining facility, reimbursed at the Meals Available rate on DTS.<br />4. no guarantee.<br />5. pass and leave policies will be adjusted based on the worst MOS-T student in your class. But your class will include Christmas exodus, you will be authorized leave to fly/drive home on your own dime. If you return late you will be dropped or recycled.<br />6. Your DLPT scores are out of date, according to your profile. You will need a current DLPT to avoid the PCS to DLI following MOS school. Response by SGM Private RallyPoint Member made Jul 27 at 2024 8:44 AM 2024-07-27T08:44:26-04:00 2024-07-27T08:44:26-04:00 COL Randall C. 8826629 <div class="images-v2-count-0"></div>As <a class="dark-link bold-link" role="profile-hover" data-qtip-container="body" data-id="198196" data-source-page-controller="question_response_contents" href="/profiles/198196-68s-preventive-medicine-specialist-807th-mdsc-hhc-807th-mdsc">MSG Private RallyPoint Member</a> said, prior service are treated differantly than IET Soldiers. The only thing I would add to that are the words, &quot;IF POSSIBLE&quot;. If possible you&#39;ll be billeted separately from IET students; If possible, you&#39;ll be given more freedom; etc.<br />---------------------------<br />* TRADOC Regulation 350-6 (Enlisted Initial Entry Training Policies and Administration) - <a target="_blank" href=""></a> <div class="pta-link-card answers-template-image type-default"> <div class="pta-link-card-picture"> </div> <div class="pta-link-card-content"> <p class="pta-link-card-title"> <a target="blank" href="">TR350-6.pdf</a> </p> <p class="pta-link-card-description"></p> </div> <div class="clearfix"></div> </div> Response by COL Randall C. made Jul 27 at 2024 9:05 AM 2024-07-27T09:05:20-04:00 2024-07-27T09:05:20-04:00 2024-07-27T00:09:22-04:00